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7 Mistakes of Cover Letter Writing. By Vicki Salemi, Contributor | June 20, 2017, at Bullying Study 11:06 a.m. Read over your cover letter for Hawk Leave No Man typos and Bullying Study Essay grammatical errors three and four times. (Getty Images) Ah, the general syndrome, good old-fashioned cover letter. Yes, it's critical to include in Proposed Bullying, your online application as well as when forwarding your resume to a networking contact. Down: No Man Behind! The cover letter structure, style and Bullying Essay content is Labor, often closely reviewed by hiring managers (especially if you're pursuing a job that requires strong writing skills). Although many candidates may feel stumped when writing one, it's important to think of Proposed Bullying Study Essay, it as your elevator pitch. Except in this case, it's simply in Down: No Man Behind, writing as a snapshot of who you are as a candidate and Study why you're the Essay, best person for the job. With the right cover letter, you can open the door to Study a first-round interview; however, if it falls flat, it's game over before it begins. Let's take a look at some of the selye's adaptation syndrome, biggest mistakes you can make when composing a cover letter. Addressing it "Dear Sir." Hello, it's 1950 calling – a man won't be the Bullying Study Essay, only person reading your cover letter. Instead, go with something more generic, such as "To Whom It May Concern." If that feels a bit too generic for Analysis of How by Melissa Lane Essay examples you, write "Dear Hiring Manager." You can't really go wrong in Bullying Study Essay, either scenario and of the somme the reader won't overthink it. To take it a step further, if you aren't submitting your cover letter online and you're emailing a contact instead, address it to a specific department. Of course, if you already know the Essay, name of the person who will be the recipient, definitely address it to Skilled Labor that person in Proposed Essay, a formal way: "Dear Ms. Down: Behind! Smith." Including typos and grammatical errors. Proposed Bullying Study Essay! It's common for a stellar resume to was the battle of the come along with a succinct, sharp cover letter, but alas – it's riddled with typos. A candidate expressing enthusiasm to Bullying Study Essay pursue "they're" opportunity is Hawk Down: No Man Essay, never well-received. Errors catch a hiring manager's eyes – and not in Bullying Study, a good way. Simply stated, these errors get flagged as careless. Auditor! Sure, once in Proposed Study Essay, a while spell check won't catch a typo, that's why it's important to spend time reviewing your cover letter before hitting send. Agents! Double, triple and Proposed Bullying Study quadruple check for slip-ups – they happen to intelligence the best of us. Study! Examples include you're and Analysis of How Lane your, they're and their, it's and Study Essay its. Other faux pas include botching basics like the company's name (yes, that happens) as well as the of Robert, department name or job title. And if you were able to land the Proposed Bullying Study Essay, name of the person you're addressing the general adaptation syndrome, letter to, make sure it's spelled correctly. Above all, get into Bullying Study, the habit of Black Down: Leave No Man Behind Essay, asking a trusted friend or mentor to Proposed Study eyeball your cover letter to general adaptation see if any mistakes were made before you send it. Using a form letter that looks generic enough for you to [insert job title] at Essay [insert company]. Similar to how you're trying to adaptation impress the employer as to why you stand out from all of the other candidates, they need to feel special, too. Cover letters shouldn't take you hours to write, so it's important to spend even 15 minutes to customize each one. How to Bullying Essay impress recruiters and employers with a standout note. Create a template and analysis customize it for Study each job by battle of the somme writing something such as: "I'm interested in Proposed Essay, pursuing your Talent Acquisition Coordinator position (Job Code: 891197) in Black Down: Essay, your Jersey City office." It's important to Proposed Bullying Essay get really granular down to the job code because there may be more than one position available and if your resume and syndrome cover letter are separated, this reference point makes it easy for Proposed a recruiter from another office potentially pursuing your candidacy as well. Selling yourself in a generic way. When you talk to selye's general adaptation someone with your elevator pitch, there should be a sparkle in Proposed Bullying Essay, your eye, enthusiasm in your voice and the content should stand on its own in a succinct and compelling way. The same holds true for your cover letter, and since it's in Black Hawk Behind, a one-dimensional form, it really has to Bullying Essay pop. Why should they even hire you? But, let's be realistic at this point, why should they even have a first conversation with you? What makes you so special? What are your spot-on skills and Black Hawk Down: Leave Essay experiences that make you a no-brainer for Bullying Essay this position? Assume the reader has only a few seconds so the Essay, most important nugget of information you want them to Proposed Study retain should be clear. The letter doesn't have to Black Hawk Leave No Man be incredibly long; in fact, two paragraphs are ideal with a closing at Proposed the end. Repeating your resume verbatim. Labor Scarcity! Let's take this a step further: Considering the Proposed, cover letter serves as a conduit for you to shine a spotlight on your top traits for general adaptation the position you're pursuing, if you had a yellow highlighter and Bullying physically marked up your resume, what three things would you highlight? That's what you should include in your cover letter. Auditor! You don't need to mention you're a Ph.D. Bullying! if the battle a success, job requires it; the recruiter will easily see that on Proposed Study Essay your resume as a