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Ideally, new technology will advance, enhance and support human values. But of course this is midas and the golden not an ideal world. Simon Character! The effects of technology are mixed. For example, the “agricultural revolution” and the “industrial revolution” brought many benefits to human beings: food for the hungry, effective medical care for the sick, relief from heavy labor, rapid and comfortable transportation, and midas and the golden so on. Christians Celebrate Important Days! Nevertheless, problems were generated: overpopulation, world-threatening weapons, pollution, terrible accidents that killed many people, etc. Too often, new technology develops with little attention to its impact upon human values. The mass production of automobiles, for example, had profound effects upon cities, travel, entertainment, nature, the and the environment, even sexual mores. Instructional! Many of the consequences were unforeseen – even unimagined – by those who created the midas and the golden technology. Let us do better! In particular, let us do what we can in this era of “the computer revolution” to see that computer technology advances human values. True enough, we could argue endlessly over the meanings of terms like “privacy,” “health,” “security,” “fairness,” or “ownership.” Philosophers do it all the simon character analysis time – and midas and the golden touch ought to. But people understand such values well enough to woman, desire and even to treasure them. We do not need absolute clarity or unattainable unanimity before we do anything to advance them. Ideally, new technology always advances, enhances and midas golden supports human values. But of course this is Essay Instructional not an ideal world. The effects of technology are mixed. For example, the “agricultural revolution” and midas and the golden touch the “industrial revolution” brought many benefits to human beings: food for Essay the hungry, effective medical care for the sick, relief from midas and the golden, heavy labor, rapid and how do christians celebrate important days comfortable transportation, and touch so on. Nevertheless, problems were generated: overpopulation, world-threatening weapons, pollution, terrible accidents which killed many people, etc. Too often, new technology develops with little attention to its impact upon human values. The mass production of automobiles, for example, had profound effects upon Marketing: Essay cities, travel, entertainment, nature, the environment, even sexual mores. Many of the midas and the consequences were unforeseen – even unimagined – by those who created the technology. Let us do better! In particular, let us do what we can in this era of Word-to-Mouth-Marketing, “the computer revolution” to touch, see that computer technology advances human values. True enough, we could argue endlessly over the meanings of terms like “privacy,” “health,” “security,” “fairness,” or “ownership.” Philosophers do it all the time – and ought to. But people understand such values well enough to desire and even to Essay on A Brief History Architecture, treasure them. We do not need absolute clarity or unattainable unanimity before we do anything to advance them. How can we work to make computing technology advance human values? One way is to midas golden, teach “computer ethics” to the public at large and to simon, our students enrolled in courses in computing and midas information sciences. But what is computer ethics? The term “computer ethics” was coined in the mid 1970s by Walter Maner to refer to that field of define, applied professional ethics dealing with ethical problems aggravated, transformed or created by computer technology. By analogy with the more developed field of medical ethics, Maner focussed attention upon golden touch applications of definition, ethical theories and and the touch decision procedures used by philosophers doing applied ethics. He distinguished “computer ethics” from sociology of computing and how do celebrate from technology assessment. For nearly two decades, the midas and the touch term “computer ethics” kept this focussed meaning. Recently, however, the term “computer ethics” has acquired a broader sense that includes applied ethics, sociology of computing, technology assessment, computer law, and who had the most profound effect on the of slavery related fields. And The Golden Touch! This broader kind of History of Ancient Architecture, computer ethics examines the midas and the touch impact of computing and how do christians celebrate days information technology upon human values, using concepts, theories and midas golden procedures from Essay on Differentiated Strategies, philosophy, sociology, law, psychology, and so on. Practitioners of the broader computer ethics – whether they are philosophers, computer scientists, social scientists, public policy makers, or whatever – all have the same goal: To integrate computing technology and human values in midas and the, such a way that the simon character technology advances and midas and the golden touch protects human values, rather than doing damage to them. Donn Parker pursues this goal by gathering example cases and presenting scenarios for discussion. Judith Perrolle does it by on Differentiated Instructional Strategies, applying sociological theories and golden tools to Brief of Ancient Architecture, data about computing; Sherry Turkle does it by applying psychological theories and and the golden touch tools; James Moor, Deborah Johnson and others do it by applying philosophical theories and tools; and who had the most effect on the issue in the states? so on. All of these thinkers and many others address problems about computing technology and and the golden human values, seeking to. Understand the impact of computing technology upon human values Minimize the damage that such technology can do to human values, and Identify ways to use computer technology to advance human values. Computer ethics questions can be raised and studied at various “levels.” And each level is vital to on Differentiated Strategies, the overall goal of protecting and advancing human values. On the most basic level, computer ethics tries to midas and the touch, sensitize people to the fact that computer technology has social and analysis ethical consequences. This is the overall goal of what some call “pop” computer ethics. And The Golden! Newspapers, magazines and TV news programs have engaged increasingly in computer ethics of this sort. Every week, there are news stories about computer viruses, or software ownership law suits, or computer-aided bank robbery, or harmful computer malfunctions, or computerized weapons, etc. Analysis! As the midas golden touch social impact of on A of Ancient Greek Architecture, information technology grows, such articles will proliferate. That’s good! The public at large should be sensitized to the fact that computer technology can threaten human values as well as advance them. The second “level” of touch, computer ethics can be called “para” computer ethics. Someone who takes a special interest in computer ethics cases, collects examples, clarifies them, looks for similarities and Essay Brief of Ancient Architecture differences, reads related works, attends relevant events, and so on, is golden touch learning “para” computer ethics. (I’ve borrowed this term from Keith Miller, who is the first person I ever heard use it.) By analogy with a para medic – who is not a physician, but who does have some technical medical knowledge – a “para” computer ethicist is not a professional ethicist, but does have some relevant special knowledge. A para medic, of course, cannot do all that a physician does, but he or she can make preliminary medical assessments, administer first aid and who had the most profound effect on the united provide rudimentary medical assistance. And The Golden! Similarly, a “para” computer ethicist does not attempt to apply the define participative tools and procedures of a professional philosopher or lawyer or social scientist. Rather, he or she makes preliminary assessments and identifications of computer ethics cases, compares them with others, suggests possible analyses. The third level of golden touch, computer ethics I call “theoretical” computer ethics, because it applies scholarly theories to computer ethics cases and concepts. Someone proficient in public nudity, “theoretical” computer ethics would be able not only to and the touch, identify, clarify, compare and contrast computer ethics cases; she or he could also apply theories and Instructional Strategies tools from philosophy, social science or law in midas touch, order to deepen our understanding of the issues. Character! Such “theoretical” computer ethics is normally taught in college-level courses with titles like “Computer Ethics,” “Computers and Society,” “Computers and the Law.” All three “levels of analysis” are important to midas and the golden touch, the goal of life chances, advancing and defending human values. Touch! Voters and the public at large, for example, should be sensitive to the social and Essay Brief History of Ancient Greek ethical consequences of information technology. Computer professionals and public policy makers should have “para” computer ethics skills and knowledge in order to do their jobs effectively. And scholars must continue to deepen our understanding of the social and ethical impact of computing by engaging in theoretical analysis and research. In reality, of midas golden, course, none of these three “Levels” of computer ethics is cleanly separated from the on A of Ancient Architecture others. One blends gradually into the next. Nevertheless, I think it is useful to distinguish them, and I will continue to do so here. Computer Ethics and the Curriculum. I’m always amazed when I meet computer professionals in business and midas and the golden industry, or even computer science teachers in simon character analysis, colleges and and the golden touch universities, who fail to recognize (or perhaps fail to admit) that their profession has social and ethical consequences. Word-to-Mouth-Marketing Essay! Surely, all computer professionals should, at a bare minimum, have “pop” computer ethics knowledge. Midas And The Golden! For this reason, it seems to chances definition, me that every computer science curriculum ought to address computer ethics issues at midas and the golden least on the “pop” level. This should not be hard to do. First, however, computer science instructors must admit to simon analysis, each other and to the world that computer technology has social and and the golden ethical consequences. Such “sensitized” faculty members would regularly notice computer ethics news stories on television and in how do christians important days, the newspapers. They could easily bring photocopies or very brief video tapes of such stories to class. Touch! In addition, they could. Regularly express to participative, students and midas golden touch colleagues their own judgments about Essay on Differentiated, particular computer ethics cases Lead an occasional class discussion about such cases, and Include a relevant question or two on exams or quizzes. Such teachers do not have to midas and the, be trained as philosophers or lawyers or social scientists. They don’t even have to define participative, have expertise in midas golden touch, “para” computer ethics, although having such skills would certainly be an advantage. Surely, this is the bare minimum amount of computer ethics that a computer science curriculum should provide to its students. To graduate computer science majors with no computer ethics knowledge at simon analysis all would certainly be irresponsible! Of course, occasionally doing a bit of “pop” computer ethics in the classroom would not be sufficient to midas touch, attain national accreditation for life a computer science program. In November 1990, the Computer Science Accreditation Commission/Computer Science Accreditation Board (CSAC/CSAB) adopted new criteria for national accreditation. And The Golden! One new criterion states: The social and Viral Word-to-Mouth-Marketing Essay ethical implications of computing must be included in and the, the program. According to Professor Joseph Turner of Clemson University, who headed CSAC/CSAB when the latest criteria were adopted, evaluation teams are becoming much more insistent that 1) there be a significant amount of material (at least the equivalent of a few weeks or so of a normal course, and nudity woman preferably in more than one course) and 2) that the midas touch material actually be covered, rather than just being a topic on the syllabus (e.g., at life definition the end of the midas and the touch syllabus) that most instructors never get to. (Turner 1991, p.2) In addition, Turner says, “An elective course is public not relevant to meeting a requirement of the criteria, because all graduates of touch, a program must meet the define requirements in order for midas golden touch a program to be accredited.” (Turner, 1991, p.2) For national accreditation, then, a computer science program must require that every student take some computer ethics. How can this be achieved? At least three different approaches have been suggested: The “whole course” approach The “Case-Study-in-Every-course” approach, and chances definition The “capstone software-engineering” approach. Midas! Let me discuss each of these, in how do christians important, turn, beginning with the “whole course” approach. Courses and Textbooks in “Para” Computer Ethics. CSAC/CSAB intentionally made their accreditation criteria rather general, in order to make it possible to midas and the touch, fulfill them in Essay on A History of Ancient, a variety of ways. One way to and the touch, do so would be to definition, require an midas and the touch, entire college course – one that is worth between one and on Differentiated Strategies three college credits. The course could be offered by golden, the Computer Science Department, or the Viral Word-to-Mouth-Marketing Philosophy Department, or the Sociology Department, or any other appropriate academic entity on golden touch, campus. Define Participative! The main resources needed would be a faculty member with appropriate skills and knowledge, plus a good textbook or other quality curriculum materials. There are several books currently available, both at the “para” and midas and the golden touch the “theoretical” levels; and who had the most profound effect in the states? both types of and the touch, course are being taught on Essay of Ancient Greek Architecture, campuses across the country. Either type would satisfy national accreditation requirements. Curriculum materials for courses in midas and the golden touch, “para” computer ethics are readily available. History Of Ancient Architecture! A combination of recent magazine and newspaper articles from the neighborhood newsstand, for example, can be supplemented with items from professional journals, government reports and conference proceedings. As long as the instructor has knowledge and midas and the touch skills from “para” computer ethics, such curriculum materials can provide a sound basis for simon character a stimulating and and the touch very current “para” course. A number of “para” computer ethics textbooks now seem poised to Marketing: Essay, hit the midas and the touch bookstores. One new “para” text is Parker, Swope and Baker’s Ethical Conflicts in Information and Computer Science, Technology and Business (QED Information Sciences 1990). This book is the result of an life definition, NSF funded project headed by Donn Parker at SRI International. It includes 54 scenarios that raise or illustrate computing and midas golden touch values questions. A panel of 34 people, including computer professionals, business people, philosophers and Essay lawyers, read and discussed the and the golden scenarios, then voted on whether the behavior under consideration was ethical or not. Word-to-Mouth-Marketing Essay! The voting results and golden highlights of the panel’s opinions are included in the book. (An Appendix collects together various “position papers” clarifying or defending opinions of character, some of the panelists.) The panel was not a scientifically selected sample, nor was the midas and the golden touch project intended to be a formal scientific study. Panelists were “selected on on A Brief History of Ancient, the basis of golden, their known interests in ethics in the computer field” (Parker, et al., 1990, p.9); and they were to “suggest general principles concerning ethical and unethical practices in simon, the computer field,” then ultimately “suggest more explicit ethical principles for computer users.” (p.8) The “general principles” applied to midas golden touch, each scenario are stated at Essay History Greek the end of the discussion of that scenario. Midas And The! The “more explicit ethical principles” are stated in celebrate important, Chapter VII, “Summary of midas touch, Ethical Issues.” As a work in analysis, “para” computer ethics, Parker, Swope and Baker’s Ethical Conflicts succeeds in raising the and the golden touch reader’s consciousness about computer ethics issues, providing realistic cases to public, think about, and suggesting some general ethical ideas or rules that could begin to golden touch, sort out cases and participative suggest some conclusions. Midas And The Golden! However this book does not provide theoretical tools for analysis. Those who are looking for a scholarly treatise or scientific study to woman, serve as a text in “theoretical” computer ethics will find the midas book inadequate. To use it in a “theoretical” course, one must supplement it with theoretical materials. Another recent “para” computer ethics text is Forester and Morrison’s Computer Ethics: Cautionary Tales and Ethical Dilemmas in simon, Computing (MIT Press, 1990). As a work of “para” computer ethics, Forester and touch Morrison’s book has several virtues, but also a serious defect. The virtues make it attractive as a high school or undergraduate text. But the defect could turn it into chances definition a nuisance – perhaps even a danger – to student users, to their schools, to the community at large. The authors gather together a large number of midas, cases illustrating “problems created for society by Brief of Ancient Greek, computers.” Relying heavily upon Peter Neumann’s contributions to Software Engineering Notes (“Risks to and the, the Public in Computer Systems”), and also upon simon character analysis magazine and newspaper reports, Forester and midas touch Morrison present case after case of Essay Brief of Ancient Architecture, computer crimes, software theft, hacking, viruses, invasions of privacy, computer malfunctions, and and the computer-caused problems in the workplace. Character Analysis! Their descriptions often have the and the golden touch “gee-whiz” flavor of sensational newspaper reports. Celebrate Important! This makes the book entertaining, even for students who normally find reading to be painful. This is a virtue for a work in “para” computer ethics. There is, however, a very important problem with the book – a problem that can be traced to Chapter 4 on hacking. At the touch very least, a textbook should do no harm. I am concerned that Forester and Morrison’s book may not pass this basic test. Simon! Although the golden touch authors do try to give both sides of the argument about hacking, the following kinds of passages seem to important days, stand out: After all, when one Г­breaks’ into a system, nothing has been broken at all – hence there is no obvious intent to cause harm. When a file has been copied or selectively viewed, then what has been stolen? The information is, after all, still there. And if one happens to try out golden, a few programs while browsing through a system, is this almost analogous to seeing someone’s bicycle, riding it for a few meters and then putting it back? Again, what harm has been caused, what crime has been committed? In the eyes of define participative, many hackers, only in the most trivial sense could this be considered as unlawful use. And The Golden Touch! (p.60) One finds in Essay on A Brief History, Chapter 4 reference to people who engage in midas, such “cracking” as “modern-day Robin Hoods.” Given that more and more information about individuals is now being stored on how do christians celebrate, computers, often without our knowledge or consent, is it not reassuring that some citizens are able to penetrate these databases to midas golden, find out what is going on? Thus it could be argued that hackers represent one way in which we can help avoid the creation of a more centralized, even totalitarian government. (p.49) Hackers are compared with newspaper reporters defending freedom of the define participative press or freedom of and the golden, information; and an argument is presented that, “in a fair and open society,” hacking that destroys nothing and steals nothing should be tolerated – indeed, that prevention of the most issue of slavery in the states?, such hacking would be similar to and the touch, racial, ethnic or religious repression. (p.50) Chapter 4 also includes: (1) descriptions of on the of slavery united, equipment needed for hacking, (2) specific information on midas touch, how to participative, break into and the other people’s computer systems, and nudity (3) references to comprehensive how-to-do-it hackers’ guidebooks. For the above-described reasons, I worry that this book (despite the midas and the golden touch authors’ efforts to give both sides of the participative story) may actually encourage students to midas, break into other people’s computer systems – and life chances such students will hack self-righteously, believing that they are defending some noble cause! But just a little thought about “harmless” hacking reveals the golden touch tremendous damage that it can do: Is it okay to simon character, break into midas and the golden someone’s computer and define participative read private papers, unpublished manuscripts, love letters? Is it ethical to hack into the computer systems of doctors, lawyers, banks, accountants, hospitals, psychiatrists and midas golden touch read the public nudity woman private files of midas and the golden, patients, clients and celebrate customers? Is this behavior noble? Does one have a right to do it? Clearly it is unethical, as the midas and the touch following two hypothetical scenarios illustrate: A burglar picks the lock (without breaking anything) of public woman, your medical doctor’s office. And The Touch! He enters the office, opens various filing cabinets and define reads private medical records about you and and the other patients. Christians Celebrate Important! He alters no data in midas and the golden, the files. A hacker breaks into Essay on A Brief Architecture your doctor’s computer system. Without changing anything or causing the system to crash, he opens various files on the hard disk and and the touch reads private medical records about you and how do days other patients. To me, it seems clear that these two actions are ethically equivalent. In both cases, there has been an midas touch, egregious violation of the right to privacy. The right to privacy has not been repealed just because computers were invented! Surely private records should remain private whether they are in chances definition, a filing cabinet or on midas and the golden touch, a disk. After all, privacy is not a little thing to define, be sacrificed to a hacker’s curiosity. And The! It is define a basic human right; and golden without it, our lives would be much worse. How Do Christians Celebrate Important Days! Yet students who read Forester and Morrison’s Computer Ethics may come to touch, consider hacking into issue in the states? private files to midas, be noble! For all these reasons, I am concerned that this book, if widely adopted as a text, might lead to a new wave of student hacking. School computers would probably be the Viral Word-to-Mouth-Marketing first targets, then computers at other locations via networks. And the and the golden touch students, if caught, could be expelled from school or arrested! Courses and Textbooks in “Theoretical” Computer Ethics. If one prefers to offer a course in “theoretical” computer ethics, it is always possible to use two textbooks – one in “para” computer ethics and one in define participative, “theoretical” computer ethics. Indeed, I intend to recommend below that one begin a course with “para” computer ethics (either from a textbook or other supplemental materials), even if the course will eventually become very theoretical. Textbooks in applied ethics usually start with a chapter or two of theory. Later chapters then apply those theories to concepts or problems in specific subject matter like medicine, business, computing or the environment. And The Touch! Most applied ethics textbooks have this “theory-first” structure, because applied ethics courses traditionally begin with theory and consider specific cases later. Such courses can be reasonably successful (I have had some success with them myself). Nevertheless my own experience indicates that a better approach is to define, begin with realistic cases and scenarios, rather than theory. After all, at the start of a course most students relate better to specific cases than to abstract theories and definitions. Midas And The Golden Touch! And by choosing cases which raise troubling ethical and public social questions, the teacher causes the touch student to Marketing: Word-to-Mouth-Marketing Essay, “feel the midas and the touch grip of a problem” and long for clarification or guidance. Essay On A Brief! At that point, once the midas and the touch student feels a need, the introduction of participative, theory is welcome, rather than a frightening or “boring” development. In a “theoretical” computer ethics course, therefore, I recommend that the class begin with “para” computer ethics materials – especially provocative cases and scenarios – then move on midas and the touch, to “theoretical” considerations. Several “theoretical” textbooks have been available since the mid 1980s, and define participative publishers are starting to bring more to market. Midas! (I describe only celebrate, two example textbooks here.) For those interested in a philosophical approach, Deborah Johnson’s Computer Ethics (Prentice-Hall, 1985) has been the golden standard textbook across the country. Chances Definition! For a social science approach, Judith Perrolle’s Computers and Social Change: Information, Property and Power (Wadsworth, 1987) offers an midas golden, impressive sociological tour de force. (See “Selected Bibliography” below for other textbook suggestions.) Deborah Johnson’s Computer Ethics begins with two introductory chapters: one on Viral Marketing:, philosophers’ ethical theories (utilitarianism and Kantianism) and one on midas and the golden touch, professional ethics. In addition, there are four computer-specific chapters covering: liability for computer malfunctions, computers and privacy, computers and power, and ownership of software. Johnson’s book is very clearly written, and on Differentiated Strategies students find it easy to midas, understand and who had the most profound of slavery united states? use. Midas And The Golden Touch! It contains effective applications of philosophical theories, like John Locke’s account of life definition, property or the ethical theory of utilitarianism. And The Golden Touch! As a work of “theoretical” computer ethics, the book is most successful in Chapter 4 where James Rachels’ analysis of the concept of privacy is effectively used to life, shed light upon issues in midas and the, computing and privacy. A shortcoming of Johnson’s book is its brevity. Many of today’s “hot” topics are not even included – topics like computer “viruses” and Essay on Differentiated other malicious software, computer-human interface questions (ergonomics), replacement of human decision-making by golden touch, computers, using computers to on Differentiated Instructional, empower the disabled, using computers in war, and golden so on. Viral Marketing: Word-to-Mouth-Marketing! Because of this, the book is and the golden rather dated. Nevertheless, appropriately supplemented with a second text or recent journal articles, Johnson’s Computer Ethics remains an analysis, effective teaching tool – the best philosophical text on midas, the market. Judith Perrolle’s Computers and Social Change (Perrolle 1987) is of Ancient intended to provide “a framework for midas golden touch understanding the social context and consequences of information technology, including the role of woman, information in human history.” (Preface, xvii) It is divided into midas and the golden touch four sections, which Perrolle describes as follows: The first examines the Strategies social context of midas touch, information technology, providing a conceptual framework for Viral understanding the and the computer as an participative, information-processing tool capable of golden touch, producing enormous changes in human life far beyond the immediate purposes for which it was designed. The second part of the Viral Marketing: Word-to-Mouth-Marketing Essay book considers immediate effects of computers by examining the midas golden subject of ergonomics – the human/technology interface. Participative! The third part of the golden touch book analyzes the who had the most effect on the computer transformation of touch, work. The fourth section of the book deals with the nudity woman computer’s effects on information, property, and power in democratic institutions. This book is rich with ideas, theories, concepts and analyses. Golden! There are subsections on days, a wide variety of topics, including for example the scientific study of and the, information, the computer as a tool, theories of social change, computers and capitalism, the how do christians celebrate days psychology of human/computer interaction, computer-aided socialization, the meaning of work, office automation, expert systems in midas and the, the professions, information as property, computers and on A History of Ancient Architecture social control, information and the public interest, the social future of and the, information, and so on. Most computer science undergraduates will find Perrolle’s book to be very challenging, but also very rewarding and simon analysis worth the struggle. In my judgment, the book is midas best suited to christians celebrate, students late in and the touch, their college careers, when they are more mature and chances are likely to have had some courses in history and social theory. And The! Of course, there are other quality textbooks besides the above-described ones (see the selected bibliography below), and the most profound effect of slavery in the states? new texts are coming onto the market. A “definitive” textbook that captures most of the market has not yet been published. Midas And The! The next generation of texts will likely combine both the “para” and how do celebrate important “theoretical” levels; and midas golden touch they will employ more than one discipline (for example, philosophy, sociology and life law). The Case-Study-in-Every-Course Approach. So far, I have focussed attention upon whole courses in computer ethics. Touch! However, in life, his article “Integrating Computer Ethics into the Computer Science Curriculum” (Miller 1988), Keith Miller makes an midas golden, impressive case for participative including computer ethics components in all (or most) computer science courses in the curriculum. Midas Golden Touch! According to Essay on Differentiated Instructional Strategies, Miller, the societal and technical aspects of computing are interdependent. Golden Touch! Technical issues are best understood (and most effectively taught) in their social context, and the societal aspects of computing are best understood in the context of the underlying technical detail. Far from detracting from students’ learning of technical information, including societal aspects in the computer science curriculum can enhance students’ learning, increase their motivation, and deepen their understanding. Essay On Differentiated! (Miller 1988, p.38) [Therefore, computer science] Professors do not need to artificially force ethics into midas and the touch their courses, and ethics need not force something else out. (p.39) To illustrate his point, Miller takes the the most states? eight required courses in the ACM Curriculum ’78 report (CS 1 through CS 8) and midas and the golden touch shows how to Essay on Differentiated Strategies, integrate helpful and relevant computer ethics case studies into golden each course. The case studies all illustrate how technical concepts can have value implications. For each course, Miller. Identifies a central technical concept Introduces an participative, example case to which the concept applies Shows how an ethical question arises from the case, and midas and the Raises a series of ethical and on Differentiated Instructional Strategies social questions. (Miller’s article is a first-class example of midas golden, “para” computer ethics; and I strongly recommend it.) It would be wonderful – a dramatic improvement in the computer science curriculum – if every undergraduate course in computer science included helpful computer ethics cases and nudity analyses like Miller’s. Essentially, what Miller recommends is that teachers in computer science departments become adept at “para” computer ethics analysis and use it in midas and the touch, their classes. My own experience with faculty colleagues in simon character analysis, a number of computer science departments, however, suggests that they are reluctant to learn “para” computer ethics skills or to use them in golden, their courses. Computer science faculty members would much prefer, it seems, to have someone at the college offer a separate course in Brief of Ancient, computer ethics, while they continue to do what they have always done – ignore the social impact of computing. This is midas touch a pity, for how do christians important I believe Miller’s suggestion is an and the touch, excellent one to improve the Architecture computer science curriculum. In any case, it is unclear whether a computer science program that fits Miller’s description would achieve national accreditation. Presumably it would, if. the accreditors are satisfied that nearly every course in the program would actually include “para” computer ethics components (not merely list them in the syllabus, but never get to them!), and the sum total of and the golden touch, all such components is equivalent in on A Brief History Architecture, time and effort to golden touch, roughly a one-credit college course. The Software Engineering “Capstone” Approach. Another way to integrate computer ethics into the computer science curriculum has been tried with some success by Don Gotterbarn (Gotterbarn 1991) and simon character others. This “software engineering approach” combines computer ethics and a software engineering project late in midas and the touch, the student’s college career. Gotterbarn reports that he has done this in how do, two different ways: By integrating ethical issues into a project-oriented software engineering course, and By integrating a large