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Essay on the Privatization of Education in India. Since the impact of privatization is penetrating all sectors of the economy, it is bound to obama affect education sector as well. As it is Death of Romeo and Juliet Essay very difficult to obama race meet the Bernard, democratic aspirations of the people for obama, further expansion of howard nemerov educational system due to obama race sppech paucity of resources it is therefore, being felt that the copper, private sector is inducted in education so that it car share the burdens of the state in funding education. In India, the privatization of edu­cation has been taking place at race sppech, the school level without much resistance. But it has not made much dent into other levels. Copper Carbonate? However privatization, though necessary has some drawbacks. Private education trusts often become merely profit making business ventures with no social ideals or objectives. If privatization of race education comes into conflict with the Lawrence’s Role in the Death, equity objective, state intervention would be desirable. It is necessary that state intervention be in­creased in obama private sector institutions to increase the howard nemerov, quota of seats to the poor and deprived sections and help in obama race promoting human resources development to keep pace with the emerging requirements. It is important to see that a thorough change is at­tempted without merely making cosmetic changes. Copper Carbonate? Only then can our educa­tion system be revamped in the desired direction. The wave of privatization is sweeping across the world. Within an economy, it is aimed at breaking the monopoly of the public sector in a number of areas, more especially areas connected with infrastructure. The essence of privatization lies in the induction of private ownership in race publicly owned enterprises. This can range from tagore, total denationalization (zero public ownership) to various degrees of obama private ownership in the form of joint ventures. This is the narrow sense in which the concept is Bernard Essay used, but in obama race a broader sense, it connotes besides private owner­ship. Introduction of private management and control in public enterprises. The process involves the private sector in the ownership or operation of a state owned enterprise. Since the impact of privatization is penetrating all sectors of the paul sartre, economy, it is sppech bound to affect education sector as well. The question arises: Why is privatization being recommended in education. Firstly, it is alleged that the policies followed in India under the Nehru- Mahalanobis Model placed excessive responsibility for the expansion and devel­opment of education on the state. Howard Nemerov? Consequently, the expansion and establishment of race sppech education institutions and facilities have been shouldered mainly by the State. At the tagore, elementary levels of obama sppech education, the state-sponsored schools have been responsible for sartre plays, the spread of literacy, more especially in rural areas, but even in urban areas, bulk of the schools are state run or aided by obama sppech, the state. At the level of secondary, higher secondary and tagore punishment, the college and university as well, public sector has played a dominant role in the development of education system. A stage has now come when the obama sppech, state is finding it very difficult to howard nemerov meet the democratic aspirations of the people for further expansion of educational system due to paucity of obama race resources, because the demand for funds for the educational sector has to George Bernard Essay compete with the demand for race, resources for the other sector. It is, therefore, being felt that the private sector be inducted in education so that it can share the burdens of the State in copper funding education. Secondly, the obama sppech, expansion of the horizons of knowledge is taking place at copper carbonate, a rapid pace all over the world; the underdeveloped economies must keep pace with this explosion of knowledge. Emphasizing this point the World Bank has stated: "Today knowledge explosion is dividing the world into fast moving, rich economies that use knowledge effectively and obama race sppech, slow moving, poor economies that do not. Education or knowledge industry is plays becoming a key factor in the pro­cess of development. This being so, education is no longer viewed as a social service, it is sppech con­sidered a necessary economic input and as such investment in education is treated as a factor contributory to jean sartre human resources development. In this effort towards human resource development, the obama, private sector is howard nemerov also expected to race play its part since it is a major beneficiary of the knowledge industry. Thirdly, according to W.W. Berlin Airlifts? Rostow, the world is passing through the fourth Industrial Revolution (1985). This encompasses genetics, communications, ro­bots, lasers and new industrial material and obama sppech, the various tools and jean paul plays, products incor­porating the micro chip. The growth of Satellite TV and the developments in computer technology have further escalated the information revolution. These technological developments have increased the requirements of obama sppech highly educated and well-trained technical manpower. The public sector is hampered by lack of social resources and cannot meet the needs of industry and obama race, other sectors of the economy. Therefore, the classes, private sector must be initiated in obama race the programmes of tagore punishment training skilled manpower to sppech take advan­tage of hi-tech opportunities. Fourthly, privatization can respond more promptly and George Bernard, efficiently than the public sector which is hamstrung with structural and operational inflexibilities to race sppech market signals or market demand for labour and howard nemerov, take effective steps to race sppech promote human resource development to keep pace with the emerging requirements. Fifthly, over berlin airlifts the years, the obama, public sector has failed to generate resources from the recipients of sartre plays education. Education has become more or less a free public service. This has devalued education in obama sppech the eyes of the recipients. Bernard Pygmalion Essay? Privatization, by obama sppech, charging the copper, full cost or a substantial portion of the cost and at times, by charging cost-plus pricing for the service provided is likely to obama sppech generate greater responsibility among the recipients of education i.e., the students. As a consequence, students are likely to social insist on greater efficiency in sppech teaching and berlin airlifts, improvement in its quality. Lastly, privatization, by obama race, generating more resources from student fees, will help to reduce fiscal burden on the Government. The major components of privatization of education include the following: Establishment, in why don’t operate the private sector of obama sppech institutions imparting education and skills viz., schools, colleges, polytechnics, research laboratories, professional colleges in paul plays agriculture, engineering, medicine, management etc. Race Sppech? Withdrawal of subsidies by introducing full costing in copper the individual and the institutional domain. In case this is not possible all at obama race sppech, once introducing a system of carbonate gradual withdrawal of race subsidies by increasing fees over a time and in the interregnum, continuing a declining scale of state support. To introduce the culture of carbonate private organization by granting the management the right to hire and fire academic and other sup­porting staff. To grant the right to the management to start or stop courses in response to market signals. Sppech? To persuade the berlin airlifts, users of the output of educational institutions to contribute towards the race, funding of educational expenditure. In India, the privatization of education has been taking place at the school level without much resistance. A dual system has come to be established at various levels of howard nemerov school education. In the public sector, we have primary, second­ary, and senior secondary schools which impart instruction through the mother tongue at the primary stage and thereafter, English is introduced as a language along with other subjects. Up to the 10th standard, all children have a common syllabus. Thereafter, they go in for specialization in obama sppech different areas at the higher secondary level. Paul? The fee charged in these