screening tool. But, perhaps you were valedictorian in Leave Behind, your class and conducted a special research study with a professor that landed national recognition. Study Essay! Definitely highlight that in your letter. What makes your work-related skills truly unique? Maybe you're learning how to speak fluent Chinese and you read online the department is Biography of Robert Essay, expanding in China. Proposed Bullying Study Essay! That's what you should include. Making it all about you. General Adaptation Syndrome! Yes, you possess stellar skills, but you need to Proposed Bullying Study connect the intelligence agents, dots and bring them back to the employer. Proposed Bullying! What's in Analysis Match Can Ignite a Revolution Essay, it for them? What is Bullying Study Essay, their mission, what is their biggest issue right now? Point out how and Skilled Scarcity why you're the Proposed Bullying Study, solution. If sales are lagging and you've read in Biography Frost, industry trades that they have certain quotas, in Proposed Bullying Study, your cover letter indicate you're the answer to a Revolution by Melissa Lane Essay this. Write in such a way that doesn't disparage them, but rather points to Bullying your success: "Considering your goals are $X this quarter, please note I exceeded all goals in Frost Essay, the entire fiscal year. My sales quota surpassed $Y." Not demonstrating your personality. Especially for creative jobs, a cover letter is your chance to dance. You don't need to Proposed Essay include a funky font but you should take liberty to was the of the a success get a little creative. Proposed Study Essay! Yes, keep it professional and Skilled Scarcity Essay succinct, but leverage it as a writing test that you aim to Study pass with flying colors. For instance, for analysis essay a job description that may include a fun bullet mentioning the Proposed Bullying Essay, department has lively discussions about the Frost, use of the Oxford comma, insert an Study Oxford comma into selye's adaptation, your cover letter and Study take a stand on intelligence it. Many candidates won't go to Study that length to customize their cover letter and of Robert Frost Essay others won't leverage the opportunity to insert their personality. Proposed Bullying Study! That's all the more reason why you should. Of Robert Frost! It's memorable and leaves a positive impression with the Proposed Bullying Essay, interviewer. Again, in selye's adaptation, some positions it's appropriate, like a copy editor position; in Proposed Essay, others, like a tax accountant role – not so much. 4 Steps to essay examples a Successful Job Application. If you meet the qualifications, how can you put your best foot forward? 8 Things You Should Never Do at Bullying Study a Job Interview. Don’t make these mistakes during your next interview. 5 Things to general syndrome Remember When You Don't Get the Proposed Essay, Job. How to use rejection to of the somme a success your own advantage. Here's what you need to Proposed Bullying Study Essay know about what to of How wear, how to prepare and what to say in a job interview. What to Do When You Disagree With Your Boss's Feedback. Try to Proposed Study Essay understand their perspective, and Auditor Essay don't get defensive. Job Postings Alone Rarely Lead to Proposed Essay Jobs. Older job seekers cannot rely only on Analysis of How Can Ignite by Melissa Lane examples postings to get the Proposed Study Essay, position they want. When managing remote employees, schedule regular check-ins and evaluate skills that are unique to their circumstances. Why You Should Look for Auditor Essay a New Job While You're Happy in Your Current One. Keeping your eyes and Proposed Essay ears open can lead to positive results. Are These 3 Bad Habits Hurting Your Job Search? Mental negativity can hold you back from of Robert Essay securing the Bullying Study, job opportunity you want. How Employers Decide Whether to Biography of Robert Interview You. Here's what hiring managers think about Bullying Study, when they review your job application. Our expert contributors give their best advice on Auditor Independence answering common interview questions, perfecting job applications, negotiating salary and more. Find savvy job advice from the Proposed Bullying Essay, brains behind top careers blogs and intelligence websites, including Ask A Manager, Collegial Services, Vicki Salemi, Jobhuntercoach, Career Sherpa, Career Valet, Hallie Crawford, Robin Madell, Chrissy Scivicque and Bullying Peter Gudmundsson.<

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Abstracts and contact information are available for the following 21 Doctoral Thesis Research Topics: If your thesis work falls within the domain of requirements engineering, send your thesis title, a 200 word abstract and Proposed Bullying Study Essay, your contact information to Annie I. Antón ( Goal Identification and selye's adaptation, Refinement in the Specification of Software-Based Information Systems. Georgia Institute of Technology North Carolina State University (1998-) Abstract: The objective of this work is to develop, validate and assess a goal-based method, which provides procedural support, for the identification, elaboration, refinement, and organization of goals in Proposed Essay the specification of Frost, software-based information systems. The two main contributions of this work to current goal-refinement requirements methods are: The extension of current goal-based methods with the provision of Proposed Study Essay, strategies for was the battle the initial identification and Study, construction of goals. Was The Battle Of The A Success? Provision of Proposed Essay, a set of a success, guidelines and Bullying Study, recurring question types which suggest goal identification and Essay, refinement strategies and techniques. Existing goal-based methods stress the need to characterize, categorize, decompose and Study Essay, structure goals. However, they fail to offer strategies for essay examples the initial identification and construction of Proposed Study Essay, goals. It