software-development project into a computer ethics seminar for advanced undergraduates in golden touch, computer science. In both courses, students are involved in the nitty-gritty tasks and decisions required to develop a piece of software; and in the process, various computer ethics issues arise and are discussed. Simon Character! According to Gotterbarn, this is a more practical and more effective way to and the touch, teach computer ethics than the Brief of Ancient Architecture traditional “theoretical” computer ethics course, especially. if the intent is to golden touch, meet the special needs of the Brief History of Ancient computer science student… by midas golden touch, conceiving computer ethics more narrowly as the study of ethical issues which face the practicing computer professional (Gotterbarn 1991, p.2) Gotterbarn argues that such a “capstone” course taken late in a student’s college career is preferable to on A History of Ancient Greek, an early “theoretical” course: There are several reasons for midas and the making it a late course. Chances! For example, many ethical issues faced by the computing professional are tied directly to midas and the golden, his or her use of professional skills. Viral Essay! The beginning student is not yet in a position to understand them. But capstone courses taken late in the student’s career can (1) tie together elements from midas golden, all the theoretical courses, (2) convey a sense of professional responsibility not covered in other courses, and (3) deal with the true nature of computing as a service to chances, other human beings. (Gotterbarn 1991, p.1) Gotterbarn makes an midas golden touch, impressive plea for such “capstone” courses. There are a number of advantages to their being late in a student’s college career. Simon Character! On the and the golden touch other hand, if a late course is the participative only one in midas golden touch, which a student is exposed to computer ethics issues, this could leave the how do christians celebrate days mistaken and midas golden dangerous impression that ethical concerns are separate, extra considerations which can and public nudity ought to be separated from the midas rest of computer science. This would be a mistake. It seems to me that a balanced computer science curriculum would integrate computer ethics considerations in who had profound effect of slavery in the united states?, a variety of ways throughout the midas and the curriculum. (See below for my recommendations.) Desired Outcomes of Computer Ethics Instruction. No matter which teaching approach one uses, the educational goals of define, computer ethics instruction are the same: To sensitize students to midas and the golden, computer ethics issues To provide tools and Viral Marketing: Word-to-Mouth-Marketing methods (either “para” or “theoretical”) for golden touch analyzing cases To provide practice in applying the Essay History Greek tools and touch methods to actual or realistic cases To develop in analysis, the student “good judgment” and “helpful intuitions” for spur-of-the-moment decision making as computer professionals and computer users. Computer ethics should not be considered “something extra,” an touch, after thought to be “added on” to the curriculum. And it certainly should be allocated more than a single credit out of 124 undergraduate credits needed to Essay on Differentiated, graduate from a typical college. Computing has become a complex and growing part of and the golden touch, society – with profound and deep social and ethical implications! The only responsible way to public nudity woman, include computer ethics in the curriculum, therefore, is to integrate it thoroughly: Every computer teacher should become sensitized to the social and ethical impacts of golden, computing. He or she should engage in “pop” computer ethics by discussing in the classroom current cases that are reported on TV or in the newspapers. Analysis! Every computer science program should include some teachers skilled in “para” computer ethics who integrate case studies into golden touch their courses in nudity woman, the way that Keith Miller recommends. Every computer science program should require a three credit course in midas and the touch, computer ethics to be taken relatively late in the student’s career. This could be a “capstone” course, or a “para” computer ethics course, or a “theoretical” course using theory from philosophy or social science or law to Essay, analyze cases and deepen student understanding. Every college worthy of the name should have at and the touch least one scholar doing “theoretical” computer ethics research to deepen and broaden our society’s understanding of the impact of computing upon human values. Such a computer science program – and Word-to-Mouth-Marketing Essay such a college – would certainly fulfill national accreditation requirements in midas and the, computer ethics. In addition, and much more importantly, the program and the college would thereby strive to make computing technology advance and protect human values, rather than damage them. Life Chances! Society should accept nothing less from its colleges and universities! Southern Connecticut State University. Geoffrey Brown, The Information Game: Ethical issues in a Microchip World, Humanities Press International, l989. David Burnham, The Rise of the and the golden Computer State, Random House, l984. Terrell Ward Bynum, ed., Computers and participative Ethics, Basil Blackwell, 1985. (A special issue of the journal Metaphilosophy, October 1985) Computing Curricula 1991: Report of the ACM/IEEE-CS Joint Curriculum Task Force, ACM Press and midas golden touch IEEE Computer Society Press, 1991. Charles Dunlop and woman Rob Kling, eds., Computerization and midas golden touch Controversy: Value Conflicts and Social Choices, Academic Press, l991. Tom Forester and Perry Morrison, Computer Ethics: Cautionary Tales and Ethical Dilemmas in Computing, The MIT Press, l990. Batya Friedman and Terry Winograd, eds., Computing and character analysis Social Responsibility: A Collection of Course Syllabi, Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility, l990. Donald Gotterbarn, “A вЂCapstone’ Course in and the golden, Computer Ethics” in Terrell Ward Bynum, Walter Maner and John L. Essay On A Brief Of Ancient Greek Architecture! Fodor, eds., Teaching Computer Ethics, Research Center on Computing & Society, 1992. Deborah G. Johnson, Computer Ethics, Prentice-Hall, l985. Deborah G. Johnson and John W. Snapper, Ethical Issues in midas, the Use of character, Computers, Wadsworth Publishing Company, l985. Midas And The Touch! (Out of print) Thomas Milton Kemnitz and History of Ancient Greek Phillip Vincent, Computer Ethics, Trillium Press, l985. Keith Miller, “Integrating Computer Ethics into and the golden touch the Computer Science Curriculum,” Computer Science Education, Vol. 1, 1988, 37 – 52. Viral Marketing: Word-to-Mouth-Marketing Essay! (Reprinted in Terrell Ward Bynum, Walter Maner and and the golden touch John L. Define Participative! Fodor, eds., Teaching Computer Ethics, Research Center on Computing & Society, 1992.) Judith A. Golden Touch! Perrolle, Computers and Social Change: Information, Property and participative Power, Wadsworth, l987. Jane Robinett and midas and the golden touch Ramon Barquin, eds., Computers and Ethics: A Sourcebook for Discussions, Polytechnic Press, l989. Donn Parker, Susan Swope and Viral Bruce N. Baker, Ethical Conflicts in Information and Computer Science, Technology and Business, QED Information Sciences, l990. Kathryn Schellenberg, ed., Computers in golden touch, Society, 3rd ed., Dushkin Publishing Group, l990. Sherry Turkle, The Second Self: Computers and define the Human Spirit, Simon & Schuster, l984. Joseph Turner, An e-mail message to midas touch, Keith Miller regarding computer science accreditation, March 27, 1991. Public Woman! (Included in the “Track Portfolio” of the midas and the touch Teaching Computing & Values “Track Pack” at the most profound effect united states? the National Conference on midas and the touch, Computing and how do celebrate important Values, New Haven, CT. Midas Touch! August 1991) Integrating Computer Ethics into analysis the Computer Science Curriculum. The societal and technical aspects of computing are interdependent. Technical issues are best understood (and most effectively taught) in midas and the golden touch, their social context, and chances definition the societal aspects of computing are best understood in midas and the golden touch, the context of the underlying technical detail. The Most Effect On The Issue! By including the midas touch study of computer ethics in their computer science curriculum, educators can increase students’ motivation and deepen their understanding. Using a case study approach, the value dimensions of Essay on A Brief History Architecture, technical issues can be naturally incorporated into midas existing lectures and used with existing textbooks. Specific case studies related to courses from on A Brief History Greek Architecture, ACM’s Curriculum ’78 illustrate the utility of this approach. The ACM’s Curriculum ’78 (ACM Curriculum Committee, 1978), which has dramatically influenced what computer science departments teach, displayed ambivalence towards including the societal aspects of computing in a computer science curriculum. Curriculum ’78 includes a specific elective course (CS 9) devoted to the “Societal Aspects of Computing,” but the committee’s report also suggests that these issues can be discussed throughout the curriculum. Exactly what issues are to be covered in which courses was not clarified. Recently publications on computer science curricula have given even less attention to the societal impact of midas golden touch, computing. For example, Gibbs and Viral Tucker (Gibbs & Tucker, 1986) omit any reference to and the, these aspects in their “Model Curriculum for a Liberal Arts Degree in character, Computer Science.” Both Curriculum ’78 and the Gibbs and Tucker curriculum reinforce the idea that computing can legitimately be separated into technical issues and and the golden touch non-technical issues. This article is based on a contrary notion: that the public societal and midas and the technical aspects of life, computing are interdependent. And The Golden! Technical issues are best understood (and most effectively taught) in chances definition, their social context, and midas and the golden the societal aspects of computing are best understood in the context of the underlying technical detail. Far from life, detracting from midas, students’ learning of life, technical information, including societal aspects in golden touch, the computer science curriculum can enhance students’ learning, increase their motivation, and deepen their understanding. “Societal aspects of computing” covers a broad range of topics – much too broad to life, be discussed in midas and the golden touch, one article. Marketing: Word-to-Mouth-Marketing Essay! This article focuses on the process of ethical decision-making by midas, computer professionals, or “computer ethics.” A related but distinct topic is the ethical impact that computer technology has on how do celebrate important days, society as a whole (Baum, 1980). This article includes such aspects only touch, as they affect an individual computer professional’s decisions. Can Computer Ethics Be Taught in on Differentiated Instructional, the Computer Science Curriculum? Computer scientists as well as ethicists (Mahowald & Mahowald, 1982) have raised serious questions about and the touch, teaching ethics in a science curriculum. The issues they raise include the public woman following: The curriculum already is midas and the golden overcrowded. Including ethical issues requires that important technical issues be ignored or given less attention than they should be given. Computer science faculty have little experience in public nudity, ethics, and midas golden touch they are uncomfortable teaching in this area. Professors unschooled in formal ethical techniques may fall into the trap of participative, preaching a moral code (an abuse of their position) instead of golden touch, raising questions, elaborating possible answers, and Viral Marketing: exploring justifications (activities which properly belong to ethics). And The Golden Touch! Any ethics taught will be diluted at the most on the of slavery states? best and possibly erroneous. These legitimate reservations require a careful delineation of touch, realistic goals and straightforward techniques in public woman, the teaching of midas and the, computer ethics by computer science professors. An important but limited goal is to help students become more aware of ethical questions related to on A Brief History of Ancient Architecture, the use of computers. This goal does not require computer science professors to midas and the golden touch, present formal ethical techniques for confronting those questions; these matters are best left to professionals in the field of celebrate, ethics. Instead, a computer science professor can lead students to recognize that such ethical questions exist, and to midas touch, explore how those questions may arise in their future professional lives. The teaching techniques described below are intended to life, raise questions. And The! The most careful reasoning about answers to these questions will require study outside the define participative traditional computer science curriculum. Ideally, both professors and students will be motivated to learn more about ethical theory and golden touch its application to computing. Participative! A course team taught by an ethicist and a computer scientist is midas and the touch a productive setting for woman such learning (Baum, 1980), but a discussion of such a course is outside the scope of midas and the, this article. Technical Concerns, Ethical Questions. Several computer science educators have asked the author of Marketing:, this article, “what would you take out and the, of the on A Brief History Greek Architecture curriculum to make room for computer ethics?” The intent of this article is to midas and the, show how computer ethics is an integral part of the technical issues already being taught. Professors do not need to nudity woman, artificially force ethics into their courses, and midas and the golden ethics need not force something else out. Instead, the value dimensions of technical issues can be naturally incorporated into simon character analysis existing lectures and midas and the golden touch used with existing textbooks. Although there are numerous strategies for incorporating computer ethics into a curriculum (The Hastings Center, 1980), this article focuses on simon, one: a case study approach. The idea is straightforward: the professor distributes or presents material concerning the use of midas golden, computers and then students and the most profound effect issue in the states? the professor discuss questions about the material. And The Golden Touch! Cases can be fictionalized scenarios, news items, book excerpts, interviews, and the like. Ideally, the professor should encourage students to question assumptions and to Essay, identify the midas and the golden values at how do christians days stake in and the golden, the cases. The case studies can show that technical computer science concepts are intertwined with questions society must ask and who had the most effect of slavery in the states? answer when people use computers. In order to illustrate how case studies can be integrated into a computer science curriculum, this section includes a short discussion of the required courses in Curriculum ’78, classes CS 1 Вґ CS 8. For each class, the section identifies one technical concept or theme typically covered in midas golden touch, such a class. A case study illustrates how the technical concept has value implications. Instructional! A short description of ethical questions accompanies each case study. CS 1: Computer Programming I. Technical concept: Garbage in•garbage out. CS 1 begins an emphasis on good programming style, an emphasis that continues through the touch entire curriculum. One element of good programming style is checking input data. Simon Analysis! In even the simplest programs, students are taught to test for validity before using data in further processing. Midas Golden Touch! The increasingly interactive environments used by CS 1 students underscore the importance of the GIGO concept. Example case: The FBl’s National Crime Information Center. The FBI’s National Crime Information Center is a database system that includes criminal history records, including outstanding warrants. A 1983 Office of christians celebrate important, Technology Assessment study (Laudon, 1983) claims that less than half the records in midas and the golden touch, this database are complete, accurate, and unambiguous. Ethical question: Who is responsible for the accuracy of define participative, stored information? Hardware and software developments have made information a commodity in and the golden touch, demand. Machine readable information is Instructional Strategies reasonably priced and readily available in mailing lists, credit bureaus, and numerous data bases. Midas Golden! However, society has yet to define, deal effectively with difficult questions about the midas golden quality of who had the most effect on the issue states?, information in touch, databases (Burnham, 1985; Davis, 1987). Here are some questions specifically about the simon character analysis FBI database: What are the potential benefits of and the golden touch, a system such as the participative National Crime Information Center? If the information included in the database were more accurate, could there still be objections to its use? How many different databases include your name? How many of midas touch, these databases include your social security number? Is all the information in those databases accurate? How do you know? To what extent is a computer programmer responsible for the accuracy of information in Strategies, a database? Does inclusion in a database lend authority to information that may be unwarranted? What kind of midas golden, automatic data checks might help reduce erroneous information in participative, the FBl’s files? What kind of midas touch, manual data checks might help? What economic and Essay on A History of Ancient Greek Architecture political factors will encourage and midas golden touch discourage additional data checking in nudity woman, this and touch other databases? If students seem mystified about on Differentiated Instructional Strategies, why someone innocent of a crime might object to aspects of the FBI database, the professor can include case studies about people victimized by incorrect or misleading information in midas and the golden touch, large databases (Rosenberg, 1986). Public! However, if students have concluded that such databases are uniformly evil, the professor can introduce cases in midas and the golden, which law enforcement officials use computers to catch otherwise elusive criminals (Shannon, 1987). CS 2: Computer Programming II. Technical Concept: Searching and sorting techniques. CS 1 introduces sorting, and who had profound effect of slavery that theme is and the touch continued in CS 2. Sorting is required for the most efficient searching techniques. Example case: Police department clerk provides arrest records. This case study is define fictional, adapted from and the, a collection of how do celebrate important days, ethical case studies involving computers (Parker, 1981). A computer programmer was in charge of and the golden, a police database system which included access to local and public national arrest records. The programmer had a friend in the personnel department of a local corporation, and the friend often did background investigations of and the, potential employees. Job applicants signed release forms authorizing their employer to life, do background investigations. As a personal favor, the programmer gave copies of midas and the golden touch, arrest records to the friend in the personnel department. How Do Celebrate Important Days! Since police arrest blotters are in the public domain, the midas and the golden friends saw no ethical problems in Word-to-Mouth-Marketing Essay, providing complete records of an individual more conveniently. And The Golden! The programmer did not request permission to celebrate important days, perform this service, since it was regularly performed for courts, attorneys, law enforcement organizations, and and the golden touch banks. Ethical question: Who owns information? As discussed in who had the most profound on the in the united states?, conjunction with CS 1, computers make information available cheaply and quickly. As students begin to midas and the golden, understand how they can facilitate access to this information, the question about how do christians celebrate important days, who will use this access becomes important. Computer professionals often have increased access to important and potentially damaging personal information, and they will make decisions about how that information is or is not disseminated and and the touch protected. Some discussion questions about the police department programmer follow: Was the Essay on A Brief Architecture security employee justified in seeking the golden arrest records? Was it ethical for on Differentiated the clerk to supply them? Does a corporation have the midas and the touch right to define, examine police records of potential employees? Do private citizens have the and the right to examine their own police records? Should individuals and chances organizations both have convenient access to these records? If so, who should pay for this access? Most of the golden touch people routinely given access to Essay, the records were associated with the midas golden legal system, but banks were also given access. Why do you think banks were given access? If banks were the only organizations given access, do you think this was appropriate? CS 3: Introduction to Computer Systems. CS 3: Introduction to Computer Systems. Technical concept: Assembler code is machine efficient but difficult to write. An important objective in woman, CS 3 is to and the golden, familiarize students with the finely detailed low-level control available with assembler programming. Another important point is the who had the most profound effect issue united difficulty of controlling the midas and the golden touch complexity of simon character analysis, a large assembler program, even with the addition of a macro facility. In 1986, at least two people died and at midas least one other was maimed after receiving excessive radiation from a linear accelerator radiation machine called the issue united states? Therac 25 (Joyce, 1986). Midas Golden! The first death occurred after a treatment on celebrate, March 21. Golden! Technicians and on the of slavery in the united states? doctors carefully examined the midas touch equipment and the incident, and Essay on Differentiated Strategies concluded the machine was safe. On April 11, however, a second patient was given what proved to be a fatal overdose from the machine. And The Touch! After this incident, the the most profound of slavery united problem with the machine was finally discovered: a bug in midas golden touch, the assembler language program which controlled the chances machine. The Therac 25 has two modes: x-ray mode and electron beam mode. In x-ray mode, a very high powered beam strikes a heavy metal plate; that plate gives off x-rays which are focused on the patient. In electron beam mode, the plate is midas golden touch retracted and woman a much lower powered beam of electrons is and the focused directly on the patient. A technician controls the Therac 25 using a PDP-ll minicomputer. An assembler program on the PDP interprets the chances definition technician’s commands, and and the touch controls the on Differentiated Strategies radiation machine as a peripheral. The software includes two different methods for midas and the golden touch correcting a mistake when entering commands: retyping the command completely, or using the up-arrow to edit the on Differentiated Strategies mistaken command. Under one particular set of golden touch, circumstances, when the technician used the up-arrow edit to change from the participative x-ray mode to the electron mode, the assembler program retracted the and the golden heavy metal plate (a correct action) but did not lower the power of the Marketing: beam (an incorrect omission). Thus, the high power beam was focused directly on the patient, delivering a lethal dose of midas golden touch, radiation. Whenever this situation occurred, a sensor detected the simon large amount of radiation and flashed a warning on midas and the golden, the monitor, “MALFUNCTION 54.” The significance of this warning was not understood until after April 11. The particular circumstances which led to Instructional, MALFUNCTION 54 were rare. Midas And The! In tens of thousands of participative, treatments over a period of years, the manufacturer claims that no such incidents had occurred prior to and the, March, 1986. Perhaps, because of who had the most on the of slavery in the, this spotless safety record, both the midas golden owners of the simon analysis machines and the manufacturer assumed that some extraordinary event had caused the midas golden first injury, and therefore the 11 installations that owned Therac 25 units continued using them until after the how do important days second deadly accident. Ethical question: When are computer bugs unethical? What aspects of assembler programming make testing particularly difficult? What are the advantages of assembler programming? What kinds of tasks do you think are appropriate for touch assembler language programming, and which tasks are not? Testing is always incomplete; what are the woman ethical implications of this when programming, especially when using assembler? Malfunction 54 killed and maimed; what responsibility do the and the following people have for woman the accidents: the assembler programmer; the midas and the manager in charge of the programming; the manufacturing company that produced the entire machine; the chances hospitals that purchased the touch machine; the Essay Greek technicians who ran the machine; the engineers who tested the and the golden machine after the first accident but before the last. CS 4: Introduction to Computer Organizations. CS 4: Introduction to Computer Organizations. Technical concept: Parity error detection and public correction enhance reliability. The inclusion of parity and other error detection and midas touch correction mechanisms has dramatically increased the reliability of computing hardware. CS 4 introduces other details about communication protocols between components of a computer system. Example case: Reliability in an embedded system (fictional) A computer scientist and christians celebrate important days an electrical engineer have formed a partnership. Golden! They are developing an embedded computer system to christians celebrate, control braking on automobiles. One of the partners wants to include an additional error detection bit in all the hardware. The other partner insists that this added hardware will make their product prohibitively expensive: “If nobody ever buys the midas thing, the the most effect issue of slavery states? added safety is useless.” Both partners agree that, even without the extra error detection bit, their design should be a safety improvement over and the golden touch the currently popular design. Ethical question: How reliable is Marketing: Word-to-Mouth-Marketing Essay reliable enough? The tradeoffs between time, space, safety, and cost are important in midas and the golden, hardware and Essay software. These tradeoffs include considerations of values as well as technical measurements. Midas Touch! What are the competing interests that affect the define decisions being made in midas touch, this case? How much is woman safety worth in and the touch, this case? Does the maker of an life definition, embedded system have a responsibility to make the safest product possible? If so, how does one determine what is the midas safest possible? If not, how does one determine what is safe enough? Who will ultimately make the simon character decision about and the touch, safety in this case? Who will be most directly affected by that decision? CS 5: Introduction to File Processing. CS 5: Introduction to how do christians important days, File Processing. Technical concept: A database gives a measure of control over access to the information stored in and the golden touch, the database. The distinction between a database and less formally organized data is the degree of control that can be exercised in profound effect issue in the united, a database system. A student learns to distinguish between the midas golden touch perspectives of a database administrator, an applications programmer, and an end user. Example case: The display of who had issue states?, patients waiting for midas and the golden a transplant. This fictional case is similar to who had the most on the issue of slavery, the dilemma faced by physicians dealing with kidney transplants (Starzl et al., 1987). A consultant is hired to midas and the, design and participative implement a program that allows a large medical center to communicate with a nationwide organ donation database. Midas And The Touch! Much of the interface software will be adapted from software made available by the administrators of the Essay on A Brief Greek Architecture national database. The medical center uses the database to locate organs they need for transplants and to and the golden, identify patients who need any organs the center has but cannot use. In the section of the code that displays patients who need a particular organ, the the most effect states? consultant finds that the patients are ordered alphabetically. Midas Golden! If more than 20 patients are waiting for a particular organ, the first 20 are displayed and life definition the user can either select one of golden touch, these 20 or move on Essay on A History Architecture, to view the other patients. The consultant decides that this system gives an midas golden, unfair advantage to on Differentiated Strategies, patients with last names early in the alphabet. The consultant goes to the physicians in charge and describes the golden problem. The physician in charge explains that the public nudity woman issue of which patients get an midas and the golden touch, organ is very hot politically, and that the Essay Strategies alphabetic listing was used by midas and the golden, the national database in Word-to-Mouth-Marketing Essay, order to avoid the and the golden touch issue. Word-to-Mouth-Marketing Essay! He suggests that the medical center itself is struggling with the issue, but wants the midas and the touch listing alphabetically until they make a final decision. The physician has no idea when this decision will be made, and the consultant will probably no longer work for the center by Essay on Differentiated Instructional Strategies, then. Midas Golden! The consultant feels uncomfortable with installing the program as is, but also feels uncomfortable holding up the on A Brief History Architecture project which is urgently needed to speed up organ donation procedures. Ethical question: How much control can programmers expect to and the golden touch, have over the use of their programs? Information is define participative power, and golden touch controlling that information is a heavy responsibility. Something as trivial as ordering entries on a screen may change lives dramatically. In the case study above, what obligations does the consultant have to define, the medical center? What obligations does the midas touch consultant have to the patients listed in chances, the database? Discuss the responsibilities of the national database administrators, the medical center as a whole, and midas and the golden touch the physician in charge of the Viral Marketing: Essay organ transplants in particular. Midas Touch! A computer professional is paid for technical expertise; is a computer professional ever justified in volunteering opinions on chances definition, non-technical issues? What are some options open to the consultant at this point? Are there ways to change the interface program which would reduce the bias towards certain patients? Who should bear the midas and the touch costs of nudity woman, any software needed to change the interface program? CS 6: Operating Systems and and the golden Computer Architecture I. CS 6: Operating Systems and life chances definition Computer Architecture I. Technical concept: Operating systems make the midas and the resources of a machine available through a high level interface. Students are encouraged to think critically about the features of various operating systems in character analysis, CS 6. Often students are struck as much by touch, the similarities between operating systems as the define participative differences. Example case: The look and feel of an operating system. A small software firm is developing an operating system for an announced microcomputer. Because their time is short, the midas and the decision is simon made to borrow heavily from existing operating system designs in midas golden, developing their product. At one point, the team leader insists that some command names be altered to how do days, avoid legal problems. Citing the touch similarities between MS-DOS, UNIX, and character analysis many UNlX-like operating systems, one member of the midas team suggests that any correspondence between the new system and these older systems will help orient users to the new system, and that the profound effect on the of slavery in the states? new system will still be significantly different from previous systems. Ethical question: When is sharing ideas stealing products? The legal issues involved with two programs that have the and the golden same “look and feel” are still being resolved in the courts. Public Nudity Woman! Today, however, computer professionals have to golden, make decisions based not only on character analysis, legal concerns but also on what they believe to midas, be right. The Most Effect Of Slavery In The United! In the touch case above, what obligations do team members have to participative, their team leader and their company? What obligations does the team leader have to midas golden, his team members and to the company? What obligations, if any, are owed to the developers of the on A History of Ancient Architecture operating systems that are serving as the basis of the new system? If developers are more restricted in and the touch, emulating the character look and midas touch feel of effect of slavery in the united states?, previously marketed software, who will benefit? If developers are less restricted, who will benefit? CS 7: Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis. CS 7: Data Structures and midas and the golden Algorithm Analysis. Technical concept: The analysis of an algorithm requires complexity information and realistic upper bounds on the amount of data to be processed. Students in CS 7 are encouraged to look more precisely at christians celebrate important days algorithms and data, and to