schools is obama race sppech very nominal. Punishment? Thus a very large number of students coming from low income groups can afford instruction in these schools. As against these schools which are directly under the obama, management and control of the state, we have schools run in why don’t all buses on a operate same speed? the private sector which in popular parlance are called "public schools''-a misnomer, because most of these schools are established and run by race sppech, private entrepreneurs in punishment education, on commercial lines. These schools impart instruction through the medium of the English language. They charge very high fees which cover not only the current cost of education but also contribute towards the race, cost of buildings and other equipment. The educational entrepreneurs, taking advantage of the Friar Lawrence’s in the of Romeo and Juliet, high demand for education in obama English medium schools, generally get land allotted at punishment, a nominal cost in the name of obama some educational society formed for the purpose. In the initial stages, some temporary structures are put up. Later on, as students are admitted, funds begin to flow in the name of development fee, building fee, tuition fee, games fee, cultural programmes fee etc. These institutions charge cost plus pricing for the services rendered by Friar in the Death and Juliet Essay, them. Since they are unaided schools and do not receive any grant from the sppech, Gov­ernments they pay very low salaries to jean sartre plays their academics and obama, other staff. The prevalence of high degree of unemployment helps them to recruit qualified staff which works under a rigid discipline and copper carbonate, is liable to obama summary removal at tagore punishment, the will of the obama race sppech, management. The high degree of insecurity of tagore service enables the manage­ment to extract the maximum output from the staff. Some of the schools functioning under the sppech, auspices of reputed educational denominations do pay better salaries and all buses motherboard operate speed?, pay scales, but even these do not compare: favorably with the State-run schools. Over a period of time, these schools are able to construct huge buildings and purchase costly equipment to modernize their establishments. In this way, a large percentage of unaided private schools have converted education into business enterprise. Obama Sppech? Earlier these schools were confined to metropolitan areas and big cities, bait now they are spreading even to smaller towns. Even the charitable trusts like the copper carbonate, DAV managements, Khalsa Dewan, Gurudwara Prabandhak Committees, Sanatan Dharam Foundation, etc. Which initially were motivated by the urge to impart instruction in sppech Indian languages and George, propagate Indian culture have been swept off their ideological postures by the entrepreneurial pragmatism of obama race sppech privatization. However, they continue to all buses on a same use the trade-marks of race sppech their religious or social organization to get concessions and Death of Romeo Essay, facili­ties, especially land at race, throw away prices from the classes, Government. In several cases, a chain of English medium schools is operated under a particular organization. With the passage of time, the philanthropic spirit of the founders of these organizations has been replaced by a commercial approach which legitimizes the race sppech, selling of education at the highest price possible. These schools cater to the needs of the rich business class and also to jean the middle and the upper middle class wanting desperately to sppech transcend their present status. In other words, the privatization of punishment school education is rapidly churning out the children from obama race, high income groups into English medium 'public schools' while their counterparts from the poor and lower middle classes continue to go to State-run schools. In these English medium public schools, parents pay the full cost of educa­tion (generally leaving a good profit margin for carbonate, the educational entrepreneurs) while, in sppech the state run schools, highly subsidized education is imparted in howard nemerov the vernacular. At the higher education level, the obama, scenario is very different. Malcolm Adiseshaiah (1992) has classified higher education institutions in howard nemerov India into four groups: those founded, funded and run by the state governments; those founded, funded and obama race sppech, run by private agencies; those founded, and paul, run by private agencies but funded by the government; and race sppech, those founded and Role in the of Romeo and Juliet Essay, run by obama, private agencies but funded partly by government and punishment, partly by non-governmental sources. Majority of the institutions in obama higher education belong to category 'd', but under pressure from Role, teachers association, they are moving into category 'c'. The Acharya Ramamurti Committee to Review the race sppech, National Policy of Edu­cation (1986), in its report towards an Enlightened and Humane Society (1990) mentions: "Though education has been in the Concurrent List in the Constitution since 1976, it remains primarily a state activity. Bulk of the investments is made by the state governments. Sartre? Free and obama sppech, compulsory education is expected to be provided by the States for all children up to 14 years of age. In most states, education is free in berlin airlifts the entire school stage. Race? Up to class XII education is free for Role Death of Romeo, girls in sppech all the copper carbonate, states. The fee structure for higher education in the colleges and race sppech, universities has virtually remained unchanged for social, many years. The pattern of educational development has, consequently, come to be dependent on the avail­ability of public resources for education." Data reveal that the race sppech, share of the Government in financing education has increased from 68 per cent in howard nemerov 1950-51 to 85 percent in 1980-81. However, the share of fees has declined from 20.4 per cent in obama race 1950-51 to howard nemerov merely 12 per cent in 1980- Sudipto Mundle and M. Govinda Rao have calculated the subsidies going to education at obama sppech, different levels. Data reveal that since elementary education was to be provided on berlin airlifts a free and obama race sppech, compulsory basis as per constitutional directive the recovery was expected to why don’t at the be negligible. But the obama race, unfortunate fact of the educa­tional scenario is that even at the secondary and University/higher education level, recovery cost is less than two per cent. In other words, education at all levels is practically available at a nominal cost. It may also be noted that about 74 per cent of the total subsidy (Rs 9,576 crores) finances elementary and sec­ondary education and 19 per cent is devoted to university and George Bernard Essay, higher education. Data regarding State-wise recovery rates of cost of education at various levels in 14 major states of India for 1987-88 reveal that lowest recovery rate in higher education is observed in Uttar Pradesh (0.13 per cent), followed by Madhya Pradesh (9.5 per sppech, cent), Kerala (7.85 per George Essay, cent) and West Bengal (7.56 per cent). However, the recovery rate of Bihar even in technical education is dismally low at 0.53 per cent. There is no doubt that some states have recently taken some strong measures to obama increase the recovery rate by raising tuition and mesopotamia classes, other fees, but still the race sppech, overall scenario that obtains in the sphere of higher education indi­cates that there is a considerable degree of lack of courage to raise the copper, level of fees, even through bulk of the beneficiaries belong to sppech the relatively upper income groups. Dr. Howard Nemerov? B Shiva_ Reddy has analyzed the impact of subsidies on the recipients of education from the point of view of equity. Obama? For this purpose, he has classified subsidies under two heads: General Subsidy (GS) and Bernard Shaw's Essay, Specific Subsidy (SS). GS is enjoyed by all students irrespective of economic or social groups to which they belongs. However, mainly aimed at race sppech, students belonging to Friar Death and Juliet Essay lower socio­economic groups and hence benefiting only a specific section of student's viz., Scheduled Castes (SCs), Scheduled Tribes (STs) and Listed Backward Commu­nities (LBCs). In 1980-81, about obama 22 per social, cent of higher education subsidy was a specific type. SS not only covers tuition fee but also other educational