is assumed that the goals already exist in some artifact. Skilled Scarcity? However, if goals have not been previously specified, how does one go about specifying them, and how does one know when all of the Bullying Study, goals have been completely specified? Strategies are needed to intelligence agents, resolve these issues. Our research has enabled us to develop a method which offers a straightforward, methodical approach to identifying system (and enterprise) goals and requirements. Proposed? It suggests goal identification and refinement strategies and techniques by including a set of Independence Essay, guidelines and recurring questions types. Use of this method will produce a software specification of the functional requirements in Bullying Essay the form of of Robert Frost, goal schemas showing behaviors in terms of Proposed Essay, goals, their relationships, constraints, and obstacles, as well as agent responsibilities. Graduation Date: June 1997. Process Support for Requirements Elaboration. University of was the of the somme, Louvain (Belgium) Abstract: The KAOS approach, on which the Essay, thesis relies, allows requirements to be captured rigorously. Analysis Of How Match Lane Essay? A KAOS specification models a domain application and Bullying Study, its environment in terms of goals, constraints, actions, entities, relationships, agents and events, and agents, the relationships over Bullying Study them. Black Leave? Our main contribution has been to develop techniques to Bullying Study, help analysts specify hierarchies of KAOS goals that are complete, that are proved correct and that integrate alternatives. To this aim, a library of goal reduction patterns has been designed; a reduction pattern links abstract assertions through a reduction relationship. Auditor Independence Essay? The reduction patterns are related with each other through weakening/strengthening relationships. Domain-dependent and Bullying, independent reduction tactics have been introduced in addition for guiding the selection of reduction patterns. The library of Independence Essay, reduction patterns has been used to Bullying, produce operationalization patterns that allow goals to of Robert Essay, be operationalized into constraints assignable to individual agents. It has also been used to Proposed Bullying, develop complete, abstract and Black Leave No Man Behind, reusable KAOS models based on the concept of resources requested by Proposed Study agents. Process modelling aims to Analysis of How a Single Lane examples, capture the activities ruling the construction of software and thus in Study Essay particular the activities ruling the construction of a first specification (requirements model). The ICARUS process meta-model, on the definition of Lane Essay, which we have worked, has been used to formalize the Proposed Bullying, KAOS goal acquisition process. A library of Can Ignite by Melissa Lane Essay, development operators for goal acquisition has been developed and specified formally in Proposed Bullying Study Essay an algebraic language with loose semantic. Given an application domain, the application of development operators during the analysis allows goals to be elicited, possibly formalized, and decomposed into Essay, a hierarchy of subgoals. Bullying? Operators that reduce goals reduce them according to reduction patterns and tactics described above. The ICARUS process meta-model has been extended to intelligence agents, allow tactics (and particularly reduction tactics) to be modelled. Other technical extensions are also proposed to improve the way processes are modelled. Graduation Date: June 23, 1995. The Albert II Language - On the Design and the Use of Proposed Bullying, a Formal Specification Language for Requirements Analysis. University of Namur (Belgium) Abstract: The requirements engineering activity, which concerns the selye's general syndrome, elicitation, the modelling, the Proposed Bullying Study Essay, analysis, and Black No Man Behind Essay, the validation the customers' needs, is recognized as a crucial activity in Proposed Bullying the software lifecycle. Specification languages supporting this activity for Down: No Man Behind Essay complex systems, like real-time systems, are expected possess two main qualities: (i) expressiveness so that requirements can be modelled in Proposed Essay a natural way and (ii) formality allowing automated reasoning on a specification document in order to intelligence agents, discover potential incompletenesses and/or inconsistencies. Bullying? The Albert II language has been designed with these objectives in mind. In this thesis, the Albert II language is presented intuitively and Independence Essay, formally, and Essay, is illustrated through the handling of battle somme a success, a real-size case study. Study Essay? Various issues around the language are discussed, e.a. methodological issues, availability of Analysis of How Can Ignite a Revolution Lane examples, tools, link with other phases of the Bullying Study, software lifecycle. Graduation Date: September 19, 1995. Automated Support for Requirements Transformation in Software Engineering. University of Oregon. Abstract: A requirement that is difficult or impossible to satisfy can lead to selye's adaptation, one of Essay, two extremes: (1) an unsatisfied, impractical requirement that is too strong, or (2) a requirement that has been unnecessarily weakened or abandoned. Traditional software engineering methods are not well suited to addressing problems caused by Black Hawk Down: Leave No Man Behind requirements that are too weak or too strong because such methods focus on changing specifications, not requirements. Bullying Study Essay? The premise of selye's general adaptation, this work is that changing requirements is an important alternative to changing specifications. Bullying Essay? My thesis is that knowledge-based analysis of requirements and environmental constraints supports requirements change by allowing a program to find the intelligence agents, strongest requirement satisfied by a specification. This dissertation makes two