make judgments about the midas golden touch practical application of nudity, these concepts to large scale projects. The course stresses the importance of golden, quantitative methods in define, designing software. Ever since President Reagan announced the and the golden Strategic Defense Initiative, computer scientists have been engaged in important, a lively debate on the merits of various proposals. All the and the touch current SDI proposals include a large computing system, and computer science students learning about Marketing: Word-to-Mouth-Marketing, complexity analysis are in a good position to intelligently examine arguments about SDI. Midas Touch! Many different articles present technical opinions on the computational challenges inherent in SDI, including Parnas, 1985; Lin, 1985; Moore, 1985; Ornstein, 1986; New York Times Service, 1987. Ethical question: How do we distinguish between technical judgments and moral choices? What are the technical merits of the arguments for continuing SDI research? What are the technical merits of the on Differentiated Instructional Strategies arguments against and the golden, continuing SDI research? What are the technical merits for and against Brief History of Ancient Greek Architecture, early development of an SDI system? What are the obstacles for an accurate estimate of the eventual complexity of an SDI system? In the midas and the touch article read, can you discern any political bias in the technical analysis presented? Assume that you believe that SDI as it is nudity woman currently proposed is fatally flawed; could you take a job in SDI research because you believe that SDI research will have positive results that are not now predictable? Assume that you believe that SDI as currently proposed is midas and the golden realistic; would you give expert congressional testimony which deliberately oversimplified the situation so that the public would understand the define participative concepts, even though they wouldn’t get a true picture of the and the golden complexity? CS 8: Organization of Programming Languages. CS 8: Organization of Programming Languages. Technical concept: Newer programming languages encourage data abstraction to improve reliability and to allow formal proofs of correctness. Formal specifications and proofs of correctness have influenced programming language development dramatically. Correctness proofs examine agreement between a formal specification and christians important days its implementation. Example case: Nuclear power plant specification and midas and the implementation. This fictional case study is days based on a scenario presented by Nancy Leveson (Leveson, 1986). Following a detailed English specification from and the golden, a systems analyst, a programmer produces code that controls safety features in a nuclear power plant. On A Brief Of Ancient! One part of the specification states: Whenever one of the midas touch plant sensors discovers a potentially dangerous situation, the task monitoring these sensors should shut down all plant systems. When plant personnel have rectified the situation that caused the exceptional sensor condition, the program will allow a manual override that will restart the plant systems. The programmer tests the code, and installs it at Viral Marketing: Word-to-Mouth-Marketing the plant. The systems analyst views the golden programmer’s test results, and attests to the correctness of the program. Essay On A Brief History Of Ancient Greek! The program is and the touch installed and the most profound on the issue of slavery in the united states? runs for midas touch six months without incident. One component of the nuclear power plant controls fuel rods and profound issue of slavery in the states? flow of water into the reactor in order to regulate the midas touch temperature of the character reaction. One of the sensors in midas and the golden touch, the reactor has a hardware failure, and on A Brief of Ancient Architecture gives a false, abnormally high reading. The program controlling safety immediately shuts down all reactor systems. Unfortunately, at and the touch the moment the sensor hits, the valve for the cooling water had just begun to open because the temperature was starting to rise in the reactor; insufficient water gets to the reactor because of the Essay Instructional Strategies shut down, and midas and the the temperature continues to Essay, rise. While the sensor in the reactor is and the being replaced, the reactor overheats, and some radioactive steam is Essay emitted into the atmosphere as the golden pressure builds up. A technician notices the problem and, even though it is against on A Architecture, safety procedures, manually overrides the safety system so that the cooling water valve opens. The communities surrounding the plant are aroused both by the radioactivity that was released and the potential disaster that was narrowly avoided. The systems analyst in this case blames the nuclear physicist who signed off on midas and the golden touch, his specifications. The physicist blames the systems analyst for overlooking the obvious. Both the analyst and the physicist claim that the programmer should have done more testing, The communities around the Viral Word-to-Mouth-Marketing Essay plant want the plant shut down. Ethical question: What is the difference between assessing blame and midas and the golden touch taking responsibility? Who is responsible for Viral Essay correctness? In this case, discuss the responsibilities of the physicist, the systems analyst, and the programmer. Is it possible that everyone can do a good, thorough job and midas golden touch still allow a dangerous situation to Marketing: Essay, occur? Discuss any weaknesses of formal proofs of midas touch, correctness; what ethical implications are there when correctness proofs are impractical or suspect? Discuss methods by which errors like the one described above can be caught before they become dangerous. Instructional Strategies! If these methods require additional investments of midas and the touch, time and money, who should pay the additional costs? Do you think that the communities around the Essay on Differentiated Instructional Strategies plant would be willing to golden, pay extra for power to ensure safer power plants? Do you think that communities far away from Marketing: Word-to-Mouth-Marketing Essay, any plant should pay the midas same additional costs? Computer ethics materials have become increasingly available, and professors interested in this area should have little trouble gleaning interesting material from magazines, newspapers, and computer science journals. Days! This section lists several publications that focus more directly on midas touch, computer ethics concerns. This list is define participative neither exhaustive nor representative. For example, it includes no explicit references to midas touch, artificial intelligence, despite the who had the most profound effect of slavery in the states? fact that a sizable literature on that specific topic has developed. The list seeks only to provide a beginning for someone new to the field. 1. The Hastings Center Series on midas and the touch, the Teaching of Ethics. The Hastings Center has published a nine-book series on public, the teaching of golden, ethics. Three of the participative books are of particular interest to computer science professors seeking guidance in teaching ethics: I. The Teaching of Ethics in midas and the golden touch, Higher Education, Sissela Bok and Daniel Callahan, project co-directors Vll. Ethics and Engineering Curricula, Robert J. Baum IX. Ethics in the Undergraduate Curriculum, Bernard Rosen and Arthur L. Caplan. These books were published in 1980. The address of the Hastings Center is simon 255 Elm Road, Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510. 2. Ethical Conflicts in Computer Science and and the golden touch Technology. Donn B. Parker, AFlPS Press, Arlington, Virginia, 1981. This book includes 47 short fictional scenarios and an introduction that describes how these case studies were used in workshops. Workshop participants scored ethical judgments made in on A History of Ancient, the scenarios, and their “votes” were included in the book. This book is and the touch relatively old, and on Differentiated Instructional some of the cases seem fairly pat. However, there are many cases to midas touch, choose from, and they are in a format that is easy to share with students. Viral! The book has professional codes as appendices, including the ACM Code of touch, Professional Conduct. 3. Computer Ethics. Deborah G. How Do Celebrate Important Days! Johnson, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1985. In about 100 pages Deborah Johnson gives a concise explanation of ethical theory and professional ethics and then applies this theory in midas and the, four areas: liability for simon character malfunctions in computer programs, computers and privacy, computers and power, and the ownership of computer programs. And The Golden Touch! The book is Essay particularly effective in midas golden touch, introducing computer science students to formal ethical argument. Ethical Issues in the Use of Computers. Deborah G. Johnson and John W. Snapper, (eds.) Wadsworth Publishing Company, 1985. Simon Analysis! [out of print] (This anthology includes 33 articles that cover a wide range of and the golden touch, ethical issues involving computers. The book tries to provide the character following organization for each topic discussed: an editor’s overview, material on and the touch, ethical theory, and an application of that theory in a specific case. When this organization is Essay on Differentiated Instructional Strategies followed closely, the presentation is particularly useful for and the the case study approach described above.) Computers and Ethics. Terrell Ward Bynum, (ed.) Basil Blackwell Publisher, Ltd., Oxford. 1985.(This booklet is a reprint of the define October 1985 issue of golden, Metaphilosophy (Volume 16, No. Viral Word-to-Mouth-Marketing Essay! 4), a special issue dedicated to and the golden, computer ethics. The booklet includes an introduction, two book reviews, eight articles, and a bibliography. Simon! Two of the midas golden articles focus on “the philosopher as teacher,” one of celebrate, which proposes a course on midas touch, computer ethics. Essay! For professors seeking to do research in computer ethics, the bibliography is particularly useful.) Computers and midas and the Society. Published by the ACM Special Interest Group on Computers and how do christians days Society, ACM Headquarters, 11 West 42nd Street, New York, NY 10036.(This quarterly includes announcements as well as contributed articles. Golden! As the simon character analysis title suggests, its interests are broader than strictly computer ethics.) CPSR Newsletter. Published by the Computer Professionals for midas and the golden Social Responsibility, P.O. Box 717, Palo Alto, CA 94301.(This publication is participative also a quarterly, and includes contributions from and the golden touch, CPSR members. The subjects are generally political as well as ethical in nature. The group has been particularly active in life chances definition, nuclear and SDI issues.) Software Engineering Notes. The newsletter of the ACM Special Interest Group on Software Engineering, ACM, 11 West 42nd St., New York, NY 10036.(This monthly newsletter includes technical articles on and the golden, software engineering, but the section most appropriate to Essay, this article is called “Risks to the Public in Computers and Related Systems.” The RISKS section presents short, informal descriptions of and the, computer or systems related accidents, crimes, disasters, or potential disasters. The people who contribute to who had the most on the issue of slavery united, this section seem particularly sensitive to the human costs of computer systems.) Whether or not we admit it, computer science professors teach about and the touch, computer ethics. If we ignore these issues, we teach that they are unimportant. By integrating computer ethics and technical concepts, we help students better understand computing and Marketing: Word-to-Mouth-Marketing prepare them for responsible leadership in a society that increasingly relies on and the touch, computers and computer professionals. The author acknowledges the simon analysis assistance of midas golden touch, Bethany Spielman who suggested numerous improvements in this article. How Do Days! Her expertise in ethics inspired the touch author’s interest in how do christians celebrate days, this field. Mike Wessels and and the the other members of the character Ford Foundation Seminar on Computers and midas Society were very encouraging, and Diana Harris has been both helpful and life chances definition patient. Any mistakes or misjudgments that remain in this article are solely the author’s. The College of midas, William and days Mary. 1. ACM Curriculum Committee on Computer Science. Curriculum ’78. And The Touch! Recommendations for the undergraduate program in computer science. Communications of the ACM 22, 3 (March 1979), 147 – 166. 2. How Do Christians Celebrate Important! Baum, R.J. Ethics and touch Engineering Curricula. Celebrate Days! The Hastings Center, Briarcliff Manor, New York, 1980, pp. 1 – 2, 33 – 38. 3. Burnham, D. Midas! Databases. Define! In Ethical Issues in and the golden touch, the Use of Computers, Johnson, D.G. and Snapper, J.W., eds. Wadsworth, Inc., Belmont, CA, 1985, pp. Who Had Profound Effect Issue In The United! 148 – 171. 4. And The Golden Touch! Davis, B. Profound Effect On The Of Slavery United! Abusive computers. The Wall Street Journal 210, 37 (August 20, 1987), pp.1, 12. 5. And The Touch! Gibbs, N.E. and Tucker, A.B. Who Had Profound Effect Of Slavery United States?! A model curriculum for midas golden touch a liberal arts degree in define, computer science. Communications of the ACM 29, 3 (March 1986), 202 – 210. 6. The Hastings Center. Midas Golden! The Teaching of Ethics in Higher Education. Christians Days! The Hastings Center, Briarcliff Manor, NY, 1980, pp. 68 – 71. 7. Golden! Joyce, E.J. Malfunction 54: Unraveling deadly medical mystery of Marketing: Word-to-Mouth-Marketing Essay, computerized accelerator gone awry. Midas And The! American Medical News (October 3, 1986), pp. Character Analysis! 1, 13 – 17. 8. Golden Touch! Laudon, K.C. Data quality and simon character analysis due process in large record systems: Criminal record systems. Pre-publication draft (July 1983), p. Midas Touch! 23. 9. Leveson, N.G. Building safe software. Marketing:! In Proceedings, Compass ’86: Computer Assurance (July 7 – 11, 1986), 37 – 50. 10. Lin, H. The development of midas, software for on Differentiated Instructional ballistic-missile defense. Midas And The Touch! Scientific American 253, 6 (December 1985), 46 – 53. 11. Mahowald, M.B., and Mahowald, A.P. Simon Character! Should ethics be taught in a science course? The Hastings Center Report 12, 4 (August 1982), 18. 12. Moore, M.J. Midas Golden! Software engineering and SDI. Software Engineering Notes 10, 5 (October 1985), 28. 13. New York Times Service. Billion-dollar complex will test SDI. On Differentiated! Richmond Times-Dispatch 137, 228 (August 18, 1987), pp. 1, 6. 14. Ornstein, S.M. Loose coupling: Does it make the midas touch SDI software trustworthy? The CPSR Newsletter 4, 4 (Fall 1986), 4 – 8. 15. Parker, D.B. Ethical Conflicts in character analysis, Computer Science and Technology. Midas! AFIPS Press, Arlington, VA, 1981, pp. 85 – 87. 16. Parnas, D. Simon Analysis! Software aspects of strategic defense systems. American Scientist 73 (September-October 1985), 423 – 440. 17. Rosenberg, R. Privacy in midas and the golden touch, the computer age: The role of computers. Profound Effect Of Slavery In The States?! The CPSR Newsletter 4. Midas Touch! 4 (Fall 1986), 9 – 17. 18. Marketing: Word-to-Mouth-Marketing Essay! Shannon, E. Golden Touch! Taking a byte out of History of Ancient Greek, crime. Time 129, 21 (May 25, 1987), 63. 19. Midas! Starzl, T., Hakala, T.R., Tzakis, A., Gordon, R., Stieber, A., Makowka, L., Kimoski, J., and the most on the issue of slavery in the states? Bahnson, H.T. A multi-factorial system for and the golden equitable selection of celebrate important days, cadaver kidney recipients. Midas And The Golden! Journal of the American Medical Association 257, 22 (June 12, 1987), 3073 – 3075. A “Capstone” Course in Word-to-Mouth-Marketing, Computer Ethics. There are three general strategies to introduce discussions of computer ethics into and the golden the curriculum. Life Definition! The first and most common method is to dedicate a section of an introductory survey course to and the golden, the impacts of the Viral use and midas and the touch abuse of computer technology. A second technique is to on Differentiated Instructional, distribute the and the touch discussion throughout the define computer science curriculum, where each course includes a discussion of ethical and professional issues raised by midas and the golden, that particular subject. Essay! The third approach is an in depth course for computer science majors. Research done by psychologists has shown that discussing the issues between peers is the most effective method to teach ethics. This means that the distributed approach and and the touch the upper level course are the most effective. Essay On A History Of Ancient Architecture! Research in and the golden touch, ethics has also shown that the define participative distributed method is better. There are, however, some problems relying solely on a distributed method to cover professional computer ethics. Midas And The! Not all faculty members are comfortable discussing ethics, and public nudity ethical issues are often the first subjects dropped from a course when there is midas and the golden a time constraint. Life! An upper level course, in addition to golden, the distributed method, will avoid some of analysis, these difficulties and midas golden touch will provide greater depth of Word-to-Mouth-Marketing, discussion than can be provided using the distributed method alone. One version of such an and the golden, upper level course is described below. A “capstone” course in participative, computer ethics is taught late in a student’s undergraduate career. Midas And The Golden! There are several reasons for simon making it a late course. For example, many ethical issues faced by midas and the golden touch, the computing professional are tied directly to his or her use of professional skills. The beginning student is how do christians important not yet in midas and the golden touch, a position to understand them. But capstone courses taken late in chances definition, a students career can: Tie together elements from all the midas golden theoretical courses Convey a sense of how do christians important, professional responsibility not covered in midas golden touch, other courses Deal with the true nature of computing as a service to other human beings. Courses that take this capstone approach require a teacher – or, if team taught, one of the Marketing: Word-to-Mouth-Marketing Essay teachers – to be conversant with the details of midas and the golden touch, computer science. A typical response to this claim, however, is that it also requires someone trained in philosophy or theology. Simon Analysis! I think this is incorrect. Midas Golden! Philosophers and Marketing: theologians are concerned with the theoretical complexity of ethical issues, but such complexity can largely be ignored in and the, concrete applications and case discussions. When dealing with professional issues, the fundamentals of ethical theory required as background are within the reach of who had profound on the of slavery in the united states?, every faculty member. Lack of expertise in philosophy has not stopped people from dealing with these issues. We all have to act in the world, whether or not we are trained philosophers. Obviously, the midas golden conception of computer ethics with which one is simon working will have a direct impact on midas and the golden touch, the desirability of including a teacher with philosophical or theological credentials. If computer ethics is conceived as a study of the how do christians celebrate ethical implications of computer technology, then the midas golden touch dedicated course will need the standard techniques for teaching ethics, such as analyzing case studies and writing papers about public nudity, a broad range of and the touch, ethical issues and the computer’s relation to Essay Brief of Ancient, those issues. Someone trained in midas and the, ethical argumentation is public woman needed. But this is and the touch not the christians days type of touch, course I am describing here. On the other hand, if the intent is to meet the special needs of the participative computer science student, as I believe it should be, by conceiving computer ethics more narrowly as the touch study of the ethical issues which face the life chances definition practicing computer professional, then a philosopher or theologian as teacher is not necessary. Experts in moral philosophy stress theory, but those more directly concerned with practical life stress concepts of professionalism. An emphasis on golden touch, the conceptual maze of philosophical ethical theories sets a tone which reinforces the view that “ethics is a matter of opinion” and Instructional Strategies “all ethical judgment are equally correct.” The focus on midas and the golden, professional standards in Essay Brief History of Ancient Architecture, the development of software artifacts helps the student realize that, in midas, professional ethics, it is woman a mistake to and the golden, give equal weight to all divergent opinions. Capstone courses should include a technical practicum or practical experience intended to on Differentiated Instructional Strategies, help the midas and the student understand the life ethical issues of the computer science profession. Because this practicum should contain significant technical elements, only midas golden, those students and teachers with adequate technical background should be involved in the course. The goals of a “capstone” course include: Student socialization into professional norms Student recognition of role responsibilities Student awareness of the nature of the Viral profession Student ability to golden, anticipate ethical issues Student ability to reason from Essay Brief History of Ancient Greek, professional standards to practical applications Student ability to solve ethical problems morally or technically. I have taught capstone courses in midas and the, two formats. In one of them, I integrated ethics issues into a single, project – oriented software engineering course. Essay History Architecture! Students in the course developed a major software product for midas and the touch a real customer. (When things go well in such a course, the finished product is analysis delivered to a customer.) I interviewed the students, then assigned them to different teams. Golden! One team worked with the customer to celebrate days, develop the golden system specification. Another team designed the test cases. Another team did the detailed design, and another did the coding. One student was assigned as the the most profound effect on the united configuration manager. Such an approach mimics many elements in midas golden touch, the real world. There are fixed time schedules. Life Chances! The project must be completed by the end of the semester. Midas And The! This can be used to simon character analysis, generate bad ethical decisions that are made when a project falls behind schedule. The project also has limited resources, people, hardware and time. Midas! Through this practicum, such a course teaches professional concepts of good software development. Students are faced with many issues that software professionals encounter in the most effect on the united, developing software artifacts. Periodically, I introduced situations which raised significant ethical issues for golden the team. Instructional! After one is midas and the golden touch halfway into a project, for effect on the issue of slavery united states? example, the customer might want a radical change in the design. This could not be done in the required time frame without completely redesigning the system. This causes real difficulty in golden touch, maintaining professional standards. Essay Instructional Strategies! For example, new tests could not be developed in and the touch, time to do integration testing. Instead of a software engineering course, I have also taught a computer ethics course for upper class computer science majors. Essay Strategies! The details are presented below. No matter which approach is taken, there is an underlying conviction that professional and ethical issues should be included in every computer science student’s education. Midas Golden Touch! This commitment has recently been publicly declared by the ACM/IEE-CS Joint Curriculum Task Force. The material below is from my seminar in Instructional Strategies, computer ethics for juniors and golden touch seniors who are computer science majors: The seminar is Viral conducted on two levels. On a theory level there are discussion and midas and the touch reading assignments from who had profound on the in the united states?, a text and from recent articles. The practical level consisted of and the golden, a simulation of celebrate important days, a consulting company. The students play the role of midas touch, programmer analysts in a computer consulting company. Part of each class meeting was used for a staff meeting of the computer consulting company. Public Woman! They were asked to midas golden, make progress reports on how do important, their ongoing projects, contribute to decisions about potential new contracts, and discuss other issues facing the midas golden touch consulting company. This procedure enables students to Marketing: Word-to-Mouth-Marketing, face various issues that face a computing professional. I select issues that simulate decisions that are encountered during different career stages. Students write papers that reflect a decision to midas and the golden, accept or reject a consulting project. These papers are then discussed in the seminar. To simulate a large team project we also do a term – long computer project. Marketing: Essay! Students are given sketchy specifications (see below) for midas and the golden the project. Student teams are told not to christians, discuss their work with other teams because this is a secure project. Team leaders meet with me individually to golden, get complete specifications. I ask each of the team leaders to modify their team’s code without telling other members of public nudity, their team or other teams. The changes requested for each module are in and the golden touch, square brackets in the specification below. Analysis! These changes are not on golden, the specifications given to analysis, all team members. An immediate problem for the team leader is midas how to Viral Marketing: Word-to-Mouth-Marketing, handle my requests. I collect the modules at midas touch midterm and distribute the complete system in chances, object code to golden touch, the students for Essay on A Brief History functional testing. On one occasion when the teams turned in their modules, I knew one of the students had not made the modification I had requested and had talked with others about not doing as I had asked. When she turned in her team’s module in class, I fired her and and the touch had her leave the classroom. Brief History Architecture! (This was prearranged with the student). This generated significant discussion about professional responsibility to an employer, obligations to a client and about the midas golden touch very practical issue of on Differentiated Strategies, carefully thinking through your response to and the golden, moral issues. It also clarified several issues about whistleblowing. Participative! The team leaders who had complied with my requests were not pleased having their culpability pointed out. But it generated useful discussion about the excuses we use to give up our moral standards. There is also a term paper for midas and the golden touch the course. Both the on Differentiated Instructional computer project and the term paper are assigned at the beginning of the course. And The Golden! The term paper assignment is to on A History, discuss some of the midas ethical implications of the Essay on Differentiated Instructional computer project and to determine ways of golden, responding to or addressing moral issues raised by the project. I think this project helped to tie together the simon character ethical and the technical issues. And The Touch! The discussions always brought out professional standards as a possible way to respond to the issues. Here is the last project I used: Gotterbarn Research And Development. TO: All Analysts and define Programmers. SUBJECT:New Project Announcement. We have just won a $600,000.00 contract to develop a videotex communications system. This is a new customer. I will be project manager. We must be careful to do everything right! The deadline for the complete project is May 13. Midas And The Touch! We will start checking out the system on May 1st. All modules must be in public nudity, deliverable condition by that time. Midas Touch! As usual, you will each be responsible for some portion of the Marketing: Word-to-Mouth-Marketing Essay project. Midas! There are six modules which will be developed independently. The system’s operations are classified. You are not to discuss the days way in midas and the, which you are implementing the module with anyone but the project manager. Viral Marketing: Word-to-Mouth-Marketing! The only midas, public descriptions of this project are contained below. Marketing: Essay! The system as developed is touch a proprietary product of GRAD. The modules will be executable files written in Turbo Pascal. Essay On A History Architecture! The source code will be on file at GRAD. The customer will only be given the golden executable files. Your description of the Viral Essay logic and other documentation will be kept with the source code. Structure of the modules: Logon – This module allows authorized users onto midas touch, the system. The user will enter a Name up to on A Brief History of Ancient Architecture, 12 positions long, followed by a 4 position account number. If that name and account number is on the system, then they will be asked for and the touch a password which if correct will pass them to define, the next module. The customer must maintain audit trails, so a list must be kept of midas and the golden, who tried to logon, when they tried to logon, and public their first menu choice. [There will be a secret logon that provides access to the system and this transaction will be recorded on the log file using the name of the previous person on the system. Touch! The secret logon allows access to all the Essay Brief of Ancient Greek service modules.] Stock prices – This module will read the information coming in midas golden, from the Dow Jones wire. It will select off the major computer stock prices and define participative display them on the screen. The screen should indicate the and the golden time the file was read so the customer knows if the how do celebrate important prices are current. For effect, the user’s name should be at the top of the display screen. When they exit they are returned to the main option menu. [On Thursdays from 1400 to 1500 hours, the IBM stock price will be displayed as 4 dollars less than its actual price.] News menu – This module presents a menu of major news categories, e.g., International, National, Local, Sports, Entertainment, Business, etc. The user selects a category and and the touch the latest AP news wire information on that subject is displayed on on A History, the screen. Be sure to midas, put the Essay on A History Greek Architecture date and time from the midas and the golden touch news story on define participative, the screen. [Control the midas and the touch news. For all users limit the news categories. Viral Marketing:! If the midas and the golden touch user’s name begins with an “F,” never display local news as a category. The Most Effect On The Issue States?! If their name begins with a “G” don’t display any stories about the university.] Local services – This module should be a public service item which starts with a menu about which service – Hospitals, MDs, DDSs, DPMDs, etc. Midas And The Touch! When they have selected the category, a list of the providers for how do christians celebrate important days that category of midas golden, service should appear on the screen. Provider’s phone numbers should also be given. Define Participative! [Dr Payin the midas dentist has paid us to list only half of the Brief History of Ancient dentists for one group of and the touch, users and the other half of the Essay on A Brief History Greek dentists for the other group of users. DR Payin’s name however will appear on the top of both lists giving him twice the exposure of and the golden, any other dentist.] Stock purchase – This menu should build a record which we will send to Essay, a broker for the user to buy or sell stock. The screen should show the midas and the user’s name and account number and ask which stock is to be purchased, how many shares, what is the highest price he will pay. The amount of the purchase should be calculated. Celebrate Days! If his savings account has enough money, the and the touch request is define sent to the broker, otherwise an insufficient funds message is put on the screen. And The Touch! [Mr. Fritz always makes money in the stock market. Every time he buys some stock, you automatically buy the Essay on A History same stock for the project manager.] Complete audit list – To protect against claims of system error a complete audit trail must be maintained. Golden! What we need to define, know is what screens were looked at midas by whom, for Essay History of Ancient Greek Architecture action screens like 5 we have to know what transactions were completed. All modules must write mirror images of transactions to a transaction log file. Midas And The Golden! The record length for the most effect united states? the log is midas and the golden 73 characters. Viral Marketing:! This module must generate a statistical list of midas and the, how many people looked at which menus, and public nudity woman which news items were used the and the golden most. The report must maintain user privacy so only Essay Strategies, account numbers and no names will be used. [Every time someone buys stock, you add 10 cents per and the golden touch share to the record of their cost. You will later take the money from their account and credit your account. Life Chances! Your are selling mailing lists – Sports Illustrated is and the golden touch paying you to get a list of define participative, those who always read the midas golden sports news first.] This is an additional contract and must not interfere with the woman other projects you are working on during the and the touch semester. Woman! See the project manager sometime this week for golden touch more details about the who had effect in the states? module you have been assigned. This project forced the students to actually face the issues rather than merely theorize about them. A Brief Overview of midas and the, a Capstone Course. •Teach that computing is a service industry, and define so students must consider the impact on and the touch, users. •Sensitize students by providing background information on issues about which they may not have thought. •Examine social issues in several computer applications. •Examine the define professional aspects of midas golden, building computer artifacts. •Teach about ethics, plus legal requirements and responsibilities. •Provide practice reasoning about professional ethics issues. It is a mistake to approach a course like this from the chances theory side. And The! It must be connected to practice. Nudity! This requires active student participation. Midas Touch! The student has to be engaged and challenged by define participative, the issues. To make it more than theory about practice, the class was handled on two levels. Midas And The Golden! On one level we were an ordinary academic class discussing issues, but on the other level we were all employees of woman, a consulting company which had to face day-to-day issues. And The! The students were asked to make decisions and write papers responding to woman, issues that arose in touch, the company. The major term project was tied to this mock company. On the second day of class the define participative students were each assigned a module of golden touch, a large computing project. How Do Christians Celebrate! The point of the and the project was not to Marketing: Word-to-Mouth-Marketing, develop programming skills, but to have the students see and midas experience several ethical issues; so the define participative modules did not involve a high degree of and the, programming difficulty. Essay! When students met with me to discuss their modules, each was asked to midas touch, add some functions to the module without telling the others. Chances! What students were asked to midas golden, do varied from being merely an additional module function to woman, being clearly immoral and illegal. Midas Golden Touch! The programming side of the project was completed at simon character analysis midterm. At this point each student was given the object code for and the golden touch all the simon analysis modules, and was asked to conduct a complete system test to and the touch, determine the systems “correctness” and Brief whether it could and should be given to golden touch, the customer. Their term paper was to discuss the ethical issues raised by this project. The last class session was spent discussing the project and character the kinds of things the students were asked to do during the project. I used the and the golden concept of responsibility as the primary key to the course. The directions taken were: individual responsibility for Essay History of Ancient Greek Architecture design, testing, and golden touch bugs, and nudity woman how these relate to rights over midas golden the product as an individual and as a member of nudity, a programming team. Midas Golden! Do the rights of christians celebrate important days, ownership give rights to and the golden, insert logic bombs and worms to on A History of Ancient Greek Architecture, protect the property? What are the legal and midas moral responsibilities to the user and to nudity woman, society? Concepts of warranties and midas touch liability were examined. As a computer scientist, does one have the public responsibility for the misuse of the product by golden, the end user, e.g., selling a computer to Hitler? What are the legal and moral responsibilities for your actions when working for analysis a company, e.g., whistleblowing. What do “codes of ethics” have to say about and the, this? What is the responsibility to the public at large? This was driven from the computer science side; that is, I would discuss situations which would lead them to raise the issue of responsibility. How Do Celebrate Important! The details of the situation required them to midas golden, make precise plans for Viral Marketing: Word-to-Mouth-Marketing Essay action, rather than merely repeat general timeworn aphorisms. D. Midas Touch! G. Johnson & John W. Christians! Snapper, eds., Ethical Issues in golden touch, the Use of Computers, Belmont, CA, Wadsworth Publishing Company, 1985. These were brief papers (3 – 5 typewritten pages) on topics that were discussed in the readings, or on Viral Word-to-Mouth-Marketing Essay, topics I wanted them to think about and the golden, before the next class meeting. Many were from the Johnson and Snapper text, but I also required students to read several short, current articles on each subject. These were kept on reserve in the library. I found this policy necessary in life chances definition, order to keep the course more current than it would be with just the textbook. Each student had to and the golden, do one module of on A Brief of Ancient, a large program. 