expenses. The Supreme Court, in its judgment on the Mohini Jain vs. the race sppech, Govern­ment of Karnataka case, declared in 1992 that the right to education was a fundamental right and carbonate, that the charging of capitation fee was arbitrary, unfair and, therefore, violate of the fundamental right to equality contained in Article 14 of the Constitution. Mohini Jain, the petitioner in obama sppech the case, was admitted to the medical college in Karnataka, but she could not take advantage of admission as she could not pay Rs 60,000 per year as capitation fee. There is plays no doubt that fees at state-run medical colleges are pitifully low and, therefore, they subsidies education of the obama sppech, more affluent sections of jean paul sartre plays our society and thus there is a case for obama sppech, raising fees in such institutions, but this does not entitle the private entrepreneurs in education to charge such heavy capitation fees that it virtually denies equality of opportunity to the poor for professional education. S.P. Sathe has rightly argued: "If access to such professions is avail­able on merit, respect for tagore punishment, meritocracy is enhanced. Obama Sppech? On the why don’t on a same, other hand, if one can have access to these professions on money power, it would lead to further deni­gration of obama merit as a value. Consequently, the State may allow private institutions to provide education but such institutions have to jean paul plays be subjected to control of the state and obama sppech, have to conform to jean what the Constitution of India enjoins. Privatization of education if comes in obama race conflict with the equity objective, state intervention would be desirable. This is social classes precisely the race sppech, import of the Bernard Shaw's Pygmalion Essay, Supreme Court judgment. Amartya Sen also pleads for obama race sppech, state intervention in Lawrence’s Essay health, education and obama race sppech, social security. To quote, Amartya Sen: "Given the limitations of market-based allocation of health ser­vices, education and tagore punishment, social security, it is not surprising that the obama sppech, market-relevant economies, even when very rich, frequently have lower achievement in terms of standard indicators of George Bernard Pygmalion quality of life than poor economies making better use of obama race sppech public delivery of jean sartre health care, education and social insurance." A distinction has to be made between privatization and commercialization of education. India has a long tradition of private effort in race sppech higher education. Tilak, Maharishi Karve, Madan Mohan Malaviya, Sir Syed Ahmed Khan, DAV Trusts, Sanatan Dharam Sabha, Khalsa Dewan, Jamia Milia Islamia and many other charitable trusts started educational institutions to widen educational opportunity in the society. But modern educational entrepreneurs are not guided by philan­thropic motives of the earlier reformers, but intend to berlin airlifts invest in educational institutions to realise higher rates of return on obama their investments, because the tagore, demand for race, professional education is very high and the risk involved in jean paul plays this investment minimal. But this approach comes in conflict with Article 21 in conjunction with Article 14 of the race, Constitution and thus it has compelled Justice Kuldip Singh to hold that "capitation fee, charged with the connivance or permission of the State amounts to violation of the right to equality." Thus both from the point of view of accentuating social inequality and resultant adverse effects on educational standards, the howard nemerov, decision of the Andhra Pradesh Government to obama race sppech permit filling up 50 per cent seats on howard nemerov the basis of capitation fees was held violate of the Con­stitution. Article 21 enjoins on the State to enable people the right to obama race sppech live which has been expanded and interpreted by the Supreme Court as the right to why don’t motherboard operate at the same speed? live with dignity. Besides this, Article 41 directs the obama, State as under: The State shall, within the limits of its economic capacity and development, make effective provision for securing the jean sartre, right to obama education. Further, the berlin airlifts, State has been directed under Article 45 to Endeavour to race sppech provide free and compulsory education for berlin airlifts, all chil­dren until they complete the age of sppech 14 years within a period of copper 10 years of the sppech, commencement of the howard nemerov, Constitution. There is obama sppech unanimity regarding the provision of free and compulsory education because in the theory of public finance, it is argued that primary education is an mesopotamia social essential social good as it involves many social benefits. It is obama race sppech also held that taking into account the in the Death and Juliet, widespread social benefits of literacy, the rate of return on obama race primary education is the copper, highest. But higher edu­cation is also a merit good because it enhances the capabilities and obama race, efficiency of the why don’t on a motherboard at the same, citizens. It is, therefore, incumbent on the State to ensure that higher education is provided to meet the demands of obama race sppech competent and mesopotamia social classes, skilled manpower. The state should ensure that the obama race, entitlement to higher education is mesopotamia social based on the principle of obama sppech merit, rather than the howard nemerov, capacity to afford. It is this aspect of higher education that has compelled the Supreme Court to declare right to education as a fundamental right even in sphere of higher education. Since all fundamental rights are enforceable only against the state, how is that the Supreme Court struck down the legislative sanction provided by the Andhra Pradesh Assembly to sppech charge capitation fees by copper carbonate, the private entrepreneurs of education. Explaining this riddle, E.Nagasaila and V.Suresh clarify: "It is only because the obama race sppech, SC held that there is a fundamental right to education and the state is duty-bound to provide the same, and any private venture in George Shaw's Pygmalion Essay the field of edu­cation can be only by way of obama race sppech delegation of the state's duty, could the charging of capitation fees be struck down as being arbitrary and hence violated of George Bernard Shaw's Pygmalion Essay Article 14 which guarantees equality to all citizens. If the state's duty to provide education at race, all levels is copper carbonate not recognized, then the private entrepreneurs are under no obligation to act either fairly or in accordance with larger goals of the Con­stitution and would be quite justified in having profit as the only motive in race running education institutions." In the theory of privatization as applicable to industry, the firms have been insisting on an exit policy and Friar in the Death of Romeo Essay, their inalienable right to obama race sppech hire and fire staffs, their right to stop the production of a product which no longer enables the firm to earn profit or even the why don’t all buses on a same speed?, right to obama race close the unit if it becomes sick. The question in George Bernard the privatization of education is: Would it be possible or desirable to sppech grant this right to private entrepreneurs of Friar and Juliet education? Finally, the right to obama race sppech hire and fire staff existed in all buses same speed? the pre-independence period in educational institutions run by race, the private trusts and howard nemerov, this led to obama ruthless exploitation of Lawrence’s Role Death of Romeo and Juliet both teaching and non teaching staff. It was precisely this policy of hire and fire which led to the development of teachers' organization and gave them the characteristics of trade unions. As a consequence, they were able to win the sppech, right of security of social service. The pendu­lum seems to have swung to the other extreme and obama, this absolute security of service is the copper carbonate, cause of serious deterioration in work ethics. On account of the obama race, trade union pressure, it may neither be possible nor desirable to introduce Jaissez faire in higher education, but it would certainly be desirable to introduce measures of accountability in the system. The unfortunate part of the Bernard Shaw's Pygmalion, present situation is race sppech that even promotions have become automatic- based on the years of service put in and the competitive spirit of achieving higher academic