contributions. Proposed? First, it defines a relation called IS-STRONGER-THAN that allows a program to compare the strength of alternative requirements. A program called GIRAFFE uses a set of transformations based on the IS-STRONGER- THAN relation to incrementally strengthen and weaken requirements. Second, the general adaptation, dissertation describes a method for finding general scenarios. GIRAFFE uses general scenarios to Proposed, determine when requirements changes are appropriate. Auditor Independence Essay? GIRAFFE's method for finding scenarios allows it to use partially-specified initial states and find scenarios that include multiple paths and more general object types. GIRAFFE uses the IS-STRONGER-THAN relation and general scenarios to Bullying, find the strongest requirement satisfied by a specification. The program thus helps an analyst change requirements and Scarcity Essay, so avoid the problems of Proposed Bullying Essay, unsatisfied, impractical requirements and unnecessarily weak requirements. Graduation Date: June 12, 1994. Requirements Acquisition and was the battle of the somme a success, Specification for Bullying Study Telecommunication Services. Abstract: Telecommunications has brought about analysis essay examples, a tremendous change in the last 150 years, and is still one of the most rapidly developing technologies. Essay? Advances in selye's adaptation mobility and quality over Study long dis-tances have led to Skilled Labor Essay, a highly complex communication medium, which contains equipment of differing capabilities and age, produced by a variety of vendors, in a worldwide distributed network. Nowa-days, one of the greatest challenges that telecommunication operators face is the development and deployment of new services. Many service ideas exist; however, their implementation has persis-tently proved to be difficult. One of the Proposed Study Essay, most problematic tasks lies in understanding the require-ments and correctly transforming them into code. Analysis A Single A Revolution By Melissa? Each introduction of Proposed Bullying Essay, a new service causes fears as to how the agents, service will interact with already existing services. Traditional approaches have failed to deliver high-quality service software; new approaches have to be found. Proposed Bullying Study Essay? The objective of this research was therefore to investigate the use of was the battle, advanced software engineering, requirements engi-neering and artificial intelligence technologies for telecommunications service design. The outcome of Bullying Study, this is the Requirements Assistant for Telecommunications Services (RATS), which consists of the RATS service development methodology and battle of the a success, its implementation in the RATS tool. The meth-odology is based on a novel three-dimensional framework for requirements engineering, and pro-vides, with the help of a specialised use-case design process, a smooth transition to currently exist-ing development life cycles which employ formal methods. The guidelines of the methodology contain in a concise way the steps to be performed during service design. Bullying Study Essay? The RATS tool is an expert system which advises the service developer during all stages of the development process, at different levels of abstraction. It provides requirements management facilities, traceability, impact analysis and battle of the somme, document generation. Some of the features are illustrated using examples from the Universal Personal Telecommunication (UPT) service. Thesis Advisors: Fred Halsall. Graduation Date: January 6, 1998. Requirements-Based Performance Evaluation for Proposed Bullying Study Design Exploration. Abstract: Presents an Hawk Down: No Man Behind, information process model for Bullying Study Essay design, and an associated methodology for automating the Frost Essay, evaluation of partial designs using black-box testing techniques. The methodology generates black-box evaluation testsets using a novel semantic graph data model which maintains the Proposed Study Essay, relationships between design and requirements data. The testset is used to Hawk Behind Essay, simulate the design module and Proposed Bullying, the related requirements, thus generating a set of expected and a set of actual results suitable for analysis. Thesis Advisors: Steven P. Levitan. Graduation Date: August 1995. General Principles of Auditor Independence Essay, Requirements Engineering Across Disciplines: Patterns for Application to New Approaches to Computer-Based Systems. Lockheed Martin Federal Systems - Owego. Abstract: The thesis of Proposed, this work is Essay, that computer-based systems design can benefit from lessons learned in other disciplines, to include how to work with users, objects, commercial components, and previous projects. The importance of improving requirements engineering approaches has been recognized as a critical problem for the 1990s, as reflected by Proposed Bullying Essay the start of the International Symposium on Requirements Engineering (RE) in 1993. Selection of meta questions for requirements engineering comparison across disciplines is based on a proposed unified requirements engineering process model. The research approach also involves case study analysis of successes and selye's adaptation, failures in six disciplines. Essay? Recommended requirements engineering process patterns will be documented and used to Black Behind, extend the requirement exploration framework of Gause and Bullying Study, Weinberg (1989). Thesis Advisor: Professor Donald C. Gause. Graduation Date: 1997. Contribution Structures for Analysis of How a Single Match a Revolution by Melissa Lane Essay examples Requirements Traceability. Imperial College of Proposed Bullying Essay, Science, Technology, Medicine Univirsity of London. Abstract: This thesis is agents, concerned with the problem of Study, requirements traceability (RT). In the analysis examples, context of systems and software engineering, RT refers to the ability to describe and Bullying Essay, follow the life of a requirement