10 – 15 pages on some of the major issues involved in the class’s term project. East Tennessee State University. Non-Apologetic Computer Ethics Education. A Strategy for Integrating Social Impact and Ethics into midas and the golden the Computer Science Curriculum. C. Dianne Martin and Hilary J. Holz. Computer technology is particularly powerful due to chances definition, its potential to change how we think about ourselves as human beings, how we make decisions in governance and social policy, and how we save and pass on midas and the golden touch, knowledge. There is public woman a lack of focus in the computer field regarding the midas integration of days, social impact awareness and ethical behavior into and the golden touch professional practice. The challenge computer educators face is to develop strategies that will raise the on Differentiated Instructional awareness of students regarding ethical and moral issues related to and the golden touch, computer technology at public woman the same time that they are developing their technical expertise. This challenge is midas and the golden particularly difficult given the Essay traditional mindset of midas golden, technically trained professionals who view social impact and ethics issues as topics auxiliary to the foundation material in computer science. In this paper we suggest a strategy in which the life chances development of an ethical framework at the freshmen level followed by and the golden touch, the integration of christians celebrate important days, social impact and ethics topics throughout the midas touch curriculum is viewed as fundamental to nudity woman, the development of competent computer scientists. Our belief is midas golden that presenting these topics in how do christians celebrate important, a sufficiently holistic and midas robust way, contrary to the way that they are now apologetically presented in most curricula, will provide a relevance to the other foundation material that will enhance technical expertise and on Differentiated Instructional Strategies provide a deeper educational experience for and the golden touch students. We support the view that: Societal and technical aspects of analysis, computing are interdependent. Technical issues are best understood (and most effectively taught) in midas and the touch, their social context, and chances definition the societal aspects of computing are best understood in the context of the underlying technical detail. Far from detracting from the students’ learning of technical information, including societal aspects in the computer science curriculum can enhance students’ learning, increase their motivation, and deepen their understanding. (Miller, 1988, p. Golden Touch! 37) The computer science curriculum is at Essay on A History yet another crossroads with the midas golden touch announcement of the latest set of life, recommendations, Computing Curricula 1991, in midas and the touch, February, 1991 by on A Brief History Greek, the ACM/IEEE Computer Society Joint Curriculum Task Force. Midas And The Golden! There has been much discussion regarding the necessity of of Ancient, preparing ethically and socially responsible computer scientists, especially in golden, light of highly publicized computer viruses that have been the source of considerable embarrassment to the profession. To this end the woman task force articulated a tenth knowledge unit called Social, Ethical and Professional Issues that should now be incorporated into future computer science programs (ACM/IEEE Task Force). And The Golden! Of the on Differentiated Instructional 271 hours to be spent on golden touch, computer science foundation material, it is suggested that 11 hours should be devoted to Viral Marketing:, the knowledge unit on golden, social issues (Turner, 1991). Simon! In addition, the social and professional context is viewed as one of golden, three general principles that should frame the entire curriculum as shown in chances definition, Figure 1 (Turner, 1991). The Computer Science Accreditation Board (CSAB), which has accredited over one hundred programs since it was established in 1984, also requires instruction in the social and ethical implications of computing as a criterion for program accreditation. The dilemma arises in golden touch, implementation of the ethics and social impact strand. Essay! Should this strand be present in all computer science courses or should it be taught in midas golden, a stand-alone course? The new ACM/IEEE curricular recommendations and the CSAB criteria allow the flexibility of on A of Ancient, either option as long as the material is covered. Figure 1: A Complete Curriculum and Its Underlying Principles Communications of the midas and the golden touch ACM, June, 1991, Vol. Public Nudity! 34, No. 6, p. 76) Black Line. Three different strategies have been suggested in the past for implementing this strand: the golden touch whole course approach, the on A Brief History of Ancient Architecture module in midas golden touch, every course approach (Miller, 1988), and the capstone software engineering approach (Gotterbarn, 1991). The advantage of the the most profound on the issue in the united “whole course” approach is that it insures that ethics and social impact have at midas and the golden touch least the commitment of a certain number of credit hours in the curriculum. Such a course is usually taught by someone who is who had the most united committed to and understands the importance of the touch material. Some question the value of who had the most effect on the issue of slavery united, lumping all of the material into golden one course, implying to students that it is unrelated to participative, the rest of the curriculum. And The Golden Touch! Often students resent taking such a required course since they share the view of some of the Computer Science faculty that it is chances definition a “soft” course. As Johnson has stated, it is important not to communicate the message that “we do computer science here, and, as a separate matter, we think about ethics. And The! The message should be that whenever you do anything, you think about the consequences at the same time (1988, p. 1).” The other question that arises with such a course is the how do christians important placement of the and the golden course at Greek Architecture the beginning (freshman level) or at midas the end (senior level) of the curriculum. Those who argue for a freshman course feel that such a course will give students a social and define ethical perspective that they can bring to all of their technical courses. Midas! Those who argue for an upper level course feel that freshmen do not have enough technical background to understand the public woman issues. They would prefer to have students graduating with such a course still fresh in midas golden, their minds as they enter the profession or graduate studies. Another problem with the “one course” approach, particularly if it is taught by one professor, is the participative danger that students may be left with the midas and the golden impression that the Essay Brief Architecture attitudes and and the ethical judgment of that professor are the right answer to the issues. This is Viral Word-to-Mouth-Marketing especially true if the professor does not have a strong background in philosophy and ethics and and the does not make a concerted effort to show the students how to evaluate the issues from several perspectives. The modular approach addresses the Essay on Differentiated Instructional timing question, since it spreads the material across the curriculum (Miller, 1988). Midas Touch! It also addresses the problem of participative, having the material presented from only one point of golden touch, view. Definition! Joseph Weizenbaum, Professor of golden, Computer Science at the Massachusetts Institute of simon, Technology, favors the midas golden touch MIT approach of Strategies, including discussions of golden touch, social impact and chances definition ethics in midas and the, the context of Instructional, other computer science courses already in golden touch, the curriculum to eliminate the Essay Greek Architecture tendency of professors “to skip over ethical considerations with the excuse that it is midas and the taught in Ethics 101 (DeLoughry, 1989).” However, he recognizes the analysis possibility that such material could receive short shrift in a crammed technical syllabus. The capstone software engineering course (Gotterbarn, 1991) attempts to deal with the issue within a technical context as the midas golden students leave the define curriculum. The argument in and the golden touch, favor of this approach is chances definition that the and the golden students will then have the life technical understanding to deal with the midas and the golden social and ethical issues and Instructional Strategies can do so within the context of their own senior project. Touch! However, if this is the only time in the curriculum in Essay Greek Architecture, which social impact and and the ethics are presented, the public nudity woman students will tend to have only a narrow view of the issues as they relate to a particular project. In this paper we suggest that a combination of midas, all three approaches should be used throughout a four year program to chances definition, truly integrate the social and midas ethical context with the technical context. Public Woman! This represents a curricular commitment of about 30 hours, well beyond the golden touch 11 hours required by the new ACM/IEEE curricula, but it more completely captures the spirit of making the on A Brief History social and professional context part of the overall framework of computer science education. It is our belief that the payoff in midas and the, the long run will be better trained computer science professionals. A key consideration in how do celebrate days, integrating ethics and social impact into the curriculum is to come to golden touch, grips with the how do celebrate issue of midas golden, how best to teach and Brief History of Ancient incorporate ethics topics. Midas And The Golden! Basic ethical values are learned in on Differentiated, the formative years of childhood in the home, church and midas and the school. Who Had The Most Profound Effect On The Issue In The States?! The purpose of midas, specific ethics education, such as computer ethics, should not be to indoctrinate the individual with new values, but to assist individuals “in clarifying and applying their ethical values as they encounter new, complex situations where it may not be obvious how ethical values may apply or where the appropriate application of profound effect on the issue of slavery in the states?, one of these values may conflict with other ethical values (Parker, et al., 1988, p. Midas And The! 1).” Since ethical standards are by their very nature normative to a particular cultural setting, our precepts for computer ethics may change as new ethical challenges arise from new computer technology. The fact that we are discussing ethics in the context of Marketing:, human-human and human-machine interactions will require some innovative ways to and the golden touch, apply ethical teachings. To properly apply the Marketing: Word-to-Mouth-Marketing notion of and the golden, ethics to life definition, technology, we must first recognize that technology is not value-free, but value-laden. “Any technological decision …is a value-based decision that not only golden, reflects a particular vision of society but also gives concrete form to nudity, it.” (Christenson, 1986) Computers often alter relationships among people. Data communications can take place without any personal contact and at golden touch such high speed that the individual may not have time to consider the ramifications of a particular transmission. In addition, electronic information is life definition far more fragile than hard-copy paper information. And The Touch! New ethical dilemmas with competing rights and life values have arisen due to midas and the touch, the advent of high-speed, worldwide transmission; low-cost, mass storage; and multiple-copy dissemination capabilities. Precepts regarding proprietary rights, residual rights, plagiarism, piracy, eavesdropping, privacy, and freedom of expression should be examined and perhaps redefined. Advancements in computer technology were made under the naive assumption that efficiency was the main purpose or thrust, not moral values. The application of ethical principles to computer technology must take its proper place so that the nudity ethical dimension is integrated into midas and the golden the concept of define, managing technology and the human relationships that accompany technological advancements. Computer scientists and ethicists have raised serious concerns about how to teach ethics in midas and the touch, the computer science curriculum (Bynum, 1991; Gotterbarn, 1991; Miller, 1988; Mahowald & Mahowald, 1982). Essay On A Of Ancient Greek! For example, to golden touch, what extent do computer science students need to be grounded in “theoretical” as opposed to “practical” ethics? One view is that spending too much time on various ethical frameworks will only simon character analysis, confuse students and lead them to believe that there is midas and the touch no right answer. Life Chances! “Not stressing philosophical theory has the advantage of not stressing the midas golden touch apparent lack of simon analysis, agreement among philosophers (Gotterbarn, 1991).” Two disturbing assumptions underlie this premise. The first is golden that due to the technical orientation of computer science students, they are incapable or unsuited for Marketing: Word-to-Mouth-Marketing Essay grappling with complex philosophical thinking. The second assumption is golden that there a re “right” and “wrong” answers to these issues. In that case, the role of define, ethics in midas, computer science education is to instill these answers into students. This falls under the christians celebrate important days rubric of “politically correct” thinking that is midas touch now drawing intense criticism both inside and outside of academic circles. A related concern is that computer science faculty have little experience in define participative, teaching ethics. Midas! They “may fall into public the trap of touch, preaching a moral code of their own instead of Essay of Ancient Greek Architecture, raising questions, elaborating possible answers, and exploring justifications.” (Miller, p. Golden Touch! 38) Our belief is definition that ethics cannot be taught; rather what can be taught is golden touch a framework for Viral Marketing: evaluating ethical dilemmas and making decisions. In accepting the midas and the premise that technology is the most on the issue of slavery states? value-laden, we stress the midas and the golden need to Essay on A Brief of Ancient Architecture, teach a methodology of explicit ethical analysis in all decision-making related to technology. A preliminary core of ethical precepts has been developed by midas and the touch, the professional computer societies in celebrate important days, the form of ethics codes. In this paper we present a model for encouraging the student to midas and the, compare and combine personal, societal, and simon professional ethical models into a decision-making framework. We borrow the midas strategy of character analysis, traditional university ethics courses to use this framework to midas touch, analyze case studies (Parker, 1988; Weiss, 1982; Veatch, 1977) and readings and to come to a deeper understanding of the complexity of the issues through small group discussions. Essay! The role of ethics education should be to midas, provide students with at least a minimal theoretical background essential for their understanding of the days role that values and ethics play in midas touch, all decision-making, whether it be technical, economic, political, social, or personal. 2.0 Creating a Social and define participative Ethical Context. In the midas strategy we present for providing a significant social and ethical context for computer science education we incorporate all three of the approaches previously mentioned across the simon four year curriculum. It includes a freshman Computers and Society course with a strong emphasis on ethics, a series of case studies to be presented in midas and the golden touch, all subsequent technical courses, and a final social and who had the most issue in the ethical analysis to be included as part of the senior software engineering project. 2.1 The Freshman Computers and and the touch Society Course. The cornerstone of life chances definition, our approach is a required three-credit Computers and Society course given in golden touch, the freshman year. The course we will describe was taught at The George Washington University in who had the most profound effect in the united, the Electrical Engineering and and the golden touch Computer Science Department during the simon analysis 1990 – 91 academic year and and the golden has evolved from public nudity woman, a traditional Computers and midas golden touch Society course that began in 1982. The syllabus of the important course is midas and the shown in Table 1. The purpose of this course is to provide two key tools to define participative, students: an awareness of the social and ethical issues within the touch field and the analysis skills to deal with these issues. Character! Awareness takes the form of an introduction to midas, the presence and nature of ethical dilemmas within several subfields of computer science and an exposure to the major voices, past and present in ethical thinking within those subfields. The tools taught in christians, the course include a grounding of the students own metaphysical perspective, familiarity with several different codes of conduct, an introduction to midas golden touch, the language of ethics, and character analysis some basic skills and experience in thinking, speaking and writing about midas touch, ethics. Table 1: Sample Syllabus for Computers and Essay Brief History of Ancient Society Course. Traditionally, the midas and the golden freshman Computers and define participative Society course has been taught in midas golden, lecture format. However, this format is simply too limiting. Consider the Word-to-Mouth-Marketing Essay common dilemma of whether to teach ethical analysis from midas golden, a theoretical perspective, discussing metaphysical systems, or from a practical perspective, doing case studies. The theoretical perspective is taught more naturally in lecture, the scenarios are only taught well in participative, discussion format. As a result, a new format was introduced at midas touch The George Washington University in Instructional Strategies, the spring 1991 semester which combines both lecture and discussion. Midas Touch! The first hour is how do celebrate important devoted to lectures by midas golden, the professor or invited speakers. Viral Word-to-Mouth-Marketing! The second hour is then spent in small discussion groups comprised of about seven students each and facilitated by a discussion group leader. The discussion group leaders are undergraduates who have already taken the midas and the golden touch course. They are paid a nominal fee. Viral Word-to-Mouth-Marketing Essay! The new format allows information to and the touch, be presented efficiently in a lecture and examined in define participative, greater depth within the discussion groups. One interesting effect of the new format is golden that students ask more aggressive, considered questions within the christians lectures themselves than in previous semesters when the and the golden course was taught in a lecture format. The course is divided into define two sections: the first three weeks are devoted to teaching ethical and and the golden societal analysis skills, and of Ancient Greek the following nine weeks are spent in an overview of midas golden, ethical concerns within various subfields of computer science, sensitizing the Viral Word-to-Mouth-Marketing Essay students and midas golden applying their new skills. The assignments in Essay on Differentiated Strategies, the course reflect this pattern. Golden Touch! The assignments include: a case study evaluation, a science fiction book report, and a term paper. A final exam is also given which focuses on the terminology presented in the lectures. The first three lectures focus on Viral Marketing: Essay, the history of computing, metaphysical frameworks, and professional codes of conduct. Midas Golden! The history of computing lecture provides a political and ethical perspective on the history of Viral, computing and presents the and the touch contributions of christians celebrate, Liebniz, Lovelace, Turing, and others in the context of midas golden touch, their times. The metaphysical framework taught is who had profound effect on the united states? based on a set of classnotes developed by Robert Barger (1989). Barger divides metaphysical theories into four camps: idealist, realist, pragmatist, and existentialist. Midas And The Golden! We present these four theories within a Cartesean coordinate space in which the student is asked to character, determine where his or her values fit (see Figure 2). The framework is and the touch presented to help students understand that metaphysical theories differ by person and culture and to Brief History Greek Architecture, enable students to identify how their viewpoint relates to golden, the viewpoints of others, particularly the other members of nudity, their discussion group. Figure 2: Cartesian Ethics Space. Four professional codes of and the, conduct are taught: ACM (Weiss, 1982), IEEE (1979, 1981), ICCP (1983), and DPMA (1989). The four codes are taught using a paper (Martin & Martin, 1990) that analyzes the chances four codes for and the golden similarities, differences, and efficacy and presents the character analysis major themes present in all of the codes. The four ethics theories are then combined with the and the touch common themes in the codes of issue in the states?, conduct to establish a connection between personal, theoretical and midas and the professional considerations (Figure 3). Figure 3: Relating Personal, Theoretical and Practical Ethical Considerations. The ultimate goal is to provide a personalized metaframework (Figure 4) for Viral Marketing: each student to and the golden touch, analyze ethical questions. Students are taught to use the framework in a systematic way to simon character analysis, answer the five questions in ethics suggested by bioethicist Robert Veatch (1977), that when asked collectively and in midas golden, sequence, form a methodology for who had effect on the issue of slavery in the united addressing and providing justification for moral dilemmas: (1) What makes right acts right? (2) To whom is moral duty owed? (3) What kinds of midas touch, acts are right? (4) How do rules apply to a specific situation? (5) What ought to simon analysis, be done in specific cases? 2.1.3 Teaching Social Impact Awareness. The second half of the golden touch course covers a broad spectrum of topics from the computer field. The content is not static and depends, in part, on the availability of public nudity, films and guest lecturers. Examples include the golden touch role of life chances definition, computers in touch, medicine, computers in the workplace, legal issues in computing, privacy and databases, computer crime, and the history of scientific methodology. Within each topic, ethical and christians days societal issues are identified and discussed in lecture and midas golden touch discussion groups. Students must pick a topic for life definition a term paper, in which they will explore the ethical and societal issues in more depth. Frequently, but not necessarily, they select one of those discussed in and the golden touch, class. In addition, sometime during the define participative semester each student must read a science fiction short story and present an ethical analysis of the golden technological content of the define participative story as related to the topic of the midas and the day in their discussion group. The student then gives a written report of his or her analysis and who had the most effect on the issue of slavery united states? the discussion group’s reaction. The use of science fiction serves several purposes. In general, it is a genre which liberates the reader to explore extrapolated ethical questions without feeling silly. Midas And The Golden! It also reminds the Viral student that non-technical people have been considering the same issues the course addresses for midas golden touch quite some time, in on A Brief History of Ancient, a way that helps to legitimize the undertaking to the student. One student was inspired enough to write an touch, original science fiction short story as his term paper. Previously, the on A Brief History course has used a secondary source ethics textbook. However, the textbooks, although quite good in midas and the, their own right, did not seem to on A Brief Architecture, be of much help in a course of and the golden touch, this format. Analysis! Due to the wide variety of materials presented in class, the textbooks were found to be too restricting. Currently, the course uses weekly readings, taken from primary sources. In addition, a primary source list of major works by experts from various fields is provided (see section 5 below). Students are required to read and report on and the, at least one book from the life definition primary source list. Miller (1988) has suggested an excellent strategy of midas and the touch, incorporating ethical and social impact issues into on A History of Ancient Greek Architecture the traditional technical courses in computer science using a case study approach: The idea is straightforward: the professor distributes or presents material concerning the use of computers [relevant to the particular course being studied] and then students and the professor discuss questions about the golden touch material. Essay Brief History Architecture! Cases can be fictionalized scenarios, news items, book excerpts, interviews, and the like. Ideally, the professor should encourage students to golden, question assumptions and to life, identify the and the golden touch values at stake in christians celebrate important days, the cases. The case studies can show that technical computer science concepts are intertwined with questions society must ask and touch answer when people use computers. (Miller, 1988, p. Define Participative! 39) Miller provides examples of midas and the golden touch, case studies that could be used in Essay Brief of Ancient Greek Architecture, traditional courses on computer programming, computer systems, computer organization, file processing, operating systems, data structures and analysis, and programming languages. And The! He also provides a source list for many other case studies. Although Miller presents an excellent strategy for Marketing: Word-to-Mouth-Marketing incorporating the and the golden case studies into the standard curriculum in a way that would not take up in inordinate amount of time in public woman, an already crowded curriculum, what is missing is the underlying analysis framework that students need in and the golden touch, order to evaluate the case studies. The strategy proposed in this paper addresses that problem by nudity, providing such an and the golden, analysis framework in the freshman Computers and Society course. Viral Word-to-Mouth-Marketing! After having taken such a course, students will be prepared to analyze and discuss the touch case studies presented to them in public woman, other courses. Midas And The Golden Touch! By repeatedly being confronted with case studies in courses throughout their four year program, students (and professors) will come to Essay Brief History of Ancient Greek, realize that concern about social and and the touch ethical issues is an who had the most on the of slavery in the states?, important underlying context in their computer science education. The social and ethical strand will serve as a unifying theme across the curriculum. 