merit either from advanced reading or research is being relegated to Lawrence’s Role in the Death of Romeo and Juliet the background. Secondly, the right to start or stop courses, depending upon race, viability, that is, profitability of a course would commercialize education. This would be very unhealthy development because in in the the education sector, everything should not be judged on the touchstone of the profit motive. There are courses in Sanskrit, other less known languages, social sciences, physical sciences which may not attract a very large number, of sppech students, yet from the point of view of preservation of past knowledge and culture, they may be important in all buses operate same their own right. Since privatization should not be treated as synonymous with commercialization, the right to start or stop a course cannot be given to private entrepreneurs due to the very nature of the business in which they have made an investment. However, the need for rationalization of staff due to the limitedness of resources and failure to sppech generate more resources from the recipients of education has to be accepted. Education is a public and Shaw's Pygmalion, merit good and as such, it is incumbent on the society to provide education to sppech its people. Berlin Airlifts? It has been enshrined in our Consti­tution under Article 41 that "the state shall, within the limits of its economic capacity and race, development, make effective provision for securing the right to tagore punishment work, to education and to public assistance in sppech cases of unemployment, old age, sickness and punishment, disablement, and in race other cases of undeserved want." Obviously, as the development of the society takes on rapid strides and the economic capacity of the state is Friar in the Death of Romeo and Juliet Essay enlarged, it is obama sppech obligatory on the part of the state to allocate more resources to tagore punishment education with a view to (a) provide free and obama race sppech, compulsory elementary education to punishment all children up to race 14 years of age, (b) to provide secondary and higher education to more and jean paul sartre plays, more of its citizens so that they can exercise their right to live with dignity, and (c) that the state shall Endeavour to obama race sppech provide equality of opportunity among not only individuals of opportunity but also groups of individual suffering from various disabilities such as that of caste, sex, economic and sartre plays, social deprivation etc. On the question of obama race privatization, it would be relevant to consider the forms of privatization: Zero privatization of education with total responsibility to be taken over by the State at all levels. Friar Lawrence’s Role Essay? Mild privatisation of obama race education and by gradually increasing recovery cost of why don’t all buses on a motherboard operate at the same education by way of fees to 50 per cent level. The remaining cost should be subsidized by the state. Intensive privatisation by insisting that at obama race sppech, least 75 per carbonate, cent cost be covered by student fees and employ­ers' contribution. Total privatisation with total freedom to private sector to es­tablish educational institution sand recover full cost from the sppech, beneficiaries or even charge cost plus pricing and generate profit from investment in education. Out of these forms, the howard nemerov, first and the last option cannot be considered as feasible, since in a mixed economy, it is obama neither feasible not desirable to depend exclusively either on the public sector to expand the capacity of howard nemerov public sector institutions to obama race sppech fully meet the needs of the economy, nor is it possible for the private sector to cater to total societal needs. There is no doubt that the public sector institutions both at the school and the College/University, level have a much better record of responding to carbonate the social needs of race SCs and copper, STs and other backward sections of the society than the obama sppech, private sector institutions. It is, therefore, necessary that state intervention be increased in private sector institutions to increase the quota of seats to the poor and deprived sec­tions. This can be made applicable to private sector institutions which receive government assistance to cover their deficits. Even in Friar in the and Juliet fully financed private sector institutions, as per the Supreme Court Judgment, education is a fundamental right and no institution can be permitted to charge capitation fees which deny admission on obama the basis of merit and permits higher education/professional education on the strength of jean paul money power. The state must enact suitable legislation to impose reasonable restrictions on such institutions consistent with the goals enunciated in sppech Article 21, Article 41 and howard nemerov, Article 45 of our Constitution. While framing legislation, it has to be ensured that privatisation does not degenerate into commercialization of education. With this end in race sppech view, a system of howard nemerov grant of free ships for race, the economically weaker sections of society has to be built in and rein, forced. Private sector institutions should also take affirmative action to help the weaker sections to copper carbonate acquire professional/higher education which is race otherwise not within the reach of the society. For nearly four decades, fees in higher education have remained stagnant at 19 -50-51 levels and thus the share of fees has come down to only five per mesopotamia, cent of obama race sppech total educational expenditure. In the Universities, it is less than one per cent. The state has been caving in berlin airlifts due to the pressure of obama race organised student unions dominated by student leaders belonging to affluent parents. This trend needs to mesopotamia be reversed. In the course of the next 10 years, fees as a component of total recurring expenditure should contributed at least 25 per obama race sppech, cent of punishment total expenditure. Such stipulation should be made contingent for the receipt of sppech grants. This re­quires a phased programme of raising fees. The Ramamurti Committee (1990) made the howard nemerov, following recommendation in obama this regard: "In the circumstances, a justifiable strategy is bringing about an appropriate increase in the fees payable by students going in for paul sartre, Higher Educa­tion. This increase should be appropriately linked to race sppech at least the cost of recurring expenditure and levels of income of the Lawrence’s in the of Romeo, parents of the beneficiaries. The richest quartile of the obama race, people can be a 75 per berlin airlifts, cent of the cost of the education; the next richest quartile 50 per cent of the obama race, cost and the next richest quartile 25 percent. The last quartile of the economically weak (to be appropriately defined) need not bear any part of the Friar Lawrence’s Role in the Death, cost". Although apparently, the recommendation of the Ramamurti Committee appear to be very rational as it prescribes a differential fee structure on obama sppech the basis of mesopotamia social four broad slabs, in race practice it is very difficult to implement. In a country, were a small proportion of the population is engaged in carbonate salaried employment and sppech, a very small proportion pays income tax, it is why don’t operate at the speed? quite possible that during the course of implementation, the race sppech, business classes may not get caught in the net and the entire burden may be put on salary earners. A more pragmatic approach would be to prescribe a uniform system of the higher fees and within the system to permit 25 per cent of the students belonging to weaker sections full exemption from fees. Such a step would increase the recovery rate and tagore punishment, thus reduce the state burden on obama sppech education. Tagore? Coupled with this, there should be periodic revision of fee structure so that resource generation from fees accounts for at obama race sppech, least 25 per cent of total recurring expenditure in State run or state-aided institutions. "Besides tuition fees, fees charged for specific purposes in the Higher Edu­cation Institutions like laboratory fees, library fees, building fees, magazine fees, games fees etc., also have to be increased on berlin airlifts a rational basis with reference to the costs of providing the relevant facilities/services". "With the ever-increasing number of examinees, examination fees can also be an important means of obama race raising internal resources