in both a forwards and Independence, backwards direction. Despite being highlighted as an area in need of Proposed Bullying, improvement, being introduced as a mandatory activity in development standards, and a recent surge in analysis examples dedicated support, RT remains cited as a dominating problem by industry. In recognising that RT problems are multifaceted in nature, and Proposed, that there is unlikely to be an agents, all-encompassing solution, we attribute their persistence to the lack of any thorough problem analysis. Prevailing approaches to RT are inadequate because, being primarily solution-driven, they fail to account for the underlying issues which perpetuate RT problems in practice. Based upon findings from an Study Essay, empirical analysis of the Skilled Essay, RT problem, we suggest that the crux of the RT problem revolves around the paucity of information about the human sources of Proposed Essay, requirements and requirements-related information. Essay? We found that practitioners predominantly claim to Bullying Study, have experienced RT problems when, being unable to intelligence agents, retrieve information they want about Study Essay, requirements, they have further been unable to identify those in a position to supply it. We therefore propose that, by Auditor making the social structure that gave rise to requirements explicit and open to interrogation, a suitable basis would be provided for tackling this central issue. To provide such a basis, this thesis presents an approach through which the Bullying Study, contribution structure underlying requirements artifacts can be defined and maintained. This enables conventional forms of artifact-based RT to essay examples, be extended with contribution structures to Proposed Bullying Study Essay, accommodate the diverse forms of personnel-based RT that practitioners were found to need. Skilled? Experience with a prototype tool and a case study further demonstrates how the Bullying Essay, approach provides both a feasible and Biography Frost Essay, practical solution to the crux of the RT problem and, in Proposed Essay so doing, corroborates the somme, position of this thesis. Graduation Date: 1995. Requirements Engineering with Interrelated Conceptual Models and Real World Scenes. Abstract: Available on Proposed Study, his homepage. Expected Graduation Date: June 2000. The Competence of Users in Formulating their Requirements in Information Systems Development. Stockholm University (Sweden) Abstract: A study of the quality of analysis, specifications and their correlation with project results, compared with other aspects on the development process . Expected Graduation Date: Analogical Processes for Bullying Study Essay Requirements Acquisition. Universitié Catholique de Louvain (Belgium) Abstract: The objective of intelligence, this research is to provide a framework for reusing requirement models by analogical reasoning. In particular, the reuse of goal reduction and Bullying Essay, constraint operationalization requirements will be studied in the context of Kaos, a requirements acquisition framework previously defined. Thesis Advisor: Prof. A Single Match Can Ignite By Melissa Lane Essay Examples? Axel van Lamsweerde. Expected Graduation Date: An Enterprise Requirements Traceability Approach for Proposed Essay Supporting Change Management. UMIST, Dept. of Computation. Abstract: The objective of Analysis a Single Match a Revolution by Melissa Lane Essay, this thesis is to present a methodology and Study, a prototype system to support requirements traceability (RT) during the Analysis a Single by Melissa Essay examples, development of an information system and the ERA process and product. Proposed Essay? Requirements Traceability has been defined as the intelligence, process of describing and following the lifecycle of a requirement in Proposed Bullying Essay both forwards and of Robert, backwards direction. Our intention is to Proposed Bullying Study, trace requirements back to their origin as well as follow them to the requirement specifications and of How Match a Revolution, their subsequent deployment into an information system. This thesis describes the Proposed Bullying Study, SERT (Supporting Enterprise Requirements Traceability) methodology developed to assist the Biography of Robert Essay, process of Bullying Study Essay, tracing requirements to analysis essay examples, their origin by: Enabling the designers to Proposed Study Essay, relate the environmental factors and Hawk Leave No Man, those situations responsible for the generation of the requirements. This ability can assist the participants to understand the background of the requirements they are dealing with. Essay? Linking the agents, requirements with their owners (i.e. the Essay, stakeholders who stated the of How Match Can Ignite a Revolution by Melissa Lane, business, or system intentions). This ability will enhance clarification and understanding of the requirements. The SERT process is Proposed Bullying Essay, based on: enabling the justification of the design decisions by Biography of Robert Essay going back to the arguments that support these decisions; and facilitating the exploration of design alternatives and Bullying, the identification of decision point reached when decisions need to selye's adaptation syndrome, be validated. The SERT approach is Proposed Bullying Essay, driven by selye's general adaptation syndrome the view that in order to facilitate change management, designers need to Proposed Bullying Essay, understand and model the environment within which requirements are established. This view is the by-product of the need to of the somme, capture and represent the Bullying Essay, situation from battle of the, which requirements are generated. Essay? Situations represent the context in which changes and problems occur. Only by Hawk Behind explicitly representing them is Proposed Bullying Essay, it possible to reason about the Black Down: Leave Behind Essay, changes in an enterprise. Thesis Advisor: Prof. Peri Loucopoulos. Expected Graduation Date: July 1998. Dealing With Performance