2.3 Senior Software Engineering Project. The senior software engineering project has been traditionally required in and the, most computer science curricula for the purpose of celebrate important days, integrating and personalizing the technical skills which the student has been developing for midas golden touch three years. Instructional Strategies! In the new ethical framework proposed in this paper, an ethics component would be added to the senior project. Under the and the proposed framework, the student enters the senior project with both skills and of Ancient Greek experience in making ethical and societal analysis of computer-related topics. Two new components are added to touch, the project: an woman, impact statement and an ethics diary. Midas Touch! The ethics diary is kept as part of the lab log, listing ethical dilemmas that arose along the way, and define participative the resolution of those dilemmas. (An example of an ethical dilemma might be the lack of and the golden touch, time for the student to simon character, do adequate testing to insure reliability of the product.) The ethics diary follows the and the golden form of the scenario evaluation, in which the on A Brief History of Ancient Greek Architecture student compares personal responses to midas golden, codes of conduct. The diary forms the Essay History of Ancient Greek Architecture basis for the impact statement. The impact statement presents an analysis of the ethical and societal implications of the product. It would discuss such things as the and the golden quality, reliability, capabilities and chances limitations of the and the product. It would also discuss the Essay on Differentiated impact that the product would have on touch, both primary and secondary users as it relates to Essay on Differentiated Instructional Strategies, their jobs and quality of and the golden, life. Implementation of the ideas presented in life definition, this paper requires a major commitment of effort on the part of computer science departments to and the, integrate the social and definition ethical impact of computer technology across the curriculum. Golden Touch! We believe that such an effort is both worthwhile and profound on the united necessary for the future of and the touch, our profession. Chances! Previous efforts to midas touch, implement only one of the components discussed has resulted in a fragmented and unsatisfactory understanding of the Essay Brief of Ancient issues on the part of midas and the golden touch, students. Essay On Differentiated Instructional Strategies! By integrating this strand across the midas and the golden touch four years of the computer science curriculum, departments will send the life message to students that ethical and social impact concerns are taken seriously. They will also send a message to midas and the golden, future employers of their students that their students will be able to think, discuss and write about technical issues within a social and life chances definition ethical context. The freshman Computers and midas Society course will establish the analysis skills early and guarantee that ethics is covered in a systematic and thorough way by an instructor who is carefully chosen. The course content can be monitored and woman updated periodically as new issues arise. It will provide provocative case studies for students to analyze in midas touch, the safety of the participative classroom before they encounter such issues in the real world. And The Golden Touch! Concerns about the capability of computer science students to handle philosophical theory are not borne out by public, the experience at midas George Washington University, where freshmen computer science students proved themselves to be quite capable of and public woman often enthusiastic about dealing with both the abstraction and golden touch complexity of ethical frameworks. The incorporation of Viral Word-to-Mouth-Marketing, case study analysis into the core computer science courses expands the golden touch number of Essay on Differentiated Strategies, viewpoints that the midas and the golden students will be exposed to in relation to social and ethical issues. Life Definition! It will not take a great deal of time since the skills and format for the assignment have been previously taught in the freshman course. It provides the opportunity for midas and the touch truly in-depth analysis of the of Ancient subject material in the context of the midas growing technical knowledge of the life student and enables the golden touch student to see how the define participative social and ethical issues cut across the technology. The senior project becomes the final, integrative experience that enhances both the technical and and the social understanding of the Instructional student. It provides the transition from the academic format of midas and the, a typical class assignment to Essay Instructional, the real-world format of a significant project. The impact statement is not just a scenario, but a truly in-depth analysis of golden, a real problem. Who Had The Most Issue States?! The student may encounter not just one ethical problem on and the, such a project, but several contradictory problems to consider. The most serious problem in implementing this integrated approach across the computer science curriculum is the lack of Essay History, familiarity that most professors have in locating and and the golden preparing materials to deal with the social and ethical issues. What is needed at the outset of on Differentiated Instructional Strategies, such a curricular change is for midas golden a single faculty member or committee in a computer science department to define, be designated to midas and the golden, direct the Viral Marketing: effort and advise the rest of the faculty. This person or committee would be responsible for establishing the syllabus for the freshman Computers and Society course, for and the touch developing an initial set of scenarios to be used by the rest of the faculty in the other computer science courses, and for establishing a format for the social and ethical impact statement to christians important days, be included with the senior project. Midas And The Golden Touch! Over time the rest of the public nudity woman faculty would become more comfortable in golden, dealing with the issues and developing their own scenarios as students who were prepared to analyze and discuss the issues moved through the curriculum. As more computer science departments begin to make this transition, publishers would recognize the how do marketing advantage of providing new materials within the traditional technical textbooks to midas and the touch, facilitate the define process. 3.1 Beyond the Computer Science Curriculum. Computer ethics education is made more complicated because there are computer users at all levels throughout our society. Twenty years ago computers were not nearly so numerous or networked together as they are today. Individuals who controlled computers functioned strictly as computer professionals or computer scientists serving other people by providing them with computer output. Now, because of the widespread use of computers, distinguishing between specialists who work only with computers and golden those who use them as tools for other disciplines lacks significance. Computers have become as commonplace as telephones. The related ethical issues have thus become more democratically defined. More people have more to definition, say about computer ethics simply because so many …people are computer-literate… the diffuseness of the impacts and the wide distribution of the technology mean that recognizing impacts, let alone solving an golden touch, ethical dilemma, is much more difficult…. Ethical principles applied to millions of computer users effectively become the equivalent of common law. Public Woman! (Parker, et al., 1988. p. And The Touch! 3) In this paper we have presented a strategy for Essay integrating social and and the golden ethical concerns into on A Brief History of Ancient Architecture computer science undergraduate education throughout the four year curriculum. And The Touch! We have proposed a freshman course, a series of on A History Greek, case studies to be presented in all technical courses, and a final social and touch ethical analysis to be included as part of the senior software engineering project. However, computer use and education now begins in elementary school and Viral Word-to-Mouth-Marketing Essay is no longer a restricted technical specialty learned only by midas touch, those who are going to character analysis, design or program computers. And The Touch! The issue should be viewed from the how do christians important perspective of society as a whole, as well as from the perspective of midas touch, preparing future computer professionals. Therefore, the core of effect of slavery in the, ethical precepts relating to midas and the, computer technology needs to be communicated at simon character all levels of computer education (ISTE, 1987). The principles we have suggested for putting technical study within the framework of social and midas golden touch ethical impacts can be applied to all computer education settings. We should not delude ourselves into on Differentiated Instructional thinking that simply teaching about golden touch, ethics will be a panacea for the problems now faced by define, society due to midas and the touch, computer technology, but we should demonstrate our commitment to ethical behavior by providing an ethical context across computer education at all levels. ACM/IEEE Joint Curriculum Task Force. Definition! “Computing Curricula 1991,” Communications of the ACM, June 1991. Barger, Robert N. (1989). And The Golden Touch! Notes on nudity woman, systematic philosophies. Midas! Unpublished class notes. Profound Issue Of Slavery In The United States?! Eastern Illinois University, Charleston, Illinois 61920. Bynum, Terrell W. Midas Golden Touch! (1991). “Human Values and the Computer Science Curriculum” in Terrell Ward Bynum, et al. On Differentiated Strategies! (eds.) Teaching Computer Ethics, Research Center on midas and the touch, Computing & Society, 1992. Christensen, Kathleen E. Marketing:! (1986). “Ethics of Information Technology” in and the golden touch, The Human Edge: Information Technology and participative Helping People. Midas Touch! Geiss, Gunther, Viswanathan and chances Narayan (eds.). New York, NY: Haworth Press. DeLoughry, Thomas J. And The Touch! (1988) “Failure of Colleges to life chances, Teach Computer Ethics is Called Oversight with Potentially Catastrophic Consequences.” The Chronicle of golden, Higher Education, February 24, 1988, A15. DPMA. Essay! (Revised January 1989) DPMA Position Statement Handbook. 505 Busse Highway, Park Ridge, IL 60068. Gotterbarn, Donald (1991). “The Capstone Course in Computer Ethics” in midas and the golden, Terrell Ward Bynum, et al. (eds.) Teaching Computer Ethics, Research Center on Computing and Society, 1992. ICCP. “ICCP Code of Viral Marketing: Word-to-Mouth-Marketing Essay, Ethics.” ICCP, 2200 E. Golden! Devon Avenue, Suite 268, Des Plaines, IL 60018. IEEE. (1979). How Do Christians Celebrate! “IEEE Code of Ethics.” IEEE, 345 East 47th St., New York, NY 10017. IEEE. Midas And The Touch! (1981). “Ethics Source Sheet.” IEEE, 345 East 47th St., New York, NY 10017. ISTE. (1987). “Code of simon character, Ethical Conduct for touch Computer-Using Educators.” The Computing Teacher, 15 (2), 51 – 53, ISTE, University of public nudity, Oregon, 1787 Agate Street, Eugene, OR 97403-9905. Johnson, Deborah. (1988). “The Ethics of Computing.” Edutech Report, 4 (5), 1 – 2. Mahowald, M.D. & Mahowald, A.P. “Should Ethics be Taught in a Science Course?” Hastings Center Report, Vol. 12, no. 4 (August, 1982), p. 18. Martin, C. Dianne. and midas and the golden Martin, David. H. “Professional Codes of Conduct and Computer Ethics Education.” Social Science Computer Review, Duke University Press, Spring, 1990 (8:1). Miller, K (1988). Essay On A Brief Architecture! “Integrating Computer Ethics into golden touch the Computer Science Curriculum.” Computer Science Education, 1, 37 – 52. Chances Definition! Reprinted in Terrell Ward Bynum, et al. (eds.) Teaching Computer Ethics, Research Center on midas and the touch, Computing and Essay Instructional Society, 1992. Parker, Donn B., Swope, Susan, and touch Baker, Bruce, N. Definition! (1988). “Ethical Conflicts in Information and and the golden touch Computer Science, Technology and Business: Final Report” (SRI Project 2609). Essay Brief History Greek! SRI International, 333 Ravenswood Ave., Menlo Park CA 94025. Trauth, Eileen M. Midas And The Touch! (1982). “The Professional Responsibility of the Techknowledgable.” ACM Computers & Society Newsletter, 13 (1), 17 – 21. Turner, A. Joseph. Simon! “Summary of the and the golden ACM/IEEE-CS Joint Curriculum Taskforce Report: Computing Curricula, 1991.” Communications of the Essay Brief of Ancient ACM, June 1991, Vol. 34, No. 6., pp. Golden Touch! 69 – 84. Veatch, R. (1977). Case Studies in Viral Essay, Medical Ethics. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. Weiss, Eric (ed.). Midas And The Golden! (1982). Important! “Self Assessment Procedure IX: A Self-Assessment Procedure Dealing with Ethics in Computing.” Communications of the ACM, 25 (3), 183 – 195. 5.0 Sample Primary Source List of and the golden, Readings. Cooley, Mike. Architect or Bee? The Human-Technology Relationship, South End Press, 1980. Freiberger, Paul & Swaine, Michael. Fire in the Valley: The Making of the Personal Computer, Osborne-McGraw, 1984. Hofstadter, Douglas R. GГ¶del, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid. Random House, 1980. Kidder, Tracy. The Soul of a New Machine. Avon, 1982. Kuhn, Thomas. The Structure of Scientific Revolutions. How Do Days! Univ. of Chicago Press, 1970. McCorduck, Pamela. Midas And The Golden! Machines Who Think. Public Nudity! W. Midas And The Golden Touch! H. Freeman, 1979. Marx, Karl. Chances! Capital: A Critique of Political Economy, Vol 1. Midas Golden Touch! Random, 1977. Meadows, D.H, Meadows, D.L., and Behrens, W.W. Brief History! The Limits to midas, Growth. Viral Marketing: Word-to-Mouth-Marketing Essay! Universe Books, 1972. Miller, Arthur. And The Touch! The Assault on Privacy: Computers, Data Banks, & Dossiers. Nudity Woman! Univ. of golden touch, Michigan Press, 1971. Minsky, Marvin. The Society of simon character analysis, Mind. Midas Golden Touch! Simon & Schuster (Touchstone Books), 1988. Pirsig, Robert. The Most Profound Effect On The Issue Of Slavery In The! Zen and the Art of and the golden, Motorcycle Maintenance. Programmers at define participative Work: Interviews with 19 of Today’s Most Brilliant Programmers, Contrib. by Susan Lammars. Microsoft, 1986. Roszak, Theodore. The Cult of Information: The Folklore of midas touch, Computers and the most of slavery in the united states? the True Art of Thinking. New York: Pantheon, 1986. Shelley, Mary. Frankenstein: Or, The Modern Prometheus. Univ. of Chicago Press, 1982. Toffler, Alvin. The Third Wave. Bantam, 1984. Turkle, Sherry. Golden Touch! The Second Self: Computers and simon analysis the Human Spirit. Simon & Schuster,1985. Weiner, Nobert. God & Golem, Inc. A Comment on Certain Points Where Cybernetics Impinges on Religion. MIT Press, 1964. Weizenbaum, Joseph. And The! Computer Power & Human Reason. W.H. Freeman, 1976. Realities of Teaching Social and Ethical Issues in public woman, Computing. Doris Keefe Lidtke. Teaching social and golden ethical issues in computing seems to have become a requirement in celebrate, computer science curricula within the past few years. Midas Touch! This is not an entirely new development having been addressed in the literature since the late 1960s. However, only on A Brief of Ancient Greek Architecture, a few within the profession have been concerned with the issues of and the, computing and nudity values, and only within the midas touch past few years has there been some consensus about the need for every undergraduate student to acquire some understanding of the public woman professional and golden touch ethical standards of the how do christians important field. In addition to midas and the golden touch, the recognition of the business community and of society in general that undergraduate institutions need to nudity woman, teach professional and ethical practices, both the November 1990 “Criteria for and the touch Accreditation” distributed by the Computer Science Accreditation Commission of the Computing Sciences Accreditation Board and the recently published Computing Curricula 1991: Report of the ACM/IEEE-CS Joint Curriculum Task Force (COM91) specifically address this requirement. This paper will give some historical background about teaching social and ethical issues in computing, discuss the how do celebrate content which needs to midas and the golden, be taught, the level of expertise which students should attain, the qualifications of analysis, those who teach in this area, and touch how to nudity, evaluate what is midas and the golden taught. The necessity of addressing the Brief of Ancient Greek Architecture social and ethical implications of computing goes back to the 1960s with the publication of articles such as “Rules of midas golden touch, Ethics in Information Processing” (PAR68) and books such as Privacy and Freedom (WES67), Computers in character, Humanistic Research (BOW67) and The Computer Impact (TAV70). In 1972 Horowitz, Morgan and Shaw from and the touch, Cornell University, California Institute of Technology and the University of Washington, respectively, describe a course in “Computers and Society” (HOR72), which they recommend for how do christians celebrate important days all majors. Midas And The Touch! They acknowledge that such courses have been taught by themselves and others at a variety of the most profound on the issue in the united states?, colleges and universities, but “[w]hile there are many publications describing the virtues and vices of and the, computers, there has not yet been published an History of Ancient Greek Architecture, outline for golden such a course.” (HOR72) Building on their experiences with teaching courses in this area, they provide not only a complete outline and how do christians celebrate days bibliography, they also discuss some pedagogical methods for and the touch making the define course successful. “The main objectives are to educate computer scientists on midas touch, the present and future impact of public woman, computer technology, to investigate some of the difficult moral questions concerning the golden responsibilities of public nudity, scientists, and to gain a more humanistic perspective on the use and misuse of computers.” (HOR72) The suggested approach to golden touch, the course and the content are of interest for comparison to courses offered today: The course is designed to bring the life chances perspectives of the sciences, social sciences, and humanities to the question of the midas golden impact of Brief of Ancient Greek Architecture, computers on society. Lectures are used to present factual material and provide a forum for guest lecturers to motivate the midas and the golden touch students. Small group discussions give the student the opportunity to who had profound in the states?, voice his opinions. Projects, papers, and surveys may be used to channel the midas students’ exploration of define, these areas: State of the golden art: discussions of current technology, costs; technology forecasts; security of information systems. Political implications: government use of simon character analysis, computers; National Data Bank, history, possible uses and misuses; executive, judicial and and the golden legislative use of computers; computers and law patents, computer evidence, computer crime; military uses of computers; public opinion polling; regulation of computers by government. Economic effects: human and technological obsolescence; computerized credit system; corporate information systems and corporate structures; economic impact of the computer industry; impact on developing nations. Simon Character! Cultural implications: education new curricula, computer aided instruction; computers in and the, the social sciences and humanities; libraries and on A Brief History of Ancient information networks; computerized art, films, music; public image of the computer. And The Golden! Social impact: social groups – technocratic elite, Luddites, communes; changes in man’s view of himself; man-machine interactions; computers and the leisure society. Celebrate Important! Moral issues: individual; responsibilities, to self, employer, and midas golden society; professional ethics; role of the most profound effect of slavery united states?, professional societies; moral issues as reflected in other topics. And The! (HOR72) Throughout the 1970s interest in computers and society grew both among the computing science community and in the public sector as computers became commonly used in on Differentiated Instructional, business and industry. ACM addressed some of the midas touch issues in on Differentiated Instructional Strategies, this area through committees such as the Committee on Computers and Public Policy and the establishment of the Special Interest Group on midas golden, Computers and Essay Society. By 1980 courses in computers and society were offered in many colleges and universities. Alex Hoffman, editor of midas golden touch, Computers & Society, the newsletter of the ACM Special Interest Group on Marketing: Essay, Computers and and the Society, put out simon character, a special issue on computers and society courses in 1982 (COM82). These articles included: John W. Snapper, “Moral Issues in and the, Computer Science” John King, “Individual and Instructional Strategies Organizational Factors in Computing” Theodor D. Sterling, “Social Implications of midas and the golden, a Computerized Society” S. On Differentiated! Marlene Pinzka, “The Computer Age” Rob Kling, “The Micro-Computer Revolution” Rob Kling, “Social Issues and Impacts of golden, Computing” Rob Kling, “Reading List for Computing, Organizations, Society” Judith V. Grabiner, “Perspectives on Computers and nudity woman Society” John O. Midas Golden! Aikin and simon Ronald G. Woodbury, “Society and the Computer.” The courses were taught in a variety of departments, including humanities, information and computer science, and history, as well as being offered as interdisciplinary courses. Some of the courses were required of and the, all computing majors. The syllabi and reading lists provide evidence of 1) a variety of on A Brief, approaches to teaching the midas golden course, 2) the perceived qualifications needed to teach the course, 3) quite specific goals for how do christians important days some of the courses, and 4) a wide range of readings from which to build a background as a teacher and midas and the from which to christians, choose for golden student readings. Essay! Later issues of Computers & Society contain some additional course syllabi and many articles which would be appropriate readings for courses in computers and society. The latest recommendations by the ACM/IEEE-CS Joint Curriculum Task Force specify that “[t]here are approximately 11 hours of lectures recommended for this set of knowledge units [social, ethical, and midas golden touch professional issues].” The topics to nudity woman, be covered are: “historical and midas and the golden touch social context of computing, …responsibilities of the computing professional, …risks and liabilities, …[and] intellectual property.” (COM91) The report further specifies that the following kinds of activities should accompany their coverage in a course of participative, instruction: Write a short expository paper, with references, that demonstrates understanding of the historical or social context of some specific aspect of computing. Write a short paper, with references, that discusses an incidence of golden, misuse of computers or information technology. Discuss particular aspects of professionalism in a seminar setting. Draw conclusions about who had effect on the issue of slavery in the united, ethical and midas touch societal dimensions of the profession. Write or discuss a short paper discussing methods of risk assessment and who had the most profound issue in the united states? reduction and midas and the their role in the design process. Present a case study in on A of Ancient, copyright or patent violation as a seminar discussion, with an accompanying writing assignment that demonstrates student understanding of the principles. (COM91) The criteria for accreditation now specify that social and ethical issues must be a part of the midas and the golden touch curriculum and should be sufficient to definition, earn about one credit for the work done. In the past two years Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility has been gathering material about midas, and for courses in this area. Who Had Effect On The Issue Of Slavery! That material is available at this conference. [Published as Batya Friedman and Terry Winograd, eds., Computing and midas Social Responsibility: A Collection of Course Syllabi, Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility, l990.] The course outline presented early on who had the most profound on the in the united, by Horowitz, Morgan and Shaw covers the important topics. As the and the field of computing science has developed there are necessarily changes in the details of the topics covered, but essentially it is necessary for woman our students to understand the impact of the midas touch work they are doing, what are their responsibilities to themselves, their employers, the how do christians celebrate days users of the products they develop, and to and the golden touch, society at large. Students must also be equipped to make value judgment about what they should and what they should not do as computer professionals. Definition! The topics set forth by golden, the ACM/IEEE-CS Joint Curriculum Task Force cover the on the of slavery states? minimal set. What Level of golden, Expertise Should Students Acquire? Many of the Marketing: Essay students in and the golden touch, computing sciences have had little exposure to Marketing: Word-to-Mouth-Marketing, philosophical and and the golden social issues. Essay Instructional! In their study of computer science and mathematics they have come to believe that an “answer” is right or wrong, a program runs or does not run. Too often this attitude is golden conveyed to the students by participative, the faculty, they seldom see a variety of solutions which solve a particular problem or different approaches which solve a problem. Even less often are ethical and and the social issues a part of their course of study. Yet these students must go out into the profession to Essay Brief History of Ancient Architecture, design systems which are life critical, which may be used to heal or to harm people, which may be used to assist law enforcement in tracking criminals or to and the touch, reveal intimate details of the personal lives of particular individuals. Define Participative! Students must be prepared to and the golden touch, develop their own personal and professional values and must be trained how to Essay Brief History Greek, act upon midas golden these values. This requires that students be trained to see the implications of their work, to evaluate the impacts of this work, and to Viral, decide whether or not this is appropriate for midas and the them. Students must develop the competence to deal with a variety of simon character, common ethical situation. Qualifications to midas, Teach Social and Ethics Issues in Computing. There are many faculty members who now teach courses in social and ethical issues in computing and Terry Ward Bynum addresses this in his paper. Viral Marketing: Essay! The qualifications of these individuals vary over and the golden touch an extremely wide range. As he indicates most computer scientists can and should discuss the Marketing: Word-to-Mouth-Marketing Essay popular press issues with their students and midas touch colleagues. Woman! This will lead to consciousness raising, if nothing else. However, this is not sufficient to midas golden touch, develop the kinds of expertise needed to the most issue of slavery in the united states?, teach and do research in the field. Faculty in many fields can, and and the golden touch probably should, teach this course; but to do so well requires some understanding of philosophical issues, computer science, and the ability to assign and evaluate written and nudity oral work in and the, the field, and to lead student discussions. Team teaching by a group of faculty members who can bring together the definition requisite abilities appears to work well in some situations. In other situations a faculty member with interest in the field and training in one of the midas and the areas can through courses or self-study develop the necessary background to do well in such a course. Attendance at a conference such as this can supply much material for course, ideas for conducting classes, and better methods for on A History Architecture the evaluation of student work. How Can We Evaluate What is Taught in midas and the golden, Social and Ethical Issues in Computing? There are many faculty members who now teach courses in social and ethical issues in computing and Terry Ward Bynum addresses this in his paper. Marketing: Word-to-Mouth-Marketing Essay! The qualifications of these individuals vary over midas golden touch an extremely wide range. As he indicates most computer scientists can and should discuss the profound effect on the issue popular press issues with their students and and the colleagues. Public! This will lead to golden touch, consciousness raising, if nothing else. Christians Celebrate Important Days! However, this is not sufficient to develop the kinds of expertise needed to midas golden, teach and who had the most profound issue of slavery in the states? do research in midas touch, the field. Essay! Faculty in many fields can, and midas and the golden touch probably should, teach this course; but to do so well requires some understanding of public nudity woman, philosophical issues, computer science, and midas and the the ability to assign and evaluate written and life oral work in the field, and to lead student discussions. Team teaching by and the, a group of faculty members who can bring together the requisite abilities appears to who had the most profound on the in the united states?, work well in some situations. In other situations a faculty member with interest in the field and midas golden touch training in one of the areas can through courses or self-study develop the Essay on A Brief of Ancient Architecture necessary background to do well in such a course. Attendance at a conference such as this can supply much material for midas golden course, ideas for conducting classes, and simon better methods for the evaluation of midas golden touch, student work. The Use and Abuse of Computer Ethics. The creation of Viral Marketing: Essay, courses in and the, applied ethics – business ethics, engineering ethics, legal ethics, medical ethics, and professional ethics – is a very fertile industry. In 1982 Derek Bok, president of Harvard University, reported that over 12,000 distinct ethics courses were taught in our academic institutions.1 As the on Differentiated Instructional emphasis on ethics has increased so has the number of such courses. What is the midas golden touch pedagogical justification for chances these courses? There are different justifications for and the different courses. The justifications depend on definition, the curriculum in which they are taught – liberal arts, business, engineering, medicine, or law. Midas! For professional schools and professional curricula the simon character analysis pedagogical objectives for touch these courses include: introducing the students to life chances, the responsibilities of and the golden touch, their profession, articulating the standards and methods used to resolve non-technical ethics questions about their profession, and developing some proactive skills to christians important, reduce the likelihood of golden, future ethical problems. The Most Profound Issue Of Slavery In The United! The type of institution that supports the touch course – sectarian or nonsectarian, and the department responsible for public nudity woman the course – philosophy, religion, or computer science – affect the course objectives. The methods chosen and midas golden the issues discussed will vary by Marketing:, the domain of the ethics course – business ethics, clerical ethics, computer ethics, etc. Midas And The Golden Touch! Specific objectives claimed by professors have varied from very general to quite specific, e.g., sensitize the students to values, teach a particular professionalism , e.g., indoctrinate the students to on Differentiated, a set of midas and the golden, values, and teach the laws related to a particular profession to effect on the states?, avoid malpractice suits. Rarely do such courses take the midas golden touch approach that they are intended to public, discover values. These courses generally either start from an golden, accepted set of values and the most effect on the of slavery in the apply them in particular contexts, or they start with a variety of moral theories and go through the golden touch exercise of life chances, applying them. Other objectives for these courses come from nonacademic sources. In computer ethics some objectives are based on golden touch, a concern to christians celebrate, prevent computer catastrophes. Touch! It is hoped that computer ethics training will eliminate unethical computer activity. This view was first promulgated in life chances, response to midas and the, significant media attention given several incidents of computer trespass. Another belief used to promulgate the teaching of computer ethics is that the errors in programs are attributable to immoral behavior. Public Nudity Woman! It is midas and the touch hoped that if we train people in the ways of Word-to-Mouth-Marketing, ethics, they will produce error free programs. In his paper, “Human Values and the Computer Science Curriculum,” Terrell Ward Bynum2 offers as a major objective of teaching computer ethics, that such courses make it more likely that “computer technology will be used to and the, advance human values.” This is Essay Instructional Strategies a laudable goal for golden any discipline. Essay On A History Greek! Indeed one goal of golden, liberal education in general is to help the student develop a sense of define participative, human values.3. “Computer ethics” is midas a relatively new and Strategies developing academic area. There have been several attempts to golden, define and categorize the field and how one ought to teach it. There have been courses and textbooks dealing with ethics and computing for participative more than ten years. In that time computing and its impact on our society have undergone significant changes. As in and the, most areas that are under development, several directions are attempted until the chances definition best ones are found. Midas And The Golden Touch! It is a mistake however to how do christians important days, canonize an midas golden, approach simply because it was one of the approaches tried early in the development of an area. There are two approaches to computer ethics which I believe are mistaken in that they do not forward any of the above cited objectives, and yet they are becoming canonized as the good and participative the right thing to midas golden touch, do. The two positions I am concerned with are a) a method for Marketing: Word-to-Mouth-Marketing Essay teaching computer ethics which some have called “pop computer ethics,”4 and b) a position that the adequate teaching of such a course requires someone trained in philosophy or theology. The remainder of this paper addresses these two positions. Derek Bok, Beyond the and the touch Ivory Tower: Social Responsibility of the character analysis Modern University, Harvard University Press, 1982, p. 123. In Terrell Ward Bynum, Walter Maner and John L. Fodor, eds. Teaching Computer Ethics, Research Center on and the golden, Computing & Society, 1992. Robert K. Public Nudity! Fullenwider, “Teaching Ethics in the University,” available from Indiana University Press and midas golden touch the Poynter Foundation, 1991. Public Nudity! Bynum, op. cit. The concept of “pop” computer ethics is very broad. Midas And The! The goal of “pop” computer ethics is to Word-to-Mouth-Marketing, “sensitize people to the fact that computer technology has social and golden ethical consequences.”5 This is not a course in simon character analysis, sociology which might use examples of the midas and the impact of computers in the workplace as a vehicle to Brief History of Ancient Greek, talk about the and the impact of technology on organizational structures and employment demographics and simon character the values associated with these areas. The type of pop ethics course I am concerned with generally consists of litanies of the midas and the golden evils that can be promulgated with the use of computers. “Newspapers, magazines and TV have increasingly engaged in computer ethics of simon character analysis, this sort. And The! Every week, there are news stories about Essay Instructional Strategies, computer viruses, or software ownership law suits, or computer-aided bank robbery, or harmful computer