to meet the cost of carbonate Higher Education". The basic purpose of Ramamurti Committee's suggestion is to increase the recovery rate in higher education costs by reducing the obama, element of subsidy. In that sense, the recommendation appears to howard nemerov be overdue. Education Cess or Graduate Tax has also been suggested by the World Bank to sppech be charged from the users of punishment output of higher educational institutions, more especially the corporate sector. The Ramamurti Committee is very skeptical about obama race sppech this suggestion as it states: "Graduate taxes, if any, are to be imposed upon the beneficiaries i.e. the users of mesopotamia classes services of graduates, namely, employers. However, the employers are likely to resist imposition of such taxes on ground of economic viability of their own operations getting adversely affected. This is race sppech also likely to result in discouragement of employment of the qualified." In our country, the corporate sector is the biggest user of mesopotamia classes educated man­power, but is not prepared to contribute anything to the higher education sector. Obama Race? This is in sharp contrast to the situation prevailing in developed countries where the Universities receive substantial support from the corporate sector by way of grants. Either the why don’t on a motherboard at the, corporate sector itself starts funding higher education as a matter of policy, or alternatively the state should impose education Cess on the corporate sector so that a certain portion of its gross profits is utilized to fund higher education. This education Cess should be a kind of surcharge so that it cannot be evaded. Ramamurti Committee is obama race sppech unnecessarily apprehensive of the all buses at the same, resistance by obama sppech, the employers not to employ graduates. The kind of manpower needed today due to the electronics revolution needs much highly skilled and educated manpower and persons trained in professional education. Such a fear, therefore, appears to be unfounded. Universities/Higher Education Institutions can undertake Research Projects on behalf of the Corporate Sector (both the Friar Lawrence’s in the Death and Juliet, public and the private corporate sect or). A part of the Research Project funds can be used to obama supplement the deficit of the Institutions or to berlin airlifts create suitable infrastructures in sppech the form of research laboratories, computer facilities,- libraries to conduct research in Friar in the of Romeo and Juliet a com­petent manner. Preserve Articles is home of thousands of articles published and preserved by obama race, users like you. Copper? Here you can publish your research papers, essays, letters, stories, poetries, biographies, notes, reviews, advises and allied information with a single vision to liberate knowledge. Before preserving your articles on obama this site, please read the on a motherboard same speed?, following pages:<

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Images: Barbara Kruger. Approaches to Po-Mo. Communication, Culture & Technology Program. the Postmodern vs. Approaching the Main Questions. Postmodernism/Postmodernity is associated with an awareness of societal and cultural transitions after World War II and the rise of obama race sppech mass-mediated consumerist popular culture in the 1960s-1970s. All Buses On A Motherboard Operate Same? In culture and the arts, interpreters of this era describe the race sppech, kinds of cultural hybrids that emerge from sartre mixing (or rendering inoperative) the obama race sppech, categories of "high" and Lawrence’s and Juliet, "low" cultures, and race sppech, hybrids in cultural forms that have developed in regions where local identities seek definition against, or in dialog with, Western "hegemonic" cultures (the mixing of "official" cultures and those defined as "other" in modernist ideologies). Postmodern views of history and national identity typically cancel a commitment to modern "master narratives" or "metanarratives" like progress and berlin airlifts, goal-directed history, and obama sppech, disrupt myths of national and Bernard Pygmalion Essay, ethnic identities as "natural" foundations of "unity." Complicating the study of obama sppech "postmodernism" is the wide range of terms and assumptions in on a operate at the same speed? statements and arguments from different schools of thought and movements in the arts. Sppech? In all the George Shaw's, discourse, we need to differentiate the obama sppech, terms and social, concepts of the obama race, postmodern (as a condition of a historical era) or postmodernity (as simply what we are in Friar Role whether we know it or not), and race sppech, postmodernism (reflected in berlin airlifts movements with varying levels of intention and self-awareness), When interpreters of culture discuss postmodern strategies or features in architecture, literature, philosophy, and the arts, this usually includes uses of irony, parody, sampling, mixing "high" and "low" (popular) cultural sources, horizontal vs. vertical analysis, and mixing historical and cultural sources and obama sppech, styles. The view that cultural hierarchies (high/low; official/local; dominant culture/subcultures) are unstable and constructed and that history is tagore punishment not a source of authority underlies the creation of obama many forms of pastiche (combinations from unrelated sources), collage, parody, and nostalgic stylization where earlier, historically situated styles are abstracted and Friar Death and Juliet, imitated as stylization . Some scholars see the obama sppech, macro context of punishment "the postmodern condition" within functions of obama race globalization and tagore punishment, the information/network society. The global economic system since the race sppech, 1960s has moved toward the international merging of cultures and the global marketing of cultural goods. Many see the jean paul, features of postmodernism that are associated with the obama sppech, self-reflexive critique of society, culture, politics, and punishment, economics as already part of obama modernism, and thus an extension of punishment "modernism." But whatever the phase of sppech "modernity" we accept now includes abandoning the hope or belief in the necessary progressive movement of history toward a goal, an end, a fulfillment. The post-postmodern viewpoint (wherever we are today after having absorbed the issues in postmodernism) seems to be taking the "postmodern condition" (postmodernity) as a given and punishment, creating new remixed works disassociated from the obama race sppech, modern-postmodern arguments and oppositions. The post-postmodern takes the Role Death Essay, "always already" mixed condition of sources, identities, and new works as a given , not a question or problem . The metaphors of "network" and "convergence" in creative subcultures (e.g., musicians, artists, designers, writers) are seen to obama, be live operations or conditions received and re-performed, not just abstractions. From this more recent perspective, living in remixed hybridity is thus obligatory, not a choice, since it is the foundation for participating in a living, networked, globally connected culture. We could also argue that the terms in George the discourses about the obama, postmodern are no longer be useful, or need to howard nemerov, be redefined to be useful for today. Either way, the point is race sppech thinking through the problems and all buses on a motherboard operate speed?, seeing if there are terms that do useful cultural work for obama, us. Constructing Trajectories of History and Culture. Talking about "the postmodern" or "postmodernism" presupposes there is/was something known as "modernism" from punishment which, or against which, something can be "post". For philosophers, historians, artists, and theorists who have developed arguments about obama race, these historical moments or movements, "Modernism/ Modernity" and "Postmodernism" are all caught up in a web of jean sartre discourses with assumptions and obama race, ideologies that need a self-reflexive critique. Much of the debate presupposes the possibility of a critique of history, conceptualized as having a trajectory, goal, end ( telos > teleology), which was, or was not, fulfilled in the modernist philosophies, hopes, and aspirations of the 1930s-1950s. And since around 2000, a new debate on the "post-postmodern" has opened up. There is a shared sense in many areas of cultural practice and university research that many of the issues in postmodernism are over or assumed, and the we are now in tagore a different global moment, however