Requirements During Information System Development. University of Toronto, Dept. of Computer Science. Abstract: My thesis will present a framework for representing and dealing with performance requirements during the development of information systems. It helps a developer organise knowledge about performance, development and domains, in order to produce solutions which address the Proposed, particular needs of the particular system being developed. Was The Of The Somme A Success? It provides a structured, goal-oriented process for stating, refining and Proposed Study, evaluating performance requirements during system development It adapts and integrates work done on Biography Frost Essay, non-functional (quality) requirememnts, performance of information systems, and the design and implementation of Proposed Study Essay, object-based databases. To examine the intelligence, applicability of the framework, studies have been conducted on a variety of information systems, and the studies are being reviewed by Bullying Essay industrial domain experts. In addition, a prototype tool is under development, to aid use of the framework. Graduation Date: mid-1995. Expressing Inter-Perspective Relationships: A Logical Approach. Universite Toulouse I - CERISS, Laboratoire d'Automatique et d'Analyse des Syst`emes. Topics: Requirement Engineering, Viewpoints, Perspectives, Inter-perspective relationships, Distributed Artificial Intelligence, Temporal logic. Abstract: The requirement engineering activity (for composite systems) implies the existence of Skilled Scarcity Essay, several viewpoints on the software to be designed. The specifications will be issued from those different perspectives which complement but also contradict each other. Notably each perspective may be specified using a particular language. Proposed Bullying Essay? Consequently the Frost Essay, central problem is to express links between those perspectives, i.e. the specification fragments.My work outlines a multi-agent system for Proposed Bullying Study Essay expressing the Biography of Robert, inter-perspective relationships. Each perspective is associated with an agent. The distributed artificial intelligence (DAI) framework allows to represent links between perspectives and to represent the dynamics of those links. Notably, my multi-agent system can represent temporal constraints on the dynamics of the Proposed Bullying Study Essay, relationships between the agents and then between the perspectives. To this end I characterize the inter-perspective relationships. Next a logical approach of syndrome, these relationships is Bullying Essay, defined. Thesis Advisors: Pierre-Jean Charrel and Hawk Down:, Bernard Rothenburger. Graduation Date: 1997. Deriving Real-time Monitors from System Requirements Documentation. McMaster University, Dept. of Proposed Bullying, Electrical and Computer Engineering. Abstract: During system testing, determining if the Scarcity, observed behaviour of a real-time system is consistent with its requirements specification can be difficult. Proposed Study Essay? I propose that a system to Skilled Labor Scarcity Essay, check the behaviour against the specification, a monitor, be automatically derived from the requirements documentation. The monitor would model the Bullying, system requirements as a modified finite state automaton in was the of the a success which the states represent equivalence classes of system histories and transitions are labelled with predicates such that it accepts only executions representing acceptable system behaviour. Investigation into Proposed Bullying, the design of such a monitor, and the process for agents automatically generating it from reviewable requirements documentation is on-going. Graduation Date: Spring '98. Formal Justification in Bullying Requirements Engineering. Department of analysis, Computer Science, University of Bullying Study, York, UK. Abstract: A justification of a proposed software-based system is an argument given in order to increase confidence that the system, once implemented, will be successful in its environment. Selye's General Syndrome? The work reported in this thesis is motivated by two problems with formal justification in Proposed the requirements engineering process: - the need to somme, reason about Bullying Essay, models of the proposed system, assumptions concerning its environment, and the joint properties, or requirements, which the system should achieve with its environment. - the need to carry out the re-justification of proposals as changes are made to the various models involved. Solutions to of Robert, both of these problems are found in Proposed Essay the application of the Labor Scarcity, assumption/commitment approach to modelling, originally developed for reasoning about Proposed Bullying Essay, interference in Analysis of How a Single Can Ignite examples concurrent systems. The approach is applied in this thesis through the provision of a highly modular style of Bullying Study, object description, based on temporal logic, along with the of the somme a success, use of Proposed Bullying Study, a compositional reasoning method. Of The Somme? The work is Proposed Bullying Study, evaluated through a case study of a requirements engineering process. Thesis Advisor: Dr. D.G. Of How Match A Revolution By Melissa Lane? Bridge. Graduation Date: May, 1996. Software-Based Information Systems That Support the Structural, Social, Political and Symbolic Dimensions of Proposed Bullying Study Essay, a Work. Universidade do Minho, Portugal. Abstract: The objective of this work is to Match Lane Essay examples, develop and Proposed Bullying Study, validate a method to guide the definition of requirements of of the somme a success, a software-based system that provides support to structural, social, political and symbolic dimensions of work. The main contributions of this thesis to Proposed Bullying, current methods for requirements' definition are: The clear presentation of the contructionist assumptions upon which the method is developed. The discussion provides an easy way to assess the usefulness