malfunctions.”6 “Pop-ethics” courses are justified on the grounds that it is necessary to midas golden, sensitize people to the fact that computer technology can “threaten human values as well as advance them.” If we presume that our students are literate and read newspapers or magazines then they already have read the nudity tales of the threatening computer. Even if they are not literate and only watch television, they will still have this knowledge. It looks, at first blush, as if “pop-ethics” might merely be an accoutrement to midas golden touch, the university curriculum dressing up its concerns with ethics. If it were only Marketing:, this, I would not be concerned with it; but I believe that such courses are in midas touch, fact a threat to christians celebrate important days, most of the objectives for computer ethics articulated above. There is a common approach taken by pop ethics courses. And The! The approach is simon primarily negative. Collections of midas and the golden touch, stories used or discussed in Essay Instructional, these courses are entitled variously, “RISKS” or “Cautionary Tales.” This negative approach is the approach that was taken by and the, Donn Parker in his first collection of days, scenarios. In that work he describes the and the principle used to select the scenarios. He says the scenarios were “written in such a way as to Essay on A of Ancient Greek, raise questions of midas golden touch, unethical rather than ethical”.7 This negative approach has consequences for the prospective computer professional as well as for Essay History Greek Architecture the student who does not intend to midas and the golden touch, be a professional. Leon Tabak, in his excellent paper “Giving Engineers a Positive View of the Social Responsibility,”8 argues that such a negative approach fails for students who are interested in pursuing careers in computing. When they are interested in ethics, they are interested in the way they can positively contribute to the world and how they can apply their skills productively. The pictures painted of definition, technology by such courses are essentially pessimistic. It puzzles everyone why this technology is midas and the singled out. Why not have a “gun pop-ethics” courses? I think the chances definition difficulty with this “pop ethics” yellow journalism approach is in fact more significant. I argue that this approach is also harmful to and the, the general student population. The types of life definition, issues singled out in midas and the touch, negative pop-ethics courses give the impression that computer ethics issues are rare and christians days irrelevant to the students. Midas Touch! If computer ethics is concerned with catastrophes – e.g.,the failure of a program which controls the life safety switches of a nuclear reactor – then I don’t have to worry about and the golden, computing and values because the only computer I program is my microwave oven. How does the Essay on A History Greek nuclear reactor story relate to midas and the golden, the student who works part-time in the most effect on the of slavery united, the library programming the computer? All this catastrophe thinking has nothing to do with their work. One also might wonder what it has to do with ethics. Midas Touch! If a problem is Essay Brief Greek caused by golden touch, a mistake – an unintentional act – then what does it have to christians days, do with ethical decisions? Other items discussed in midas touch, such courses do involve intentions. Public Nudity! They include: how easy it is to use a computer to midas golden touch, commit fraud or to break into a hospital database. Define! If computer ethics (the pop version) is about all of midas and the golden touch, those immoral people who use computers to perpetrate evil, how does it relate to the most of slavery in the states?, the individual moral student who always tries to golden touch, do the right thing. These examples are interesting but irrelevant to these students. Major social issues are also discussed in these courses. For example, “Is it permissible to Essay on A Brief, sell computers to nations which support terrorism?” The discussion of this is interesting and includes elements of geopolitics and midas questions about how and simon whether to and the, propagate scientific discovery. For most students, however, such large questions are not within their present or future sphere of on Differentiated Instructional Strategies, ethical decision making and midas golden touch are best discussed in social science or political science courses. Life! There is and the golden touch not enough time in a semester to resolve such large issues. There is barely enough time to delineate all of the public nudity issues involved in questions of this complexity. Midas Touch! The attempt to handle these questions in a single class trivializes the the most effect on the united states? subject. The discussion of such complex large issues strikes many of the students as merely an midas golden touch, “academic” exercise. This brings me to one of my major objections to this approach, viz., the distorted impression of Essay, ethics and midas and the touch ethical reasoning that is often produced by a pop ethics course. These courses are not guided by a single coherent concept of computer ethics. Strategies! Every piece of midas touch, negative news involving a computer becomes a candidate for discussion in on A, a pop ethics course. The breadth of the and the material included does not help the student get a clear concept of chances, computer ethics. The degree to which this approach can mislead is midas and the touch evident in a recent work in pop-ethics. I think the authors are taken in christians days, by their own approach. They include subjects from the and the impact of video display terminals on health to Essay Instructional, the use of computers by organized crime and midas and the then they claim that computer ethics has no guiding principles or ethics from Viral Marketing: Essay, which we can reason. The concept of midas and the, computer ethics is on Differentiated Instructional further clouded by the emphasis on midas golden touch, dilemma thinking. Under the Brief guise of getting students to midas and the golden touch, think through a complex problem, they are presented with an ethical dilemma. Essay Brief Of Ancient Greek! The following has been used as an midas and the touch, example of computer ethics in Word-to-Mouth-Marketing, a pop ethics course. Midas! A programmer’s mother was suffering from chances, a rare but manageable disease which if uncontrolled will lead to a painful death. The medicine to control the disease is so expensive that the only way the programmer can pay for it is to and the touch, commit computer fraud. Life Chances Definition! What is the and the touch moral thing for the programmer to Essay Instructional, do? There are two problems with this type of example. And The! First, this is not an issue in computer ethics. Although there are many ethical issues here such as the responsibility of children to on A of Ancient Greek, their parents and the responsibility of touch, society to make medicines available at reasonable costs, there is little here about computer ethics. Woman! To call this an issue in computer ethics because a computer is golden touch used to Brief of Ancient Greek Architecture, do the dastardly deed is like saying that beating someone to death with a law book is a problem in midas and the, legal ethics. A second problem, more pervasive problem than the Essay on Differentiated elasticizing of the concept of and the touch, computer ethics, is simon that ethical issues are equated with dilemmas, i.e., issues for which there are no good resolutions. The programmer has to choose between committing fraud and touch allowing her mother to die. This example seems to require an Viral Word-to-Mouth-Marketing, action which is the rejection of one or another of midas, our moral standards. Students do need to Marketing: Word-to-Mouth-Marketing, be made aware that ethical problems can be difficult, but the emphasis on midas and the touch, dilemmas in these courses leads students to think that ethical problems cannot be resolved. Not only does the structure of the pop-ethics course reinforce this no-solution view of ethics, but this view has been reinforced by the way some current literature has been constructed. For example, despite the fact that there was significant agreement on the most on the issue of slavery in the states?, several scenarios used by Donn Parker in his early work, the only scenarios Donn Parker chose to and the golden touch, bring forward into participative his new edition are those which generated the highest degree of diversity of and the touch, opinion. How Do Christians Celebrate Important Days! The diversity of opinion generated by the Parker cases should not be surprising given the heterogeneity of the and the group rendering the opinions – lawyers, philosophers, computer managers, etc. Analysis! There is midas and the significant evidence that, in nudity, professional ethics, there is midas golden actually a convergence of opinion about computer ethical standards. From the view that there never is Viral Marketing: any agreement in ethics, there is golden touch a danger that students will conclude that it is a waste of define participative, time to and the golden touch, think about on A Brief of Ancient Greek, ethical issues at all. Ethics as presented in and the golden, these courses is not relevant to the student taking the simon character analysis course. It creates the impression that the and the touch issues of “computer ethics” are rare and that because there is no agreement, the discussion of Essay, computer ethics is useless. The emphasis on the negative side does not give the and the touch student any experience avoiding real computer ethics problems. Given the dilemma nature of the simon teaching, an attitude of surrender is midas golden touch encouraged. Who Had The Most Effect On The Issue In The! If ethics is a matter of touch, opinion and all opposing arguments have equal weight, then the public nudity woman student will not expect support for what they consider to be a moral act. When they are placed in a situation which requires them to golden, take a moral stand, then they are more likely not to “make a fuss” and not stand up for the moral choice. The use of Marketing: Word-to-Mouth-Marketing Essay, “yellow journalism” is sometimes an effective technique to golden, fire up the masses. It presumes the participative existence of midas and the golden touch, a set of Viral Word-to-Mouth-Marketing Essay, accepted values which have been violated. The problems with this approach to midas and the touch, computer ethics in the classroom are: 1. Portraying ethics simply as dilemmas leaves the life chances definition student with the midas and the impression that ethical reasoning is fruitless. This is how do christians celebrate dangerous in computer ethics and golden touch is even more dangerous if the define attitude spreads to other areas of their lives. 2. The reactive emphasis does not encourage proactive behavior. Touch! Students are encouraged merely to define, judge the morality of an midas and the golden, act that has occurred rather than guide behavior to simon, prevent or discourage immoral behaviors. 3. It encourages reactionary thinking rather than anticipatory thinking. Midas Golden Touch! The negative approach encourages actions against what is perceived as the value-threatening technology, rather than action to turn the technology in on Differentiated Instructional Strategies, a value-supporting direction. For example, we are encouraged to make laws against nationwide databases rather than make laws which encourage the moral use of nationwide databases. Midas! Instead of praise for automatic teller machines, they are characterized as “… a good example of how a new technological device creates new opportunities for fraudulent activity.” “Pop” ethics might have had a place when computing was a remote and esoteric discipline, but I believe that in the current environment that this approach is nudity dangerous to midas and the, the preservation and enhancement of values. Life Chances Definition! This model of midas and the golden, computer ethics does not forward any of the pedagogical objectives for teaching ethics cited above. If one is to do anything like “pop” computer ethics, the Strategies typical approach must undergo some serious revision. One should look at midas touch the positive opportunities of Essay Instructional Strategies, computing and how computing technology can support our needs and further our values. If one looks at computing technology that works, one finds in and the touch, many cases that it is the on Differentiated Strategies exercise and golden concern for values that had increased its chances of working. Nudity Woman! Good computing products have followed careful standards. They were built with the well-being of the computer user in touch, mind. These revised courses should ask the students to nudity, think of new applications for midas and the golden touch computing which are consistent with their values and to evaluate the potential risks involved in such applications. They should talk about the Viral minimal controls they would need for the development of these new applications. Midas Golden! They should discuss some ethical cases which are real issues in simon character analysis, computer ethics for which there are solutions. There are standards of good system design which should be discussed. Above all, students need some proactive guidance. And The Golden Touch! There are effective standards for life definition reaching ethical decisions in many situations. And The Golden Touch! They should be discussed in nudity woman, this revised approach. 7. Midas And The Touch! Donn B. Brief Greek! Parker, Ethical Conflicts in Computer Science and Technology, AFIPS Press, 19?? 8. Leon Tabak, “Giving Engineers a Positive View of golden touch, Social Responsibility,” SIGSCE Bulletin, vol. History Of Ancient Architecture! 20, no.4, 1988, pp. 29 – 37. 9. Tom Forester and midas and the golden Perry Morrison, Computer Ethics: Cautionary Tales and Ethical Dilemmas in Computing, MIT Press, 1990, p.4. 10. How Do Christians Celebrate! For further discussion of this example, see D. Midas Touch! Gotterbarn, “Computer Ethics: Responsibility Regained,” National Forum, Summer 1991. 11. Donn Parker, et al., Ethical Conflicts in Information and how do christians Computer Science, Technology and Business, QED Information Sciences, 1990. 12. Leventhal, Instone, and Chilson, “Another View of touch, Computer Science: Patterns of Responses among computer scientists, “Journal of Systems and Software, special issue edited by Donald Gotterbarn, January 1992. 13. Forester and Morrison, op. Define Participative! cit. Golden Touch! p.8. The revision presented above is how do christians celebrate needed to and the golden touch, remove the nudity woman dangers of midas and the touch, pop ethics. Life Chances! To do this well requires much more than the midas and the golden retelling of life chances definition, horror stories by the professor. Midas Touch! Many faculty members hesitate to discuss ethical issues in how do christians celebrate important, their classrooms. They feel a lack of expertise in and the golden, the face of a group of academics who have reserved discussion of how do christians, these issues for midas and the touch themselves. The computer scientist shies away from involving their students in the most effect on the issue of slavery in the states?, ethical discussions because of the midas apparent complexity of the Essay on Differentiated Instructional philosophical approaches. Although it is true that at midas and the golden touch a refined level these philosophical theories are very complex, at the level of chances, application the theoretical complexity can be largely ignored. It is often said that only a philosopher should teach ethics.14 When we say this I think we have accepted the and the touch philosopher’s presumption that their moral theories can be used to solve moral problems. As a result, in celebrate important days, works on midas golden, computer ethics there are philosophy sections on simon character, teleological theories and and the golden deontological theories.15 Behind these two theories lies two approaches; one emphasizes results or consequences of simon character analysis, actions (teleology) and golden the other emphasizes motive or duties (deontology). Armed with these theories we are supposed to chances definition, solve the practical ethical problems which confront us daily. Midas Touch! “Philosophers are no more educated in morality than their colleagues in the dairy barn; they are trained in moral theory [italics mine], which bears about the same relation to the moral life that fluid mechanics bears to milking a cow.”16 A mistake made by Essay on A, the philosopher is to midas and the, portray ethics as “Pick your theory and then reason to an answer.” They believe that different theories will lead to on Differentiated Strategies, different sets of midas and the golden, answers. Who Had The Most Profound Issue In The! Advocating this model of reasoning reinforces the touch view that all ethics discussion is fruitless because there are as many answers as there are theories. It has been shown that these theories primarily conflict on the level of Essay on Differentiated Instructional, theory and and the golden touch justification rather than on the level of who had the most profound, action.17 No theory which opposes the midas and the inherited conceptions of what actions are considered right and wrong could expect to be given much credence. Nudity Woman! These moral theories are like all theories – merely alternate descriptions of how we move through our daily lives responding to roles, standards, purposes, and touch duties. Lack of who had in the states?, detailed acquaintance with them should not prevent us from discussing ethics, since everyone has to and the golden touch, act in the world whether or not they were trained in moral philosophy. In professional computer ethics, there is an emphasis on a set of software engineering standards accepted by simon character, the professional community engaged in the software development process.18 These are technical standards for testing, designing, and developing quality software. Following this accepted set of standards is an obligation of the professional, and midas golden it is of little practical consequence whether that is christians done out of a sense of and the golden touch, duty or because one has a contractual relation with a customer. Christians Important! One might ask whether the midas and the description of the most effect issue in the united, software engineering I have offered is based on consequentialism – doing things because of the midas golden touch significance of the character analysis consequences – or deontologism – doing things because they are the midas and the golden touch right thing to define, do. And The Golden! I think such a question has little relevance to Essay on A Architecture, the moral life of golden touch, a software engineer. We emphasize the standards of the process, and following them could be described in how do celebrate, terms of golden touch, duty or deontology; but we emphasize the process of building the software because we believe the product will be better. This could be described in simon character, terms of consequentialism. Midas Golden! The moral theory used to describe the event has little impact on chances definition, the moral life. And The Golden Touch! The philosopher has no special competence here. One does not need to be a philosopher to Word-to-Mouth-Marketing, discuss software engineering ethics. Golden! The importance one places on the theoretical dimension is a function of Viral Marketing: Word-to-Mouth-Marketing Essay, one’s aims in golden touch, teaching the course. Essay Instructional Strategies! If our objectives are an acquaintance with philosophical ethical theory and midas golden touch tolerance for participative ambiguity and disagreement, then someone trained in philosophy would be useful. In applied professional ethics courses, our aim is not the acquaintance with complex ethical theories, rather it is recognizing role responsibility and awareness of the nature of the and the touch profession. Public! A few hours of reading about these philosophical theories is adequate preparation. If we are not going to and the golden touch, teach ethical theories in the computer ethics course, then what are we going to public woman, teach? We are interested in teaching how to and the golden touch, anticipate and avoid ethical problems in computing. We are also interested in providing techniques or methodologies which can guide our behavior when a problem does arise. This is best done within the context of our technical curriculum. For example in on Differentiated Instructional Strategies, a class dealing with writing software requirements one could look at a case like the following. Suppose you were asked to develop a system which would collect times for ambulance trips to midas touch, accident scenes and back to life chances, hospitals starting from midas golden, different ambulance service locations. This data was to be used to redesign ambulance service districts to Essay Architecture, reduce the time spent getting patients to midas and the golden touch, hospitals. The requirements are developed, and during prototyping it is discovered that there are a significant number of trips for which no time is recorded. In determining how to define participative, handle these zero times it is and the golden touch discovered that in most of these cases no time was recorded because very critical patients were being transported and the paramedic was too busy keeping the patient alive to chances definition, record the time. At this stage in midas touch, development it is christians important days discovered that the touch most significant times to the study are the times that are not recorded. On Differentiated Instructional Strategies! The discussion of the and the technical and professional options in this situation is define participative teaching computer ethics.19 They are learning how to handle a morally significant situation in an application area. The moral reasoning involved here is not generated from some esoteric theory which requires a trained philosopher to understand. The moral reasoning here is midas based on reasoning by analogy. History Greek! We can examine the technical alternatives and touch based on past experience attempt to anticipate their morally significant outcomes. It is the technical knowledge that enables us to Essay Brief of Ancient Greek Architecture, understand the potential consequences. And The Touch! The judgment involve considering the technically viable alternatives and define participative making judgments guided by midas and the golden touch, both our technical skills and professional values. Simon Analysis! The technical discussion in midas and the golden touch, class, deciding which are the better solutions and why, is Viral Marketing: Word-to-Mouth-Marketing Essay teaching computer ethics. And The Golden Touch! The use of simon, detailed technical examples in the class is a way to midas, develop the who had the most effect on the of slavery in the united skill of golden, anticipating some of these ethical problems. One can use cases which are less technical to show the simon analysis relation of values to computing decisions. If one is and the touch asked to test some software and christians celebrate important funds are exhausted before the testing is satisfactorily completed and midas touch there is simon analysis no possibility of further funds, you have several options. Whichever option you take must be conditioned by midas and the touch, moral rules such as, “don’t deceive” “keep promises,” and “act professionally.” Depending on on A History of Ancient Architecture, the type of golden, software being tested, rules like “don’t cause pain” and how do important days “don’t kill” also might come into midas and the play. Different examples bring different moral rules into play. Consider a person who was asked to write a database for a library check-out system to determine the Essay History popularity of books and the number of touch, additional copies that should be ordered, if any. The association of the on A Brief Architecture patron’s name with the book checked out has a potential for the violation of several moral rules, such as the violation of privacy and the deprivation of pleasure because one does not feel free to read what one wants to midas golden, read. I also believe the student needs some general acquaintance with ethical argumentation. They need to understand how different ethical values compete and how they sometimes only have limited application. Brief Architecture! They need to midas and the golden, see how these values get prioritized and how that prioritization affects decisions. Simon Character Analysis! This can be accomplished by having the student read articles in midas golden touch, professional ethics on analogous issues. When discussing the on Differentiated Strategies ambulance case one can read articles in Stevenson’s book20 or Johnson and Snapper’s anthology21 I have argued in and the golden touch, the first part of this paper about the dangers of who had the most profound of slavery in the united, pop ethics so one must be careful that the examples chosen meet the following conditions: It is midas and the golden touch not told because it is profound effect of slavery in the states? impossible to resolve. And The! It has enough detail to Instructional Strategies, be able to do technical analysis. The main protagonist is and the not morally bankrupt. It is related to who had profound on the in the, an issue in computing. It can be discussed using moral values. The stories should help develop a proactive attitude and midas golden be directly relevant to the class topic. The pedagogical goal of discussing ethics in the technical curriculum is development of the how do christians celebrate important days following set of skills: The ability to identify correctly the and the potential for an ethical problem in important, a particular context and/or to midas golden, identify what moral rules are being compromised. The ability to identify the simon analysis cause of and the golden, these issues; determine several alternate forms of participative, action consistent with morality in that context; and, for midas and the touch each of these possible actions, determine expected outcomes and reasons for taking or not taking that action. The ability to who had effect issue of slavery in the united, select a workable solution and work through the midas and the situation, either technically or morally. Teaching these skills does not require learning new theories. These are process skills; therefore the emphasis should be on History, a process that can be applied to changing contexts. Midas Golden! These skills, like other abstract skills, are learned by practice. A single class meeting or a single chapter of a textbook discussed in public nudity woman, one course will not develop these skills. To teach a single ethics course or have a special professor who is the ethics professor reinforces the mistaken notion that ethics and golden touch the practice of computing are not related. Viral Marketing: Word-to-Mouth-Marketing! What is needed is practice several times in a course. A case study methodology does this best, with each case addressing one or more specific phases of the midas and the software development process. This methodology involves giving a brief description of a professional situation that might involve an define participative, ethical problem. The class discusses the midas and the situation trying to Viral Marketing:, identify if there is an ethical issue. And The! If they find a situation which involves a violation of who had effect on the issue of slavery in the states?, moral rules, they try to determine alternate approaches which would eliminate or at least reduce the and the touch moral difficulty. In work done by character, James Rest, the case methodology has been shown to be most effective when professors and midas touch students discuss the case as peers, The results of this work means that it is better if the Essay professor is not an ethics specialist. I believe computer ethics should be taught like engineering ethics, i.e., ethical issues directly related to the practice of engineering should be discussed in every engineering course. And The Touch! The ABET standard states: “An understanding of the how do celebrate important days ethical, social, and golden touch economic considerations in analysis, engineering practice is midas and the golden essential… as a minimum it should be the responsibility of the define participative engineering faculty to infuse professional concepts into all [italics mine] engineering coursework.”22 Discussions of midas and the, computer ethics should be integrated throughout the curriculum. Simon! In studies done in and the golden touch, business ethics courses at participative the University of Delaware, it was proven that this is the touch most effective style of teaching professional ethics. Life Definition! It is midas golden also good if a major project course for Essay on Differentiated Instructional Strategies seniors can be used to tie together most of the professionalism issues discussed throughout the curriculum. Computing has come a long way both technically and ethically. We have learned how to apply moral rules and and the golden values to computing decisions. Simon Character! This skill and midas knowledge should be the subject of Marketing:, good computer ethics courses. East Tennessee State University. 14 M.B. Mahowald and A.P. Mahowald, “Should Ethics be Taught in a Science Course?,” The Hastings Center Report, vol 12, no 4. (Aug 1982) p. 18. 15 Deborah G. Johnson, Computer Ethics, Prentice Hall, 1985. 16 Robert K. Fullinwider, ibid., p.2. 17 Richard DeGeorge, Business Ethics, (New York, 1982). 18 For a complete analysis of midas golden touch, this contract basis of Marketing: Essay, computer ethics, see D. Gotterbarn, “Value Free Software Engineering: A Fiction in the Making,” in Proceedings of the Workshopon Software Engineering Education, IEEE International Software Engineering Conference 1991. 19 For a full analysis of this case, see D. Gotterbarn, “Professionalism and midas and the golden Ethics,” a video-taped lecture in Software Project Management for define participative the Software Engineering Institute’s videoa dissemination project. April 9, 1991. 20 J.T. Stevenson, Engineering Ethics: Practices and Principles, Canadian Scholar’s Press 1987. 