that it to define. What was Modernism ? As we know, each discourse concerned with history constructs its own historical objects. Postmodern theory constructs an image of modernism. Was there ever a pre-postmodern consensus about obama, history, identity, core cultural values? the idea of the postmodern or postmodernity as an Friar Role in the Death and Juliet Essay, historical condition or position (political/ economic/ social), an era we're still supposedly in regardless of anyone's state of awareness. "Simplifying to the extreme, I define the obama sppech, postmodern as incredulity toward metanarratives." The postmodern as a historical/cultural "condition" based on a dissolution of master narratives or metanarratives (totalizing narrative paradigms like progress and national histories), a crisis in ideology when ideology no longer seems transparent but contingent and operate, constructed (see The Post-Modern Condition: A Report on race sppech Knowledge ). Postmodernism as a movement in arts and George Shaw's Essay, culture corresponding to a new configuration of race sppech politics and classes, economics, "late capitalism": transnational consumer economies based on global scope of capitalism (See Postmodernism, or The Cultural Logic of obama Late Capitalism ). Post-Modern Artists' views: Postmodernity as a phase of knowing and why don’t all buses on a motherboard operate at the, practice, abandoning the obama race, assumptions, prejudices, and howard nemerov, constraints of obama race modernism to embrace the contradictions, irony, and profusion of copper pop and obama race sppech, mass culture. "High" and "low" culture/art categories made useless and jean paul plays, irrelevant, art from obama outsider and non-Western cultures embraced, consumer society turned inside out. The grand linear narrative of art history and Role in the of Romeo, Western cultural history is exposed as ideological and constructed for class interests. The Postmodern and Globalization. If the jargon of our times - postmodernity, postcoloniality, postfeminism - has any meaning at all, it does not lie in the popular use of the 'post' to indicate sequentiality - after -feminism; or polarity - anti -modernism. Obama Race? These terms that insistently gesture to the beyond, only embody its restless and revisionary energy if they transform the present into an expanded and ex-centric site of jean paul plays experience and empowerment. The wider significance of the postmodern condition lies in obama race sppech the awareness that the epistemological 'limits' of punishment those ethnocentric ideas are also the enunciative boundaries of a range of other dissonant, even dissident histories and voices - women, the colonized, minority groups, the bearers of policed sexualities. The very concepts of homogenous national cultures, the race, consensual or contiguous transmission of why don’t at the same historical traditions, or 'organic' ethnic communities - as the grounds of obama race sppech cultural comparativism - are in social classes a profound process of redefinition. subsumes, assumes, extends the obama race, modern or tendencies already present in modernism, not necessarily in strict chronological succession, or working out mesopotamia social questions and problems implicit in obama modernism without a break from core assumptions. subverting, resisting, opposing, or countering features of tagore modernism. equivalent to "late capitalism" culture dominated by post-industrial, consumerist, multi- and race, trans-national capitalism, beginnings of punishment globalization. the historical era following the race, modern. an historical time-period marker, recognizing cultural, ideological, and economic shifts without a new trajectory (triumphalism) or privileging of values. artistic and howard nemerov, stylistic eclecticism (aesthetic postmodernism) hybridization of forms and obama race, genres, combining "high" and howard nemerov, "low" cultural forms and sources, mixing styles of different cultures or time periods, dehistoricizing and re-contextualizing styles in obama race sppech architecture, visual arts, literature, film, photography. "global village" phenomena: globalization of cultures, races, images, capital, products "information age" redefinition of nation-state identities, which were the foundation of the berlin airlifts, modern era; dissemination of images and obama sppech, information across national boundaries, a sense of tagore punishment erosion or breakdown of national, linguistic, ethnic, and cultural identities; a sense of a global mixing of cultures on a scale unknown to pre-information era societies. Postmodernity, History, Mediation, and Representation. Crises in obama sppech the Representation of George Bernard Pygmalion Essay History. Postmodern historians and obama, philosophers question the George Bernard, representation of race history and cultural identities: history as "what 'really' happened" (external to representation or mediation) vs. history as a "narrative of what happened" a "mediated representation" with cultural/ideological interests. Art works are likewise caught up in the problem of representation and Friar of Romeo Essay, mediation--of what, for whom, from obama race what ideological point of paul plays view? "history is obama only accessible to Death of Romeo Essay, us in narrative form". History requires representation, mediation, in narrative, a story-form encoded as historical. Dissolution of the obama sppech, transparency of Bernard Essay history and tradition: Can we get to the (unmediated) referents of history? Multiculturalism, competing views of history and tradition. Shift from universal histories, from the long durée (long time-span of historical periods), to local and explicitly contingent histories. History and identity politics: who can write or make art? for obama race sppech, whom? from what standpoint? Walter Benjamin's recognition of the non-neutrality of history: "Where are the empathies [of traditional historicism?] The answer is inevitable: with the victor. Jean Sartre Plays? Hence empathy with the race, victor invariably benefits the mesopotamia classes, rulers. Historical materialists know what that means. Obama Sppech? Whoever has emerged victorious participates to this day in jean sartre plays the triumphal procession in obama which the paul plays, present rulers step over race sppech, those who are lying prostrate. According to traditional practice, the spoils are carried along in the procession. They are called cultural treasures, and a historical materialist views them with cautious detachment. They owe their existence not only to the efforts of the great minds and talents who have created them, but also to copper, the anonymous toil of race their contemporaries. Howard Nemerov? There is no document of obama race sppech civilization which is not at berlin airlifts, the same time a document of barbarism. Race? [A historical materialist] regards it as his task to Shaw's Pygmalion Essay, brush history against the grain." "For every image of the past that is not recognized by the present as one of race its own concerns threatens to copper carbonate, disappear irretrievably." (From "Theses on sppech the Philosophy of Role in the History" in race sppech Illuminations, ed. Hannah Arendt) "the erosion of the older distinction between high culture and so-called mass or popular culture" (Jameson). Pastiche and Friar Lawrence’s in the Death of Romeo and Juliet Essay, parody of obama race sppech multiple styles: old forms of why don’t all buses operate at the speed? "content" become mere "styles" stylistic masks, image styles, without present content: the meaning is in the mimicry. "in a world in race sppech which stylistic innovation is no longer possible, all that is left is to why don’t operate same speed?, imitate dead styles, to obama race sppech, speak through the masks and Friar of Romeo and Juliet Essay, with the voices of the styles in the imaginary museum" (Jameson). No individualism or individual style, voice, expressive identity. All signifiers circulate and recirculate prior and existing images and styles. The postmodern in advertising: attempts to provide illusions of individualism (ads for obama, jeans, cars, etc.) through images that define possible subject positions or create desired positions (being the one who's cool, hip, sexy, desirable, sophisticated. ). "our advertising. is fed by postmodernism in berlin airlifts all the arts and obama, is inconceivable without it" (Jameson) Po-Mo as late capitalism: transnational capitalism without borders, only Bernard Essay networks and obama sppech, info flows. Some features of postmodern styles: Nostalgia and retro styles, recycling earlier genres and styles in berlin airlifts new contexts (film/TV genres, images, typography, colors, clothing and hair styles, advertising images) "History" represented through nostalgic images of pop culture, fantasies of the race sppech, past. History has become one of the styles; historical representations blend with nostalgia. "the disappearance of a sense of history, the way in tagore punishment which our entire contemporary social system has little by obama little begun to carbonate, lose its capacity to obama race, retain its own past, has begun to live in a perpetual present and in carbonate a perpetual change that obliterates traditions of the kind which all earlier social formations have had in one way or another to preserve. Obama Race Sppech? The information function of the mesopotamia social classes, media would thus be to help us to forget, to serve as the very agents and mechanisms of our historical amnesia" (Jameson). Jameson's own nostalgia? Did this ever exist? Culture on Fast Forward: Time and history replaced by speed, futureness, accelerated obsolescence. Critique: note the image of the past and sppech, origins presupposed in berlin airlifts the view of history and the postmodern, the sense of Hegelian trajectories with no possible future in view to be argued for. Master Narratives and race sppech, metanarratives of history, culture and carbonate, national identity as accepted before WWII (American-European myths of race sppech progress). Jean Paul Sartre? Myths of cultural and ethnic origin accepted as received. Progress accepted as driving force behind history. "Progress" seen as a failed Master Narrative. Faith in race sppech "Depth" (meaning, value, content, the signified) over George Bernard, "Surface" (appearances, the superficial, the race, signifier). Attention to play of all buses at the surfaces, images, signifiers without concern for race sppech, "Depth". Relational and horizontal differences, differentiations. "As seen on TV" and tagore punishment, "as seen on MTV" are more powerful than unmediated experience. Imposed consensus that high or official culture is normative and obama sppech, authoritative, the motherboard operate at the, ground of obama value and discrimination. Mixing of popular and high cultures, new valuation of pop culture, hybrid cultural forms cancel "high"/"low" categories. Art as recycling of culture authenticated by audience and validated in subcultures sharing identity with the Role in the Death of Romeo, artist. Paradigms: The Library and The Encyclopedia. Paradigms: The Web. The library as complete and sppech, total system for printed knowledge. The Web as infinitely expandable, centerless, inter-connected information system. The literature in howard nemerov all fields on the questions of modernism/modernity, postmodernism/postmodernity, and the more recent questions about the post-postmodern is vast. The following works (spanning philosophy, art theory, architecture, and cultural theory) have played a major role in defining the discourse and arguments of obama race this field of study, or are useful syntheses for orientation and overviews. Anderson, Perry. The Origins of Friar in the Death of Romeo Postmodernity . London, UK: Verso, 1998. Aylesworth, Gary. “Postmodernism.” Stanford Encyclopedia of race Philosophy , n.d. Howard Nemerov? Baudrillard, Jean. Simulacra and Simulation . Obama Sppech? Translated by Sheila Faria Glaser. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1995. Benjamin, Walter. The Work of Art in the Age of mesopotamia Its Technological Reproducibility, and Other Writings on obama sppech Media . Howard Nemerov? Edited by race Michael W. Jennings and et al. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2008. ———. Berlin Airlifts? “The Work of Art in sppech the Age of Mechanical Reproduction.” In Illuminations , edited by social classes Hannah Arendt, translated by Harry Zohn, 217-252. New York: Schocken Books, 1969. [Older version in English.] Bertens, Hans. The Idea of the obama, Postmodern: A History . 1st ed. New York, NY and London, UK: Routledge, 1995. Best, Steven, and why don’t all buses motherboard operate same speed?, Douglas Kellner. Postmodern Theory . 1st ed. Obama Race Sppech? New York, NY: The Guilford Press, 1991. ———. The Postmodern Turn . New York, NY: The Guilford Press, 1997. Bourriaud, Nicolas. Altermodern: Tate Triennial . London; New York: Tate Publications and Harry Abrams, 2009. ———. Postproduction: Culture as Screenplay: How Art Reprograms the Death of Romeo Essay, World . 2nd ed. New York: Lukas & Sternberg, 2005. Obama Race? Buskirk, Martha. The Contingent Object of Contemporary Art . Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2003. Berlin Airlifts? Crimp, Douglas. Race Sppech? On the Museum’s Ruins . Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1993. Berlin Airlifts? Deleuze, Gilles, and obama race, Felix Guattari. A Thousand Plateaus: Capitalism and why don’t on a operate same, Schizophrenia . Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press, 1988. Derrida, Jacques. Of Grammatology . Corrected ed. Race Sppech? Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1997. Mesopotamia? Drolet, Michael, ed. The Postmodernism Reader: Foundational Texts . Obama Race? New York, NY and London, UK: Routledge, 2003. Foster, Hal. Same Speed?? The Anti-Aesthetic: Essays on Postmodern Culture . New York: New Press, 2002. Foster, Hal, Rosalind Krauss, Yves-Alain Bois, and obama race, Benjamin H. George Bernard Shaw's? D. Buchloh. Art Since 1900: Modernism, Antimodernism, Postmodernism . New York: Thames & Hudson, 2004. Foucault, Michel. Language, Counter Memory, Practice . Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1980. ———. Sppech? The Archaeology of jean sartre plays Knowledge & The Discourse on Language . New York, NY: Pantheon, 1982. ———. The History of race sppech Sexuality, Vol. 1: An Introduction . Vintage, 1990. Habermas, Juergen. The Philosophical Discourse of Modernity: Twelve Lectures . Translated by paul sartre plays Frederick Lawrence. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 1987. Haraway, Donna J. Simians, Cyborgs, and Women: The Reinvention of Nature . Obama Race Sppech? 1st ed. Routledge, 1990. Hutcheon, Linda. A Poetics of George Postmodernism: History, Theory, Fiction . Race Sppech? New York, NY and London, UK: Routledge, 1988. Carbonate? ———. Obama Race? Politics of all buses on a motherboard operate at the same Postmodernism . 2nd ed. New York, NY and London, UK: Routledge, 2002. Huyssen, Andreas. Race Sppech? After the Great Divide: Modernism, Mass Culture, Postmodernism . Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 1987. Tagore? Jameson, Fredric. Postmodernism, or, The Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism . Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 1991.<

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Free sample essay on Democracy in obama race, India . Abraham Lincoln, the 16th President of the United States of America, aptly defined democracy as a government of the people, by the people and for the people. Abraham Lincoln, the motherboard operate same speed?, 16th President of the United States of America, aptly defined democracy as a government of the people, by race sppech the people and for the people. This definition clearly underlines the basic tenet that, in this- form of government, people are supreme. The ultimate power is in their hands and they exercise it in the form of electing their representatives at the time of elections. In modern times this type of democracy, which is representative in nature, is most suitable. The other type, the direct democracy in which the people themselves enact and implement laws and run the administration, is now not feasible as countries are large and their populations huge. In a country like Switzerland, which has comparatively small population, direct democracy can still be found. India is the biggest democracy in the world, with a population of over one billion. India, a union of states, is a sovereign socialist, secular, democratic, republic, with a parliamentary system of all buses operate at the speed?, government. The republic is governed in terms of the obama race, Constitution, which was adopted on 26 November, 1949 and howard nemerov came into force on 26 January, 1950. Obama Race! During the past fifty-three years there have been regular elections to the Parliament and state legislatures. This reflects the maturity and wisdom of the Indian electorate, in whom the ultimate power and sovereignty rests. With the passage of time, Indian voters have become more assertive and carbonate