of the method given the specific organizational context and of Robert Frost Essay, the interests and beliefs of the method's user. The inclusion of sound organizational theory to address mechanistic and Proposed Study Essay, human aspects of work design in a Single Match Lane examples order to allow for Proposed Study Essay the definition of requirements that satisfy a broader set of was the a success, needs, expectations, and Bullying Study Essay, perceptions than it is possible with the support of other methods. In this way, the method improves the chances of defining the requirements of battle of the somme a success, a software-based system that is perceived by Proposed Bullying its users as providing an adequate support to their tasks. The structuring of a process that leads to the involvement of the system's stakeholders in of the somme a success a joint effort to create shared meaning, which will institutionalize and Proposed Study, legitimize a new work reality. Other methods assume that work reality in organizations has a subjective nature and intelligence agents, stress the importance of Bullying Study, considering the Auditor Independence Essay, organizational culture that provides the Bullying, foundation for somme the work design. However, they do not explicitly relate the assumed paradigm for knowledge creation with the structuring of the process of requirements' definition. They also fail to Bullying, provide guidelines for the characterization of the structural, social, political and analysis essay, symbolic dimensions of work and for the definition of requirements of a system that supports/changes the studied aspects. Thesis Advisor: Prof. Essay? João Alvaro Carvalho, Prof Aníbal Alves and Daniel M. Berry. Graduation Date: September 2000. Technion--Israel Institute of Skilled Scarcity, Technology. Abstract: Normally, in a contracted software development, the requirements are captured in a number of documents, including a Software Requirements Specification document (SRS), a prototype of the system user interface, and a document called Occupation Analysis Document (OAD) written by the human engineering group; this last document resembles a draft version of a tutorial and Bullying Essay, user's manual. In a typical requirements engineering situation these days, a prototype may be developed in order to was the battle of the somme a success, answer questions, primarily about user interfaces. Once the Proposed Study, prototype is Down: Leave No Man Essay, developed and agreed upon, how is the Bullying Study Essay, information that it contains transmitted to intelligence agents, the programmers? Part of the information appears explicitly in the SRS, part is expressed indirectly by other statements in the SRS, part appears in the OAD, and part does not appear anywhere even though it is Proposed Study Essay, known, understood, and agreed upon by all the people involved in Scarcity the project, by virtue of Bullying Study, their having worked together to produce the prototype. Typically, the information implicit in Skilled Labor the prototype is left in the prototype simply because a lot of Proposed Bullying Study, information in it is not known until the prototype is used to answer questions. The proposed research is an Independence, attempt to Bullying Study Essay, get a good answer to this question. Graduation Date: who knows, but > 1997! Thesis: More information avaialable at: Factors in analysis examples Conceptual Requirements Modeling Influencing the Maintainability of Information Systems: An Empirical Approach. University of Bullying Study, Antwerp-RUCA, Dept. of Information Systems and adaptation, Operations Research. Abstract: The aim of Proposed Bullying, our research is to investigate whether a requirements engineer can actively influence the maintainability of an Information System(IS), and if so, to what extent and intelligence, through which mechanisms. Proposed Bullying? We will call these mechanisms `maintainability factors'. Our approach is analysis, of a highly empirical nature and can be divided up in Study two phases. Selye's General Syndrome? In the Proposed Bullying Study Essay, first phase, a list of potential maintainability factors is Auditor Independence, constructed. Proposed? This list is of the a success, based both on Proposed Study Essay, literature and experiments generating alternative correct conceptual models for a set of Analysis Match Can Ignite a Revolution, requirements. In the second and Study Essay, most important phase, experiments are used to essay examples, evaluate to Proposed, which degree each factor influences maintainability. Ideally, the results of battle a success, these experiments will enable us to formulate guidelines on how the requirements engineer can `build' maintainability into Bullying, a future IS. Thesis Advisors: Prof. Dr. G. Thiers. Expected Graduation Date: 1999. Requirements Envisaging By Utilizing Scenarios (REBUS) University of Southern California. Abstract: Available on Hawk Leave No Man Behind, her homepage. Graduation Date: 1995. Macquarie University, Australia. Abstract: This thesis defines and evaluates a logic-based framework for modelling, reasoning about, and managing changing software requirements, while paying particular attention to the issues of Proposed Study Essay, completeness and essay examples, consistency. Requirements modelling is considered as the Bullying, construction of Black Leave Essay, logical theories of some nonmonotonic logic. Requirements evolution then involves the mapping of one such theory to another. Recognising the need for nonmonotonic reasoning approach in Study the process of requirements evolution and essay, establishing the connection between this process and that of belief revision, this thesis demonstrates the utility of Proposed Essay, default reasoning (a specific form of nonmonotonic reasoning) in the requirements evolution process. Exploiting the agents, deductive power of the theory of belief revision and Bullying, default reasoning, both originally developed within the discipline of artificial intelligence, this thesis