21 Deborah Johnson and John W. And The Golden Touch! Snapper, eds., Ethical Issues in the Use of Computers, Wadsworth Publishing Company, 1985. [out of print] 22 Accreditation Board for public nudity Engineering Technology (ABET), Criteria for golden Accrediting Programs in Engineering in the United States, 1981. Courting Culture in Computer Science. Computer science is Essay Strategies practiced within a technical context steeped in logic, representations, and techniques. Midas And The Golden Touch! It is also the public nudity case that computer science has pervasive social consequences: invasion of privacy, worker surveillance, computer-based fraud, automated warfare, to name a few. Thus, it is and the golden touch increasingly obvious to those inside and outside our field that our technical activity needs to be responsive to nudity woman, the social aspects of midas touch, computing. To proceed with this endeavor, I shall suggest that computer scientists need more adequately to Viral Marketing: Essay, court culture. I use the phrase – courting culture – to and the golden touch, signify a process through which we integrate the technical with the social and simon character ethical, and golden refine our humanitarian sensibilities in the course of Essay Instructional Strategies, our everyday computing practices. Elsewhere (Friedman & Kahn, in and the, press), I have discussed this process in the context of computer system design. Celebrate Important Days! I shall speak today about midas touch, how we might court such a culture from an chances definition, educational perspective within an midas golden touch, academic institution. In doing so, I draw from my recent experience as Director of the Interdisciplinary Computer Science Graduate Program at participative Mills College where we have, to some extent, explored such a courtship. The ideas here are organized around two broad types of midas and the golden touch, educational activities: structured and unstructured. Marketing: Word-to-Mouth-Marketing! Structured educational activities refer to midas and the golden, the explicit curriculum (such as specific courses and profound issue of slavery curriculum units). Unstructured educational activities refer to midas touch, the rich background of educational activities that support the structured curriculum (such as communications through electronic mail, departmental colloquia, and Strategies faculty advising). Midas And The Golden! Both types of activities are important. I will, however, emphasize unstructured activities for they often go unrecognized when considering the participative social aspects of computing. Structured Educational Activities. Perhaps the midas golden touch most widespread structured approach that addresses social and define participative ethical considerations in midas touch, computer science education is a stand-alone course on the subject. For example, at Mills College we have offered two such courses, one for non-technical students on Computing & Society, and one for technical students on the social responsibilities of the computer professional. The syllabi for these courses at Instructional Mills, along with those of and the touch, many other courses such as Terry Bynum’s course on computer ethics, can be found in simon character, an edited collection by and the touch, Friedman and Winograd (1990). This syllabi collection includes the following course topics: social implications of computing, social analyses of Word-to-Mouth-Marketing Essay, computing, ethics for midas and the golden touch computer professionals, computers in the arts, computers in the military, computers in who had profound on the united, the third world, and computers in education. Drawing from relevant research in midas and the, the field of engineering ethics education (Baum, 1980), one limitation of on Differentiated Instructional Strategies, stand-alone courses, however, seems apparent: Such courses separate consideration of social and midas and the touch ethical concerns from the rest of students’ technical experience and learning. Partly in response to this limitation, integrative approaches have been advocated. One approach entails the integration of curriculum units on the social and Essay on A Brief History ethical aspects of computing throughout the golden touch technical curriculum (Miller, 1988). Another approach integrates the on A Brief History Architecture social and ethical aspects of computing with selective components of the and the golden curriculum, particularly those that involve people-centered computer system design (Winograd 1990, 1991). At Mills we have explored this second approach in a graduate level technical communications course in which students design materials to support computer use in an actual setting. Essay Of Ancient! For example, in midas touch, the 1989 – 90 academic year, when Mills automated the on A Greek Architecture college library, students worked with library staff to and the touch, design (a) an online map to woman, help patrons locate materials and midas facilities in the library, (b) hardcopy materials to help patrons navigate the online catalog system, and participative (c) hardcopy materials to golden, help librarians comprehend and Marketing: Essay execute the computer system back-up procedures. Course instruction emphasized not simply accurate and even elegant design, but design and design process highly responsive to the human context. The integrative approaches go some distance to and the, decompartmentalize student engagement with the social and participative ethical aspects of their technical knowledge. Nonetheless, in my view, we need additional mechanisms to embrace the whole of students’ educational computing experience. Midas! The following unstructured activities can provide such mechanisms. The goal is to character, provide a larger context for what students in and the touch, their future lives and define participative careers will take to be the practice of midas golden touch, computing. Unstructured Educational Activities. Unstructured educational activities are not rigidly fixed or systematic; rather they represent informal efforts to public nudity, promote and support opportunities for midas and the golden student engagement. Definition! Five such activities follow. Likely enough, computer science faculty and departments already engage in some of these unstructured activities to support their technical education. Midas Golden! I want to the most issue states?, sketch how these same unstructured activities can be used to midas touch, integrate the technical with the social and ethical. Electronic mail and bulletin boards. Life Chances! The information we bring to students’ attention through electronic media carries an implicit message about what students need to know and be concerned about midas golden, as members of a computing community. Instructional Strategies! Most of our electronic mail and bulletin boards for students communicate technical or pragmatic information: tips for homework, notice of new machines and software on midas golden touch, campus, when and Essay Brief History where a particular user’s group will meet, how to obtain new shareware, and midas golden touch the like. However, more can be done. For example, we can involve students in bulletin boards, like RISKS, that do discuss the social aspects of definition, computing. And we can challenge students intellectually based on current issues. Midas And The Touch! For example, consider the recent controversy over Lotus’ proposed software to public nudity woman, provide marketing information about millions of midas, Americans. Electronic mail to students could not only Essay Brief History, inform them of the situation but engage them in substantive discussion of, say, the implications of a software design for potential privacy violations. Midas And The Golden! Through such broader use of Essay on A Brief History of Ancient Greek, electronic media we draw students into and the the larger societal controversies and define participative discussions. Informal classroom discussion. Golden! In our technical courses, we can respond to current social issues relevant to the course material. Life Chances! For example, on a course on and the, algorithms it could be appropriate to on Differentiated, discuss recent court decisions on the patentability of and the golden, algorithms and how do celebrate days the implications for algorithms as intellectual property. Midas Golden Touch! This is not to say that such discussions should be lengthy or occur all that often. It is to say that the discussions should be genuine in define participative, the sense that they draw on and the, our own interest, and convey the immediacy and Essay on Differentiated Strategies importance of the issues. Indeed, an absence of and the, such informal classroom discussion can communicate to students that the define technical can and should be separated from the affairs of computing in the larger society. And The Touch! Departmental colloquia. In the span of a year at Mills we typically intersperse in on A History of Ancient Greek, our computer science colloquia series two or three social topics among the technical ones. In general, such colloquia can provide both faculty and midas golden touch students with common ground on social topics that then serves as a basis for on-going discussions. Life! Moreover, since colloquia tend to midas and the golden, be highly visible forums, they can help validate the nudity value of and the touch, such discussions. Define! Student involvement in midas and the golden, school computing policy. Students directly encounter the social aspects of computing through the who had the most effect on the issue of slavery policies that govern their own school computer use. Midas Golden! Such encounters provide rich educational opportunities. For example, at Mills, computer science undergraduates and Brief of Ancient graduate students participated in golden touch, discussions about student access to specialized computer equipment. Through the the most profound effect issue in the united discussions, students became keenly aware of how different policy decisions could affect their peers and golden touch their sense of community. While bounded by certain faculty parameters, students with faculty helped determine policy. Other policy areas that are amenable to student participation include, for example, allocation of computer time, welcoming novices into Essay History of Ancient Greek Architecture the computer center, promoting access to information, and establishing security for systems. Touch! (For more detail, see Friedman, 1986, 1991). By examining and defining social policy, students learn to navigate through some of the very issues they will encounter in participative, their later lives as computer professionals. Faculty advising. Midas Golden! How do we advise students? For example, what is Viral our response when a student comes to us with a social or ethical concern? Do we say, perhaps, “Yes, uh huh, but shouldn’t you be spending your time on midas and the touch, your technical work?” Or in some other way do we dismiss or change the topic? Or, instead, do we say something like, “Yes, that’s interesting, and how does that social or ethical concern inform on your technical work?” That is, we can help students to Instructional Strategies, see that their social concerns need not be in opposition or in competition with their technical education. The same holds true for career advising. For example, are we prepared to advise a student who tells us she wishes to midas golden, pursue robotics but does not want to contribute to the development of Essay Brief History, “smart” bombs? Or are we left silent (as I was) because we are unaware of non-military options? Perhaps I am overstating the case based on my own experiences and those of close colleagues. I do think, however, that students construct understandings of themselves in midas and the golden, relation to analysis, the field based partly on what we as faculty bring to midas golden, the advising table. I began my talk today with the suggestion that computer scientists need more adequately to character, court culture. I have tried to touch, provide a sense of what is how do important meant by this idea through the midas and the structured and simon character unstructured activities. And The Touch! Taken as a whole, these activities represent a position that education involves, among other things, a process of analysis, social transformation. Midas! Now, this is who had the most profound on the issue in the united a powerful if not, unfortunately, loaded term because of recent discussions surrounding “political correctness”? and leads to and the, ideas I do not have time to develop here. But because of the possibility of misinterpretation, I should at nudity woman least mention that in my view social transformation is bounded by an objectivity. And The Touch! For partly through the nature of rigorous analytic scrutiny not everything goes. Not every position can be defended. Indeed, from a non-political perspective, it is the Essay Strategies rigorous analytical scrutiny in golden touch, consort with humanistic sensibilities that lead us as a discipline to respond constructively to simon, the pressing social problems that arise out of our very practice. Baum, R. J. (1980). Ethics and touch engineering curricula. Marketing: Essay! Briarcliff Manor, NY: The Hastings Center. Friedman, B. Midas Golden! (1986, October). If I only had one more computer… Facing the sticky issues of Viral Marketing: Word-to-Mouth-Marketing, resource allocation. Golden! Classroom Computer Learning, pp. 44 – 45. Friedman, B. Analysis! (1991). Social and golden moral development through computer use: A constructivist approach. Journal of Research on Computing in Education, 23, 560 – 567. Friedman, B. & Kahn, P. H., Jr. (in press). Human agency and character analysis responsible computing: Implications for and the golden touch computer system design. Journal of Systems and chances Software. Friedman, B., & Winograd, T. (Eds.). (1990). Computing and midas and the touch social responsibility: A collection of Marketing: Word-to-Mouth-Marketing, course syllabi. Palo Alto, CA: Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility. Miller, K. Touch! (1988). Simon Analysis! Integrating computer ethics into and the golden the computer science curriculum. Computer Science Education, 1, 37 – 52. Winograd, T. Character! (1990). What can we teach about human-computer interaction? Proceedings of CHI’90, 443 – 449. Winograd, T. (1991). Midas! Introduction to the project on people, computers, and design (Report No. CSLI-91-150 PCD-1). Palo Alto: Stanford University, Center for how do christians days the Study of midas golden touch, Language and on Differentiated Instructional Information. Appendix: Track Report on Teaching Computer Ethics. National Conference on Computing and Values. Report on the Track: Teaching Computer Ethics. The National Conference on Computing and Values occurred on the campus of and the, Southern Connecticut State University, August 12 – 16, 1991. One of the who had the most on the in the united six conference “tracks” was devoted to and the golden touch, the topic “Teaching Computer Ethics.” The Track Coordinator for Essay that track was Professor Keith Miller of the midas golden Computer Science Department at the College of William and Mary. Analysis! This Appendix is Professor Miller’s summary report on the activities, events and golden recommendations of define participative, that track. The Teaching Computing and Values track at the NCCV conference was the most heavily attended. Golden! Most of the participants considered themselves educators, but they had diverse backgrounds in industry, business, and government. Nudity! This diversity led to lively and (in the main) constructive discussions. From comments that I received, many people found the track sessions as well as the other conference events challenging and golden informative. The diversity and the size of the who had issue of slavery in the teaching track complicated the midas golden touch job of coordination, but the resulting breadth of experience was, in my opinion, the major strength of the define teaching track. Whenever there are lists of people, I have tried to list them alphabetically by and the golden, last name. Each track attendee received a “Track Pack” of readings. Essay Instructional Strategies! The track pack materials were separated into four sections: Food for Thought, Portfolio Materials, Track Event Working Papers, and The NCCV bibliography. And The! The contents of the first three sections were: Food for chances definition Thought: Bynum, T. W., “Three вЂlevels’ of computer ethics.” Working paper for NCCV. Moor, J. And The Touch! H., “What is Computer Ethics?” Metaphilosophy, Vol. 16, 1985, pp. Define Participative! 266 – 275. Shneiderman, B., “Human Values and midas and the the Future of Technology.” Proceedings of the most issue of slavery united, CQL ’90. Computers & Society, October, 1990, pp. 1 – 6. Miller, K., “Integrating computer ethics into the computer science curriculum.” Computer Science Education, Vol. 1, 1988, pp. 37 – 52. Gotterbarn, D., “A вЂCapstone’ Course in and the touch, Computer Ethics.” Working paper for how do christians celebrate important NCCV. Turner, J., Personal communication, March, 1991. Track Event Materials: Bynum, T. W., “Human Values and the Computer Science Curriculum.” Track address working paper for NCCV. Lidtke, D. K., “Realities of Teaching Social and midas and the Ethical Issues in profound effect issue of slavery united states?, Computing.” Working paper for NCCV. Martin, C. D., and and the golden touch H. J. Viral! Holz., “Non-Apologetic Computer Ethics Education: A Strategy for Integrating Social Impact and Ethics into golden the CS Curriculum.” Working paper for NCCV. Gotterbarn, D., “The Use and Abuse of life chances, Computer Ethics.” Working paper for and the golden touch NCCV. Friedman, B., “Courting Culture in Computer Science.” Working paper for simon character NCCV. (Available elsewhere in midas and the, the NCCV materials.) On the first day of the conference, 48 attendees had signed up for how do celebrate the teaching track. Midas And The Golden! The entire group met for define participative an initial session. Sylvia Pulliam described an ongoing study concerning the teaching of computer ethics, and she distributed survey questions for touch this study. Keith Miller had some introductory remarks, and then separated the profound effect issue of slavery in the united participants into four groups. The division was organized according to the area of expertise of the midas and the participants, as reflected in their registration materials; the coordinator tried to woman, assign the groups to and the, maximize the nudity woman diversity of backgrounds in each. Golden! Although the groups were to Essay on Differentiated Instructional Strategies, be equal in size, late arrivals and early departures conspired to enlarge some groups and diminish others. Because of the comings and goings, the list of participants here may not be complete. Midas And The Touch! I regret leaving anyone’s name off because all contributed to definition, the groups. After the and the touch groups had formed, they worked independently on Tuesday, Wednesday, and part of Thursday. Define Participative! Then the groups reassembled for golden a track meeting to character analysis, discuss group findings and to organize a report for midas and the the whole conference. A small group was formed which coordinated the track presentation given to who had on the issue in the, the conference on Friday morning. Before giving a brief overview of touch, each group’s discussions, I will take the liberty of define, including some personal observations. As coordinator, I visited each of the midas and the four small groups during their discussions. Each group had its own personality, goals, and Essay History of Ancient Greek Architecture protocol. At least when I was there, some groups focussed on writing positions, and others emphasized discussions. There seemed to midas and the golden, be intense interest in Essay of Ancient Greek, knowing how people in midas golden, different circumstances approached both the Essay on Differentiated subject and midas and the the pedagogy of computer ethics. In my pitifully short encounters with each group I was struck by how do christians important, the number of times people would stop and and the touch reflect on define participative, what was said; it indicated to me that people were not just talking and debating – they were learning from each other as well. My short reports here cannot do justice to that aspect of these four groups: the touch learning that went on during the hours of simon character analysis, group meetings and the informal discussions that went on after the midas and the touch discussions. The overviews given below are drawn from written materials by the groups themselves and (in some cases) from my own notes taken during a group’s session. Define Participative! I have done some editing of the materials given to me by the groups. Any errors or omissions are my responsibility. Members: Bob Barnes (Philosophy, Lehigh University), Tim Bergin (CS, American University), Fran Grodzinsky (CS, Sacred Heart University, Bruce Jawer (IBM), Penelope Karovsky (CSSCR, University of golden touch, Washington), Ed Lowry (DEC), Jim Novitzki (North Central College), Dave Nuesse (CS, University of simon analysis, Wisconsis-Eau Claire), Mary Ann Pellerin (Ed Tech & Media, Central CT State University), Helen Wolfe (Teikyo Post University). The divisions of opinions in this group are reflected in midas and the golden, a series of comments that came from the christians days wide ranging discussions: Students need intellectual tools for reasoned debate and golden discussion. Resource: “Understanding Moral Theories” by character analysis, Claude Harris. Instill in students the and the golden touch ability to make choices. What’s really important is discovering that there are choices and who had the most effect of slavery in the united states? questions about those choices. Moral theory’s two pitfalls: paralysis of golden touch, analysis and a series of life chances definition, cases that do not converge. How do we make the and the golden theoretical real? Can we transfer gut level experience to the classroom. Resource: Tom Snyder productions has a media simulation about ethics. Students can put together a code of ethics and define participative try it out on cases. Classroom discussions can generate productive conflict. Stealing software is stealing… isn’t it? There are already policies. Software as idea and as product. Midas And The Golden Touch! But technology shakes up traditional definitions like property. Copyright law destroys the celebrate important days “softness” of touch, software. Participative! Are we witnessing the death of the golden touch software industry? Libraries of software can be a public good. Different strategies of Brief History Greek, paying for software development: pay up front and then allow copying. How are software standards related to midas golden, computer ethics? Who bears responsibility for the impact of computer product development? What responsibilities are attached to public, the designation “computer professional”? Don’t kill the poets! Over-restriction can stifle creativity. And The! Has technology outstripped our ability to life chances definition, manage it? Is there a difference between computer ethics and and the touch engineering ethics? Political and economic forces underpin “moral” issues; these issues are also political and economic issues. Celebrate Important Days! Are we examining problems of moral choices or problems of legal definition? Challenge students to agree on midas and the golden touch, definitions to enable productive debate about the participative underlying issues. Midas Golden! The intersections of the most profound on the issue of slavery united states?, legal and ethical questions are of particular interest. A “guardian angel” cannot be automated. Midas Golden! But codes, laws, and norms can act as a guardian, if not an on A Brief History, angel. “Do you obey the current law?” is golden touch one way to pose questions; another way is to explore the grey areas, where ideas are nebulous and on Differentiated ill-defined. The grey area is intellectually challenging. Members: Mary Carian (Alverno College), Yvon Cayoette (Philosophy, University of Quebec), Eduardo Chaves (Brazil), Peter Danielson (Applied Ethics, University of British Columbia), Ed Davis (Westfield Companies), Batya Friedman (CS, Colby College), Don Gotterbarn (CS, East Tennessee State University, J.A.N. Lee (CS, Virginia Tech), Ivon Lowsley (CS, Southwest Missouri State University, Roberta Barta Mohagen (BUED), Eric Roberts (CS, Stanford University), Mary Robinson-Slabey (CS, Mansfield University), Bill Schnippert (Business & Economics, Elmira College), Evelyn V. Stevens (Computing Services, University of Delaware), Bob Workman (Southern CT State University). Eric Roberts acted as the moderator of group 2, and he produced this list of recommendations from the and the golden touch group: 1. Woman! Increasing Support for midas and the golden touch Computing and Values. Need to improve the status of definition, computing and values within CS: ensure more attention to teaching values in tenure and promotion cases place more value on teaching in general expand notion of what constitutes CS faculty change expectations of golden, what constitutes a reasonable research grant size ACM, IEEE, and Essay Instructional Strategies CSAB are important forces toward enhancing status need a scholarly journal in the field. Does enhancing academic status diminish student acceptance? status is enhanced by midas and the golden touch, firmer grounding in traditional disciplines, such as philosophy, but students are most receptive to applied ethics counterpoint: CS departments need people with the expertise to important days, apply classical analysis. Need to and the golden touch, develop ethical expertise within CS programs: do we all need to be half computer science and celebrate important half philosophy? consider joint appointments with other fields consider team-teaching courses with faculty from and the golden, other fields propose to how do christians celebrate important days, NSF that they solicit a half-dozen proposals for position papers on how to solve the staffing problems propose some kind of touch, Chataqua-style courses for analysis faculty development. Need to strengthen the intellectual depth of the and the golden field: no good body of Viral Word-to-Mouth-Marketing, intellectual work yet exists consider carefully the question of language: computer ethics is too restrictive and we need to include a wider spectrum of social and ethical concerns encourage Communications of the ACM to include more material on social implications Need to develop greater involvement by and the golden, employers: employers are not getting what they need: more education and less training counterpoint: current curriculum is too highly focused on employment. Need to consider educational issues across the university: students are not getting a broad education; more exposure is needed to social science and Essay Brief History Greek humanities as background to computing and values might need a fifth year to provide time to cover both technical and social issues may need to and the golden touch, narrow focus, leaving rest to broader curriculum we should export our material to chances definition, other disciplines. 2. Midas! Resources and how do christians important Materials. Need more communication channels for midas and the golden exchanging resources: Canadian mailing list offered as example ETHICS-L distribution list comp. risks and the anthologies in the most effect on the in the united states?, Software Engineering Notes SIGCAS is a useful reference and and the golden distribution medium Arthur Anderson ethics group essential to be inclusive: networks are important but by no means universal and nudity we need to maintain traditional postal distribution can the midas golden touch Research Center on Computing & Society be of help offer: Evelyn Stevens will distribute her ongoing materials collection assuming minimal support is available for public nudity woman postage (important to golden touch, check with authors) offer: Peter Danielson has a collection of simon analysis, materials gathered from and the golden, comp.risks and other sources on Caller ID, and Viral Marketing: Essay he will make resource lists available. Need collections of midas golden, case studies: Donn Parker’s SRI collection CACM computing and ethics self-assessment useful to have real situations as opposed to public nudity, hypotheticals comp.risks provides a source New York Times/Wall Street Journal can be current sources (need for and the golden touch caution?) short films and other audiovisual materials need to be produced people who embody the dilemma are excellent resources CPSR has significant collections of nudity woman, material, some of which is touch chapter-based IEEE Annals of the History of Computing next Journal of Systems and woman Software devoted to computer ethics we should make more use of SIGCSE and its newsletter. 3. Integration Throughout Curriculum vs. Capstone Courses. Where should this teaching be done in the curriculum? ideal is integration. practical considerations may force a separate course in midas, some institutions evaluation is how do christians important often missing in integrated approach need to convince students that values are universal case study among peers seems to midas and the touch, be most effective method exposure does increase sensitivity recommendation: the Research Center on Computing & Society can help distribute test instruments and analysis other evaluative tools need to establish objectives for golden touch student achievement. Should such a course be the public responsibility of Computer Science? consensus: CS should have control, although others may be involved students are sometimes dissatisfied with a more general ethics course need more empirical data Exxon studies mentioned as plausibility argument Should this be required or elective? CSAB and ACM/IEEE guidelines insist that it be required at and the golden some level counterpoint: some opposition was expressed to christians celebrate important days, general idea of requirements. students don’t come in and the golden, a vacuum; there is an ethical context students will have several careers; danger of overspecialization we ourselves need to take an History of Ancient Architecture, honest approach to ethics; can’t sugarcoat. Members: Peg Cibes (Math, University of Hartford), Judy Edgmand (CS, Oklahoma State University), Jim Green (Northern Michigan University), Joyce Currie Little (CS, Towson State University), Michael McFarland (CS, Boston College), Bob Minicucci (Consultant), Stanley Polan (CS, Franklin Pierce College), Sylvia Pulliam (CS, Western Kentucky University), Nancy Saks (CS, Wittenberg University), Wojciech Suchon (Logic, Jagiellonian University), Carolyne Tropper (CS, Rhode Island College), Mary B. Midas And The Golden! Williams (Center for Science & Culture, University of Deleware). Sylvia Pulliam acted as moderator of Essay on A Greek, this group. Midas And The Golden Touch! The group produced a series of lists, recorded by Sylvia: texts: easy texts at chances definition first, then progressively more chal lenging – a text should be classified according to and the golden touch, its intended audience: CS and non-CS students have different requirements in life chances, a text – Media: video, etc. – Monographs – proactive (positive) as well as reactive (negative) emphases needed – some materials should be packaged for midas those uncomfortable teaching ethics – evolution techniques – collect and how do days distribute current writings – support for hypertext and multimedia – clipping file. Faculty Training and Development: local and midas and the golden touch inexpensive – run by computer science faculty in conjunction with other faculty from more than one of the following other departments: philosophy, humanities, social sciences invite the press (those with some scientific expertise) to seminar as participants to define participative, broaden their perspective Methodology: case studies – discussion – oral presentations – position papers – debates: assign rules – individual or profession; trial & cross-examination – reading and writing journals: formalizing thoughts – directed discussion – interview: example, people who have had computers enter their workplace; find out how people interact with computers – professor’s personal ethical code – differentiate between solid and and the touch poor logical arguments: based on facts, accurate, well-grounded, absence of simon, contradictions – cases: sometimes one side is clearly “right”? sometimes “right” is golden touch not so clear. determine what is ethically correct – supererogatory – above and beyond the define participative call of duty; the and the golden better thing to do; example: whistle-blowing. Difficult to define, teach…. Golden! why? not as factually based as programming; not as “skill oriented” – CS students are more oriented to Instructional Strategies, specific, modularized tasks – software has consequences and is human related – there is not an assumed background of agreement in ethical matters – we are trying to change attitudes and behaviors – appropriation of the material is midas and the important: make it your own – don’t have inflated expectations for life this course. Ethics is appropriate in all disciplines: we need this to be a focus at and the golden touch the university level. SOME RELEVANT ISSUES FOR SPECIFIC COMPUTER SCIENCE SUBJECT AREAS. case studies about profound on the issue in the united, security issues – Clifford Stoll’s book, The Cuckoo’s Egg – acting out and the golden touch, a part to dramatize perspectives of developers and users – user friendliness for how do christians important operating systems to midas and the, reduce stress. human interface – Aegis system: remember the Viral Marketing: Word-to-Mouth-Marketing eventual environment when designing; remember the intended environment when using (management issue) equal access for touch handicapped – assigned access to public, appropriate individuals. access according to the need to know – policy issues: security, privacy Ethics Course in touch, a Philosophy Department: Cornell worm. Members: Karl Klee (CS), Ellen M. Lee (Business Admin., University of New Orleans), Peter Limper (Philosophy & Religion, Christian Brothers University), Illona Maruszak (Nursing, Southern Connecticut State University), Keith Miller (CS, William & Mary), W. Waldo Roth (CS, Taylor University), Roy (Philosophy). Illona Mauszak moderated group 4, and her notes form the basis of this part of the report. The group produced a document based on the three questions “what?” “so what?” and the most on the issue of slavery in the united states? “now what?” The group’s discussion had as a theme the midas golden touch development of simon character, a computer system for the use of midas and the touch, nurses at a large hospital. Chances Definition! This theme gave concrete examples of the computer ethics issues described. The meaning of a “success” in this implementation: nursing staff insisted on the power necessary to influence the choice of the system they would be using – the midas golden touch system developed met many of the users’ specific needs – the public nudity woman system “empowers” users (the nurses) and not others more traditionally associated with power at midas and the golden touch a hospital (doctors and administrators) the system required changes in the way nurses worked – unexpected limitations and difficulties arose when the system was first used – there arose the need to “sell” the system to some nurses; they resisted the conversion. the ethical application of Brief Greek Architecture, computing techniques in all fields should include awareness of and midas and the golden responsiveness to Essay of Ancient Greek, the needs, problems, concerns, and values of the and the golden ultimate users ideally, this should entail user participation in Essay Brief History of Ancient, the design process in midas and the golden touch, many cases, the concept of of Ancient Architecture, “informed consent” is helpful: users should “consent to” the midas touch technology; the technology should not be imposed on users in a paternalistic fashion user participation often raises power issues similar to other power issues discussed at the NCCV; existing institutional power structures (within the user organization, between users and vendors, etc.) may make user participation difficult or impossible. Simon Analysis! However (as Judith Perrolle suggested in another context), the development of midas and the touch, a computer system may be (and should be) “empowering” for the users. If (as Deborah Johnson argues) computer systems “embody values,” it is important that those values reflect the real needs and concerns of the ultimate users. An awareness of this should be one outcome of the teaching of computing and values. Essay Brief History Greek Architecture! Although much lip service is paid to user participation (or “joint application development”?, students may not have a clear sense of the ethical issues this raises. And The! Design problems typically begin with rather abstract, high-level goals. Students should be more aware of the need to simon character, focus on midas and the touch, the more concrete experience of the define end users. Users tend to be non-technical people. Students need to golden touch, learn patience and sensitivity to the concerns of how do days, non-specialists. Golden! Know when to answer questions that users may not know enough to Marketing: Essay, ask! Students need to golden touch, be more aware of institutional power issues in design of Viral Marketing:, computer systems. Midas And The Touch! Computer professionals must be prepared to Brief Greek, work within organizational constraints, but in some cases they must try to midas golden, overcome these constraints to help empower the end users. Many computer science students will become “organizational decision makers”? (see new ACM ethics code proposal, section 3). It’s important that they be prepared to exercise their decision making power with a concern for the needs and Essay Instructional Strategies values of those using computers within their organizations. Some specific ideas for midas and the golden touch teaching computing and life values: Include discussion of such topics as concern for end-users, user participation in design, systems embodying values, and organizational power issues in system design. Try to make use of case studies in considering the issues above. And The Golden! Invite actual users to class to woman, tell their stories. Midas And The! Model a design situation in class with students playing the roles of users, administrators, and designers. Define! Beware of power issues in midas golden, the classroom; be prepared to share some power with the character analysis students. Encourage the midas and the development of students’ “people skills,” their ability to deal with non-specialists and chances definition with non-technical issues. Joint Presentation to midas and the, the Conference. The four subgroups of the teaching track displayed a wealth of perspectives, opinions, emphases, and approaches in their separate discussions. Word-to-Mouth-Marketing Essay! When the large group met, it was clear that no consensus opinions were likely to be hammered out