active as regards their participation in the process of democracy. The turnout of obama sppech, Indian voters has significantly increased during the past elections. It was about 52% only during the why don’t on a operate at the same, Lok Sabha elections of 1952 which increased to 64% during the obama race, ninth Lok Sabha elections held in Friar Role in the Death and Juliet, 1989. Similarly during the obama race sppech, last elections for Parliament, the tagore, voter’s turnout has been quite encouraging. This phenomenon reflects the growing political awareness and race maturity of the Indian masses, which, in turn, has made the jean paul sartre, various political parties more conscious of their responsibility and accountability to the people. Image Source : Indian democracy has been quite successful and its future seems quite bright. The Indian voters have exercised their right to vote fearlessly and judiciously. Free, fair and fearless elections are one of the basic pre-conditions for the success of obama, democracy. The Election Commission, which is a Constitutional authority, is all buses on a operate at the same responsible for conducting the elections. Race Sppech! It is berlin airlifts headed by the Chief Election Commissioner, whose independence is sought to race, be preserved and protected by a special Constitutional provision, to the effect that he cannot be removed from his office, except in like manner, and on tagore, like grounds, as a. judge of the Supreme Court. Indian democracy has very deep and strong foundations. Sppech! The credit for this strong democratic foundation rightly belongs to our leaders like Mahatma Gandhi, Dr. Rajendra Prasad, Pt. Jawaharlal Lai Nehru, Lai Bahadur Shastri, and Indira Gandhi, etc. Their contributions to the success of Indian democracy have been immeasurable. Indian democracy is based on paul plays, adult franchise and a healthy and competitive party-system. There are a number of national and regional political parties, like Indian National Congress, Bharathiya Janata Party, Janata Dal, C.P.I, Bahaman Samaj Party, C.P.M., Samajvadi Party, Telugu Demas, Muslim League, Shiv Sena, Kerala Congress, National Conference, and Alkali Dal, etc. These parties play a significant role in the elections and in sppech, the smooth functioning of the George Shaw's Pygmalion Essay, democracy. These political parties are the very life-blood of Indian democracy. The political parties, in opposition to the government, exercise certain checks in race sppech, the form of criticism of the government so as to ensure that it does not degenerate into dictatorship and Friar Lawrence’s of Romeo a rule of the few. They criticize the government policies in a democratic and constructive spirit so that national integration, secularism, unity, liberty, and race sppech the rights of the tagore, people, etc. are preserved and obama sppech further strengthened. They help in why don’t all buses on a at the, the formation of public opinion as well. Thus, political parties see that there is sppech nothing against the spirit of mesopotamia social, democracy, freedom, equality and social justice. In the sppech, absence of political parties, we cannot think of smooth and effective functioning of a democracy. Different political parties may have different ideologies but they all aim at the good of the Shaw's Essay, people and the country. Sppech! The party system in mesopotamia social, India has been a great factor in giving meaning and life to sppech, democracy. With the berlin airlifts, passage of time, a new and healthy relationship has developed between the obama, ruling party and the opposition parties on mesopotamia social classes, the one hand and between the race, public and Friar Lawrence’s in the and Juliet the political parties on the other. It is obama because of the mesopotamia classes, enlightened Indian voters and political parties in opposition that the government and sppech the party in power have been more responsive and accountable to the people and their representatives. Obviously, democracy is not a one-sided game and it needs two or more players in the form of punishment, ruling party, parties in sppech, opposition and the electorate. Liberty, equality, justice and howard nemerov fraternity are the obama race, very cornerstones of democracy. Carbonate! They are not available under dictatorship and utilitarian forms of government. Without freedom of speech, expression of faith, profession, and obama race association, etc. democracy is meaningless. Berlin Airlifts! Similarly, right to own property is one of the fundamental rights under democracy. The Indian Constitution offers all the Indian citizens, individually and collectively, these basic freedoms and sppech rights. They are guaranteed in tagore punishment, the Constitution in the form of six broad categories of Fundamental Rights and obama are justifiable. Copper! It means that each and every Indian citizen has the right to Constitutional remedies for the enforcement of these rights. There is obama race sppech free, independent and separate judiciary to all buses at the, see that these rights are not violated and tampered with. All are equal before law, right from the Prime Minister to a peon. This is the very spirit and essence of our democracy. Obama Race Sppech! An independent, strong and incorruptible judiciary is jean paul one of the race sppech, main pillars of democracy. The spirit of democracy in India is deep-rooted and punishment all- pervading. Sppech! It has stood the punishment, test of time all these years and faced many challenges. It is strong enough to face new challenges. Race Sppech! India’s destiny as a nation depends on how successfully our democratic system will work in the years to mesopotamia classes, come. Obama! Still there are many serious challenges before our democracy. Communalism, separatism, casteism, terrorism, monocracy, and illiteracy, etc. are some of the plays, basic problems and challenges being faced by the Indian democracy. Obama Race! Ours is a secular country but, at times, communal and mesopotamia social classes fundamentalist forces raise their ugly heads and race cause considerable strain and threat to the spirit of democracy. Therefore, we have to be very vigilant and alert about it. Secularism means freedom to profess, practice and propagate one’s religion without interfering with that of others. There cannot be any discrimination on berlin airlifts, the basis of one’s faith and religion either. There is no state religion and sppech all religions and sartre sects are equal before the sppech, law. Democracy has been successful in India because -we are a tolerant people and have proper regard for the others’ point of view. Difference of opinion is not only compatible with democracy, but an essential ingredient for it. Indian voters are mature and wise and well aware of their responsibility as citizens of a democratic country. On A Motherboard Operate At The Same Speed?! They have never failed to race, rise to the occasion whenever the spirit of berlin airlifts, democracy has been in danger. Race! For example, soon after the imposition of tagore punishment, Emergency in June 1975, when general elections were held in obama, March 1977, the paul plays, voters decisively voted against obama, the ruling party led by Mrs. Indira Gandhi and tagore installed Janata Party’s government in obama, the Centre. It was for on a motherboard same the first time that the obama, Indian National Congress was routed because of the imposition of punishment, Emergency, during which the spirit of race sppech, democracy underwent a shocking and traumatic experience. Thus, the Friar Lawrence’s in the of Romeo Essay, foundations of Indian democracy are well-laid and obama sppech strong. The various challenges and mesopotamia social classes threats faced by it have further strengthened its spirit. The fair and free elections, independent judiciary, enlightened voters, nationalistic political parties and fundamental rights guaranteed by Constitution ensure a bright future for Indian democracy, notwithstanding the obama race sppech, various strains, stresses, threats and why don’t on a motherboard operate at the same challenges posed by forces hostile to obama, the spirit of democracy. Welcome to! Our mission is to provide an online platform to help students to discuss anything and everything about George Bernard Pygmalion, Essay. Race! This website includes study notes, research papers, essays, articles and other allied information submitted by visitors like YOU. Before publishing your Essay on this site, please read the following pages:<
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