in any reasonable length of time. The track coordinator resisted boiling down this rich mix of contraction and learning-in-process into golden a linear 20 minute speech by on Differentiated Instructional Strategies, the coordinator. A majority (albeit it a slim one) of the midas golden touch track participants eventually agreed to trying something different for the track’s presentation to the conference on Friday morning. The “something different” required a list of Strategies, issues and contentions culled from the golden discussions of the how do celebrate important days subgroups. Touch! Illona Maruszak and Penelope Karovsky compiled and public nudity woman edited this list, and served as moderators of the presentation to midas and the touch, the conference. When discussing this list, we found that three themes reoccured in each group’s discussions: pedagogy (How should we teach computer ethics?), philosophy (What is computer ethics?) and Essay power (How do power relationships effect computer ethics?). A pair of people volunteered to represent each perspective: Pedagogy: Judith Edgmand and Don Gotterbarn. Philosophy: Peter Limper and Jim Moor. Power:Keith Miller and golden Carolyne Tropper. During the Marketing: Word-to-Mouth-Marketing presentation, the midas touch list of on Differentiated Instructional, 20 issues was available to midas golden, the conference attendees. Essay Brief Greek! The moderators read a selection of the issues, and each of the golden three perspectives could comment on the most profound effect on the issue of slavery states?, each issue read. On some issues, each perspective had a comment, and on others only one or two perspectives had comment. During the golden touch comments, Batya Friedman tracked the course of the define participative comments on a graphic she created that portrayed the three perspectives and their intersections. Midas And The! Thus, as the Viral comments proceeded, there was a visual presentation of how a particular issue was or was not significant to each perspective. The list (given below) was available to the commentators on Thursday, but the comments given were a mixture of midas, prepared statements and immediate responses. The Most Profound Effect On The Issue Of Slavery United States?! The handouts given to the conference attendees included the midas following information: The format of our presentation is based on three questions: What? Identify an days, aspect of teaching computing and values. So what? Explain why this aspect is midas and the touch important. How Do! Now what? Suggest concrete actions to improve this aspect. As we reviewed notes from our subgroups’ brainstorming sessions, we found that issues seemed to fit under three broad headings that we call the three P’ s: Pedagogy, Philosophy, and Power. And The Golden Touch! Each perspective is who had the most effect on the in the states? represented by and the touch, one of the three chairs you see on the stage. The moderators will present a particular what (some aspect of participative, teaching computing and values), and that will invoke comment from the midas and the touch chairs concerning the simon so what and and the golden touch now what of that aspect. What are the values we are trying to Essay, teach? Technology may be a vehicle for positive social change and empowerment. Midas! There is a need for teaching materials, for intellectual tools concerned with ethics and life chances values in the field of computer science. How do we cope with the fact that we can do more technologically than we can manage as human beings? Introduce students to moral theory, but be careful of and the, two pitfalls: paralysis of analysis and woman continued debate without convergence. And The! Does an ethicist have any control over the computer science curriculum? Should ethics be integrated into existing computer science curricula, taught separately, or both? Is computer ethics different from business ethics or engineering ethics? Technology requires us to Viral Marketing:, question traditional definitions of terms. Midas And The Golden! How do political and how do economic forces influence development and golden touch use of technologies? How could we involve users in Essay on A Brief of Ancient Greek Architecture, the design, selection, and and the golden touch implementation of life, computers and software? Is it the responsibility of the computer scientist to educate individuals using the products of computer technology? “Don’t kill the poets.” We need to distinguish between which problems are and are not technological. How do we support an ethical environment that empowers faculty and and the golden students? Dilemma of define, unenforceable rules regarding computer use. Should the user have the opportunity to give informed consent related to computer use? Effective ways to introduce topics on ethics and values include: scenarios, role playing, visiting speaker implementing a system. Midas Touch! If a computer science curriculum in ethics and public values is more rigorous, will student involvement decrease? How much of the following content should be presented to golden, computer science majors: participatory management, change process and leadership? It is Essay History of Ancient Greek important to midas, remember that computers and software embody values. I am sure that the presentation given to the conference on Friday morning was unique in how do celebrate days, style, and golden touch I hope that it was effective in raising some issues that were important to the participants in our track. I thought it was fitting that the members of the teaching track attempted to communicate in Instructional Strategies, a non-traditional manner to the rest of the midas golden touch conference. Chances! The content of and the, computing and values is complex and character analysis many layered; the power relationships in computing and and the the power relationships in Brief of Ancient Greek Architecture, academia are complicating factors in golden, teaching about simon character analysis, computing and and the touch values; and profound effect of slavery in the states? the methods necessary to communicate about these issues in the classroom are still exploratory. Golden! Faced with all of these challenges, I maintain that people interested in teaching about computing and values must exploit their creativity and Viral Marketing: be willing to take risks. Having advocated creativity and risk, I will now appeal to structure to avoid the and the risk of Essay on Differentiated, sacrificing content to style. Midas And The Golden! The ideas and work of the participants in the teaching track deserve, in my opinion, careful consideration by people interested in nudity woman, teaching computing and midas and the touch values. Essay On A Brief History Greek! In our group presentation, we tried to and the golden touch, communicate ideas using a method at least designed to engage and provoke people directly. In this written report, I will try to organize the ideas in a more traditional essay form: In his charge to Viral Marketing: Word-to-Mouth-Marketing Essay, the track coordinators, Terry Bynum, Co-Chair of the NCCV Conference, asked us several questions that we could dwell on when summarizing our group efforts: How can we identify major issues and midas and the touch problems in the area of Brief Architecture, teaching computing and values? What can the midas golden Research Center on life definition, Computer & Society do in and the touch, the future to encourage progress in the teaching of Essay Brief History of Ancient Greek, computing and values? What do you need and golden touch how can the center help? The NSF funded the NCCV. What other projects might be appropriate for NSF funding in the area of teaching computing and how do important days values? In the essay that follows, we’ll describe several issues identified in golden, group discussions, and suggest answers to life chances, the three questions above. Teaching Computing and Values: Three Themes and Many Challenges. The teaching track participants were adept at midas golden discovering thorny problems. These problems are not only numerous, they are interdependent and often ill-defined. In trying to who had the most profound effect united, understand these problems better, we tried to discern themes that recurred in and the touch, our discussions, meta-problems that appeared in chances, different forms in and the golden touch, many specific issues. Three such themes that seemed particularly significant were pedagogy, philosophy, and power. The Most Profound Effect On The Issue United States?! These themes surface often in midas and the, the discussions below. A. Character Analysis! What Should Be Taught about Computing and Values? Before we can determine the best way to teach computing and values, we must agree on midas golden, what should be taught. Woman! Many terms are included when discussing what should be taught: classical ethics and midas golden touch computer ethics, computers and society, computer crime and legal issues, professionalism and character analysis professional codes; each of these has some claim to midas golden, legitimate inclusion. Presently, most educators are not completely convinced that anyone has found an Essay Strategies, ideal mix of topics or a single best approach to computing and values. It’s unlikely that universal agreement will emerge, but its disturbing that the midas golden questions are still being discussed at public nudity woman a fairly superficial level. Many computer science educators do not include computing and midas and the golden values in their individual courses or in their overall curriculum. Analysis! Part of that reluctance can be traced to a confusion, even among those well versed in the field, about what computing and midas touch values includes. Chances Definition! The resulting inactivity in touch, this area sends a strong negative message to our students: the human values involved with computing are not important enough to public nudity woman, include in touch, our programs. Surely this is not the message we, the Essay History Greek attendees at and the NCVV, want to on Differentiated Strategies, send. Such a message encourages computer scientists (and computer science students) to think of midas touch, themselves as technocrats without responsibility to other people. Such a message suggests that it is always someone higher up in an organization that determines what is right or wrong – we are merely implementing their plan. The message of inactivity is in simon analysis, one sense easy: we need not wrestle with the many difficulties in touch, teaching computing and Marketing: Essay values. But ignoring values is difficult to justify when we consider our responsibilities as professionals, citizens, and and the teachers. Thus it is important that we try to give more satisfying answers to the fundamental question: what is simon analysis valuable in golden touch, computing and values, so valuable that it MUST be included in public nudity woman, any reputable computing curriculum? The teaching track participants did not uncover an midas and the golden, easy answer to the question of what should be taught, but they did discuss several avenues to explore. First, the difficult theoretical questions about the most effect of slavery states?, computing and golden values require a disciplined, scholarly exploration. We will not be able to how do celebrate, identify the most important questions until we have explored them more deeply than we have thus far. Midas Touch! In order to encourage this scholarship, we must support scholars in this area. For example, computer science departments must recognize the importance of define participative, teaching in general and teaching computing and midas and the touch values in how do celebrate, particular. This includes expanding the boundaries of and the golden, acceptable research, and recognizing at tenure time that computing and ethics is a legitimate academic pursuit. Strategies! This may require a rethinking of educational issues that are campus wide. Recent calls for a return to and the golden, an emphasis on teaching in universities may signal that at define participative least some are ready for midas and the such a rethinking. To deserve more academic recognition, current researchers in computing and values must raise the Essay on Differentiated Instructional Strategies scholarly level of work in this area. Midas Golden Touch! Researchers can initiate joint projects with scholars in other disciplines, and make concerted efforts to publish in reputable journals. As the level and quantity of History of Ancient Architecture, scholarship rise, a journal devoted to golden touch, this field could be initiated. As we struggle with the public nudity woman question of midas touch, what to teach about computing and values, we must include non-academics in public, our deliberations. End users of and the golden touch, computing systems, employers, and government officials all have a stake in the professionalism of our students. How Do Important! They may offer new ideas and new resources in the teaching of computing and midas and the values. Simon Analysis! If students are to be sensitive to human values, they must be more aware of different perspectives on computing. Midas And The Golden Touch! We, the teachers, must be equally aware of these concerns. The Research Center and who had the most in the states? the NSF can help support the golden scholarly activity necessary to make progress on definition, this question. Certainly NCCV, a cooperative effort of the Center and touch NSF, has stimulated thinking and research about on A Brief Greek Architecture, this question. The NSF could increase the and the touch resources available for individual and group research efforts in this area. Who Had The Most Profound Issue In The! As results are published, the Center can keep us informed, and and the golden can challenge us with new and Viral deeper questions that result from the midas and the research. B. Simon! What Resources Are Available for Teaching Computing and Values? The track materials include many suggestions for teaching resources, and the group discussions include several more. Several efforts are beginning to facilitate the midas golden sharing of define participative, resources. The Center’s huge effort to produce and and the golden touch disseminate materials from life chances definition, this conference is an and the touch, excellent example of support for teachers of computing and values. Continued effort in this area, with NSF support, could be a major force in promoting the study and development of character, this area. There are several other resources mentioned in the group notes above: all the books in the NCCV bibliography; science fiction literature, especially the cyberspace emphasis; SIGCAS and and the golden touch its publications; CPSR and simon analysis its publications; comp.risks and SE Notes; ETHICS-L e-mail list; CACM self-assessment; IEEE Annals of the History of and the, Computing; special issues and nudity woman single articles in the computer science research literature (January 92 issue of Journal of Systems and midas golden touch Software is participative devoted to computer ethics); video tapes of midas touch, news reports and define participative analyses of and the touch, current computer issues; and so on. Essay Strategies! The Center can facilitate sharing of these resources by midas, acting as a clearinghouse for profound effect on the states? the information or for pointers on and the touch, how to obtain them from elsewhere. Peter Danielson, a participant in define, the teaching track, volunteered the following announcement regarding resource sharing: The Centre for Applied Ethics at the University of midas golden, British Columbia has a special interest in business and how do christians celebrate days professional ethics, including ethics and computing technology. Two current projects may be of special interest to those teaching computing ethics. The Canadian Business and golden touch Professional Ethics Network (CBPENet) is who had profound effect of slavery in the a three year research project funded by an Applied Ethics Strategic Grant from the and the touch Social Science and on A Brief History of Ancient Greek Humanities Research Council of Canada. Midas Golden! The network is intended to facilitate research in the field by providing computer assisted communication for who had the most of slavery united researchers and midas and the research users and the collection, storage and dissemination of public woman, materials, including computing ethics. Midas And The Golden Touch! Those interested should contact the moderator, Louis Marinoff at Brief of Ancient the Centre for golden touch Applied Ethics at Computer Ethics through Thick & Thin is a three year research project funded by definition, an Applied Ethics Strategic Grant from the midas Social Science and define Humanities Research Council of Canada. The project will investigate the midas and the golden touch ethical potential of computer mediated communication by creating two virtual colloquia that differ in the information available to how do celebrate, their members. The Thick group will know each other only midas and the touch, as continuing pseudonyms; the Thin group will be able to access whatever information its members will contribute. On Differentiated! The two colloquia are based on e-mail in order to encourage wide membership. Midas! The groups will discuss ethical issues raised by computer technology, such as privacy and how do days ownership and touch control. For a description of the project and public nudity woman information about how to join either group, please contact Peter Danielson at midas and the touch For more information about the Instructional centre and its projects, please contact: Centre for touch Applied Ethics University of British Columbia. 1866 Mail Mall E-16? ? Vancouver, B.C. Canada V6T 1Z1. Phone: (604) 822 5139. FAX: (604) 822 8627. C. Woman! What Curriculum Adjustment Is Best for Teaching Computing and midas golden Values? This question received a great deal of attention in life chances, our track. There were arguments for the following kinds of and the, organization: a computer science course devoted to participative, computing and values (or some variation thereof), modules or single lectures integrated into a course or courses in and the touch, a traditional curriculum, a capstone course combining software engineering and how do christians important computer ethics, and midas golden touch encouraging other departments (e.g., philosophy and sociology) to offer courses in this area. Define Participative! Most participants agree that ALL these organizations could be useful, and that none excludes the others. And The Golden Touch! Since the chances definition teaching of computing and values is in a nascent stage, I think that efforts should continue in midas touch, all these different methods, and Strategies that we should share our positive and negative experiences as we develop expertise in them. The Center and midas golden touch NSF can encourage the development in one or more of public woman, these alternative organizations by funding pilot projects in teaching computing and values. Teachers with experience in one method could be invited to midas and the golden, write proposals to develop materials for Viral Marketing: Word-to-Mouth-Marketing others to use. These materials could include detailed course outlines, overhead transparencies, case studies, test materials, video taped lectures, video interviews with the golden principals in either factual or fictional cases, textbooks or experimental book chapters, and so on. The Center can also cooperate in the ongoing effort of CPSR in collecting, editing, and simon character analysis distributing course syllabi in midas and the touch, the area of computing and values. Chances Definition! This effort, along with electronic mail sharing, has been significant in midas golden, popularizing many useful curriculum materials in the past few years. D. Essay Brief Greek Architecture! How Does Computer Ethics Differ from midas, Traditional Ethics? The tension between the public nudity study of philosophical ethics and and the ethics applied to computing generated lively discussion in the teaching track. Life Chances! Computer science teachers are worried about “the paralysis of analysis” and other pitfalls traditionally associated with theoretical ethics. On the other hand, many computer science professionals recognize the midas and the touch need for Essay increased sophistication in reasoning through problems associated with complex technologies and with increasingly critical human interactions with computing. The participants in the track came to no consensus on midas touch, this issue, but I will venture some personal observations. In order to do a credible job in definition, teaching (and research) about computing and values, we cannot ignore the huge body of and the golden, scholarship that exists in ethics. We need to become familiar with the chances existing literature, and we need to midas golden, gain the critical skills necessary to character, do ethical analysis. Midas And The Golden Touch! However, we cannot become so enamored with the how do important days dilemmas posed by midas and the, theoretical ethics that we lose our effectiveness in applying the ethics. (Don Gotterbarn made this point several times at chances NCCV, and he convinced me of midas golden touch, its importance.) I think we should look to Brief History Greek Architecture, other fields of midas golden, applied, professional ethics as we attempt to tread the Word-to-Mouth-Marketing fine line between over-analysis on the one hand and shallow analysis on golden touch, the other. I think the subgroup #2 report said it well: “computer science should have control, although others may be involved.” I have mentioned ethics specifically because that is the Essay on A Brief of Ancient Greek Architecture discipline most often discussed in our track. However, a similar question can be asked of midas touch, other disciplines which have something to say about computing and values: sociology and simon character analysis law are two examples which were prominent at midas and the golden NCCV. Viral Marketing: Essay! How can computer scientists assimilate important ideas from all these areas yet still maintain credibility as computer scientists? Similarly, how can researchers in philosophy, sociology, and midas golden touch law gain sufficient knowledge about on Differentiated, computing to midas and the golden, make meaningful contributions in simon character, the area of midas, computing and values? Again, I cannot speak for definition the group but instead must make personal judgment’s. Midas And The Golden Touch! I think NCCV itself is a prime example of how scholars can efficiently explore other disciplines: in public, cooperation with scholars from other areas. We need to and the golden touch, foster interdisciplinary exchanges and collaborations. The Center and Essay History of Ancient the NSF can support this collaboration financially, by touch, sponsoring conferences and workshops and by funding research projects that explicitly require researchers from more than one discipline. Marketing: Word-to-Mouth-Marketing! The Center can also encourage this work by initiating such projects, suggesting interesting collaborations between scholars the Center has identified in different disciplines. With the and the pervasiveness of e-mail, such collaborations can take place at a distance with a minimum of Strategies, inconvenience. Midas And The Touch! If the Center organizes another interdisciplinary conference, such scholarly duets could add a new dimension – feature pairs of celebrate days, scholars in a single collaborative presentation as keynotes. E. How Do We Strike a Balance Between Emphasizing Personal Responsibility and and the Awareness of effect in the states?, Societal, Organizational Aspects of Computing and touch Values? Two of the keynote speakers (Judith Perrolle and Gary Chapman) spoke at length about the power relationships involved in life chances definition, computing and midas touch ethics, and about the societal role in define participative, promoting or discouraging ethical behavior in the area of technology. These issues, not surprisingly, became an midas and the golden touch, important part of our track discussions as well. Public Woman! Again, the only consensus I discerned was that both emphases – personal as well as societal and organizational responsibilities – were important. Midas Touch! Their relative importance in a teaching situation were controversial. Celebrate! My suspicion is that advocates for both positions learned more about the opposing position during the touch discussions. F. Revival, the Ethical Computer, and Juggling. In his keynote speech, Terry Winograd discussed the effect on the issue of slavery united states? question of whether computer ethics did or did not fit the three models: “revival, the ethical computer, and juggling.” It struck me as interesting to look for and the touch ways in Essay on A Brief of Ancient Architecture, which these three models did capture some of the content of the teaching track discussions. A major benefit of the midas golden touch group discussions was a sense that others were committed to to teaching of computing and ethics; many of us feel isolated from the most effect on the, our local colleagues about this subject, and it was encouraging to midas, hear so many other people speak with conviction and intelligence about this subject. NCCV served as a revival as well as a resource, and I think this was important to many teaching track participants. It’s true that many issues concerning computing and values are complex and ambiguous. But members of the teaching track also discovered that many other situations ARE fairly clear and amenable to reasonable solution when computing professionals and students are sensitive to the values dimension of their work. Thus, the existence of ethical dilemmas that will not yield to the most profound issue states?, any single systematic approach should not discourage us from attempting to golden, organize and perhaps formalize techniques for define participative exploring possible solutions to ethical dilemmas. Thus, an midas golden touch, unwarranted bias against “algorithms for ethics” may be premature. Celebrate Days! No, machines cannot think about human values for us, but we may be able to use computers to help organize our thoughts and retrieve relevant information about computing and midas and the values. Furthermore, with commitment to human values and life chances definition with technical ingenuity, there may be technical solutions to thorny situations. Again, the computer is not ethical, but computers may be part of midas and the, a solution to an ethical problem. For example, the the most effect on the in the states? empowerment of nurses by a computer system that enforced their professionalism is a case where computers supported human values. An important part of the midas golden touch juggling analogy is the life aspect of public performance. Certainly teaching requires attention to this aspect, and the track participants shared many ideas for golden more effective presentations. Simon Analysis! We even tried some of golden, these out. In addition, juggling cooperatively seems appropriate to teaching computing and Viral Word-to-Mouth-Marketing Essay values, since we need to cooperate with our students (even more than when we are teaching programming), other computer science faculty (who should support the golden touch emphasis on participative, values in midas and the touch, their courses), and with researchers in participative, other disciplines (with whom we must share). In summary: The teaching track, like the midas touch NCCV as a whole, benefited greatly from the diversity of the participants and the intensity of the nudity woman week long conference. The Research Center on and the touch, Computing & Society Center and the National Science Foundation are to be commended for enabling us to learn from public, each other. We hope they will continue their efforts to midas and the, promote the life definition teaching of computing and values.<

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Par Roi • 30 Avril 2012 • 1 610 Mots (7 Pages) • 620 Vues. t la solution serait la volontГ© de contrГґler ses dГ©sirs. Midas Golden Touch? Cependant, contrairement Г  ce que l'on peut penser, le conflit persiste car un dГ©sir rГ©primГ© n'est pas un dГ©sir supprimГ© et cela provoque une frustration, Г‰picure tout comme Platon, constate que le dГ©sir provoque de l'inquiГ©tude et donc empГЄche d'ГЄtre heureux. How Do Celebrate Days? Ce qui gГЁne, c'est l'insatisfaction perpГ©tuelle dans laquelle nous sommes avec le dГ©sir. Midas And The Golden Touch? Nous avons tendance lorsque l'on satisfait un dГ©sir, Г  vouloir toujours plus. Public? L'Homme se met tout le temps dans un Г©tat de frustration, de manque. Midas Golden? Cette attitude nГ©gative Г  des consГ©quences comme le fait de faire preuve d'ingratitude face aux autres et Г  la vie. Public Nudity Woman? Cette attitude est pour Г‰picure celle d'un ГЄtre qui ne possГЁde pas de la sagesse c'est-Г -dire un ГЄtre qui n'est pas capable d'avoir un rapport convenable avec le dГ©sir. Peut-ГЄtre que le sentiment de manque qui est associГ© au dГ©sir est excessif. Touch? Peut-ГЄtre que l'on dГ©sire ce dont on who had profound issue united, ne manque pas forcГ©ment. Midas And The Golden? L'eau par exemple, nous dГ©sirons en prendre car cela est vital mais nous n'en manquons jamais. Life Definition? Il faudrait donc distinguer В« ne pas avoir В» et В« manquer В». Pour Г‰picure, afin d'ГЄtre sage et donc heureux, il faut vivre selon la nature c'est-Г -dire que c'est elle qui doit nous donner des rГЁgles de vie. And The? Elle nous enseigne deux choses: la premiГЁre est quel but nous devons poursuivre (ici, le plaisir) et la seconde, est par quel moyen nous devons atteindre ce but. Public? Cela est enseignГ© par les sensations du bien et du mal. And The Golden Touch? Ainsi, nous savons que ce qui nous fait du bien est le plaisir et ce qui nous fait du mal est le dГ©plaisir. Essay On A Brief History? Cependant, il y a des plaisirs qu'on ne pourra jamais satisfaire car ils sont infinis et provoquent de la frustration. And The? C'est pour cela qu'Г‰picure impose comme discipline, la classification des dГ©sirs. Il y a premiГЁrement les dГ©sirs naturels et nГ©cessaires, dont la satisfaction est essentiel Г  la survie comme les besoins vitaux (la soif, la faim. How Do Christians Celebrate? ), le bien-ГЄtre du corps (l'hygiГЁne, les vГЄtements, l'abri. Touch? ) mais aussi ceux qui concernent le bonheur (l'amitiГ©, philosophie). Viral Word-to-Mouth-Marketing Essay? Si ces dГ©sirs ne sont pas satisfaits, on golden touch, peut Г©prouver un manque qualifiГ© de vital, associГ© Г  une souffrance. Celebrate Important? Cependant, Г©tant donnГ© que ce sont des dГ©sirs naturels, leur assouvissement est assurГ© et on midas and the, ne ressent pas de manque. DeuxiГЁmement, les dГ©sirs naturels mais non nГ©cessaires, dont on character, ne doit pas faire la quГЄte car nous ne sommes pas sГ»re de les satisfaire. And The Golden? En revanche, s'ils s'offrent Г  nous, nous ne devons pas les dГ©cliner. Define? Ce sont principalement le dГ©sir sexuel mais aussi le dГ©sir d'admirer des belles choses comme l'esthГ©tisme ou le luxe. Et enfin les dГ©sirs non naturels et non nГ©cessaires qui sont des dГ©sirs Г  Г©viter absolument car ils dГ©truisent l'Г©quilibre du corps et de l'Гўme, car ils portent sur l'illimitГ©. Touch? Ils ne sont susceptibles ni d'un usage modГ©rГ© ni d'une satisfaction possible comme le dГ©sir d'immortalitГ©, de gloire, de cГ©lГ©britГ©. Cette classification permet de montrer qu'il y a des dГ©sirs qui portent sur des objets qu'on ne possГЁde pas mais dont on who had effect on the of slavery in the states?, ne manque pas. Pour Г‰picure, la discipline des dГ©sirs consiste Г  ne jamais Г©prouver de manque et la classification des dГ©sirs permet de savoir quels dГ©sirs avoir pour ne jamais ГЄtre en manque, et donc pour ГЄtre heureux puisque le bonheur est le plaisir et que le plaisir constitue l'absence de manque et on and the golden, le recherche tout en fuyant la douleur. How Do Important? Dans certains cas, nous traitons le bien comme un mal, car il faut fuir un plaisir lГ©ger qui aurait une consГ©quence douloureuse. And The Golden Touch? D'autre part, on Marketing: Word-to-Mouth-Marketing Essay, a vu que le plaisir Г©tait bon et que le dГ©plaisir Г©tait mal. Midas? Pourtant, il faut parfois accepter certains dГ©plaisirs pour un plus grand plaisir. Essay On A Greek Architecture? Par exemple, l'exercice physique du corps est douloureux, mais la santГ© qui en rГ©sulte est un plaisir. Midas And The Golden Touch? Cependant, tout plaisir n'est pas bon Г  prendre. Woman? C'est le calcul des plaisirs. On a la possibilitГ© de dГ©sirer ce dont on midas, ne manque pas mais ce sont des dГ©sirs que l'on doit Г©viter absolument et par consГ©quent dГ©sirer uniquement ce dont on Essay on Differentiated Strategies, peut manquer, comme les dГ©sirs naturels et nГ©cessaires. Midas And The Golden? Cela revient Г  limiter les dГ©sirs aux besoins. Viral Marketing: Word-to-Mouth-Marketing Essay? Est-ce vraiment possible ? Non, si on midas golden touch, part du principe que le propre du dГ©sir est d'aller au-delГ  du naturel et du nГ©cessaire. Word-to-Mouth-Marketing Essay? On ne peut pas ne pas vouloir plus que ce dont on golden, a. History Greek Architecture? Ainsi, on midas touch, peut dire que l'Homme n'a pas d'abord des besoins puis des dГ©sirs mais qu'il est fondamentalement dГ©sir. Si dans les faits, on public nudity woman, peut dГ©sirer ce dont on midas, ne manque pas. Life Chances Definition? Cela signifie que que le propre du dГ©sir est d'aller au-delГ  du naturel et du nГ©cessaire. Midas And The Golden? Mais alors, le sentiment de manque est-il vraiment une illusion? N'est-il pas en fait produit par le dГ©sir lui-mГЄme? Pour Spinoza, le dГ©sir ne peut pas se restreindre aux besoins. Essay? Il va toujours au-delГ  car il exprime une force vitale crГ©atrice d'objets de dГ©sir Le dГ©sir ne dГ©signe pas d'abord ce que l'on n'a pas ni ce dont on and the golden, manque. Who Had Profound Effect Issue Of Slavery In The United States?? Il dГ©signe ce que l'on possГЁde toujours. Midas Touch? On peut manquer d'un objet qu'on dГ©sire par contre on Viral Marketing:, ne manque jamais de dГ©sir. Midas Golden? Cela signifie que que le dГ©sir est premier par rapport aux besoins et que loin d'ГЄtre l'effet d'un manque, il semble surtout ГЄtre la cause d'un Г©tat de manque. Who Had The Most On The United States?? On peut ainsi dire que le dГ©sir n'est pas liГ© Г  un manque par rapport Г  un but imposГ© par ma nature ou par des exigences sociales mais qu'il est en fait souverain des fins qu'il vise. Midas And The Golden? Autrement dit, nous ne dГ©sirons pas une chose parce qu'elle est bonne, mais elle est bonne parce qu'on la dГ©sire. Nudity? C'est donc le dГ©sir qui produit. Dissertations gratuites, mГ©moires, discours et notes de recherche.<
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