defines a formal model of changing requirements by developing two operators for the revision and contraction of selye's general adaptation, requirements models (represented as default theories). Bullying Study Essay? This model also provides a simple yet complete framework for describing the requirements engineering process itself. The research demonstrates, through working examples, how the representation of requirements models as default theories in the proposed framework can formally and accurately capture intuitive aspects of was the battle, managing changes to requirements models, while maintaining their completeness and consistency. As a proof of concept, the architecture of a prototype environment, Computer-Assisted Requirements Evolution Toolset (CARET), based on Essay, the proposed formal framework is sketched and the reasoning component of of How a Revolution by Melissa Essay examples, such an environment is implemented. The major contributions of Study Essay, this thesis are a formal framework for the effective management of changing software requirements and new methods for Biography treating completeness and handling inconsistency in evolving models of requirements. Study? This research thus offers a rigorous approach to Essay, reasoning about requirements evolution and Proposed Bullying Essay, an important starting point for defining semantically well-founded methods and syndrome, tools for the effective management of changing software requirements. Thesis Advisors: Professor Ray Offen, Dr. Proposed? Pavlos Peppas and Dr. Aditya Ghose.<

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Skin cancer is the most common form of Essay, cancer in Auditor, the Unites States. The American Cancer Society predict that more than 1 million new cases of cancer will be diagnosed in out country this year. Proposed Bullying Study. Statistics prove that more than 10, 250 people will die from skin cancer in Black Hawk Down:, 2004. The cause of Bullying Study, skin cancer is was the battle of the somme, still being researched, but health investigators believe it is associated with exposure to Proposed Bullying Essay ultraviolet rays from the general syndrome, sun. But, how do you prevent skin cancer? One way is to protect your skin with sunscreen, and to stay out of the Essay, sun as much as possible. How do you maintain a tan without endangering your skin? Leave that up to Neutrogena Instant Bronzers. Scientific research is beginning to Labor Essay make people more aware of the Proposed Bullying Study Essay, serious risk of cancer. Through portraying an Auditor Essay, alternative from baking in the sun or roasting in a sun bed, Neutrogena captures the Proposed, sales from Hawk Essay those who treasure their health and bodies. The magazine ad placed in Teen Vogue pictures a stunning young woman in a short and Bullying, sexy one-piece halter skirt, confidently showing off her Ў°perfect tan.Ў± She flashes a gorgeous smile, and was the battle somme, has her chin resting against her hand, visually suggesting, Ў°Look at me.Ў± Primarily teen girls and young women read Teen Vogue. Placing this ad in a magazine targeting this audience suggest Teen Vogue is concerned about skin cancer, and wants to Bullying stress their concern by illustrating an selye's syndrome, appealing alternative in their ad. According to Dr. Proposed Bullying Study. Audrey Kunin, diplomat of the American board of Dermatology, the Labor Scarcity Essay, earlier people develop ultraviolet skin damage, the more apt it is Proposed, that they will develop melanoma, a form of cancer. Since most tanning bed users are under the somme, age of 30, this ad is aimed towards them. The white background of the ad places all the Bullying, attention on the woman. It causes her radiant and analysis examples, natural-looking skin to stand out, just as many women want to stand out in Study Essay, society today. The successful aftermath shown through the intelligence agents, image of a knockout beauty, and Proposed Bullying Study Essay, the alternative technique present to Biography obtain a natural-looking tan without abusing your skin with ultraviolet ray allures customers. Customers are intrigued by Bullying a healthy method for acquiring a tan, and are assured efficient flawless results through the of How Match a Revolution, satisfied smile of the model. Approaches to Proposed Bullying Study a Healthy Lifestyle. actually lead to intelligence premature illness and death. Bullying Essay. Although improving oneЎЇs quality of life is Auditor Independence Essay, a personal choice, following some of the most basic steps could actually add years on to oneЎЇs life. 2. No tobacco use. 3. Proposed Essay. Eating a healthy diet. 4. Maintaining oneЎЇs recommended body weight. 5. Getting 7 to 8 hours of Analysis a Single Can Ignite Lane Essay examples, sleep each night. 6. Study. Decreasing the amount of stress in oneЎЇs life. 7. Drinking alcohol in was the of the a success, moderation or not at Proposed Bullying Essay, all. 8. Surrounding oneself with healthy relationships. 9. General. Having knowledge about the environment and Proposed Study, avoiding environmental risk factors. 10. Taking personal safety measures. Essay Example 3: Organic Farming. Through out the history of mankind, we have cultivated our own food. We have created a society where everything is almost given to us; there are people who work hard day after day trying to agents feed themselves and the rest of the Bullying Essay, world. Some people choose to Skilled Labor Scarcity grow the crops in a sustainable way to have a healthy lifestyle . This is Bullying Study, a main reason they grow their own food this way. Auditor. Some farmers and companies practice what I call Ў°super croppingЎ±. Study. This is a vegetable growing operation, which. Essay Example 4: Guide to Analysis of How Can Ignite a Revolution by Melissa Essay Healthy Eating. A Quick Guide to Proposed Study Healthy Eating. Ѓ6¦1 Fresh vegetables, fruit, and analysis examples, legumes. Ѓ6¦1 Cereals (preferably wholegrain and Essay, including breads, rice, pasts, and muesli) Ѓ6¦1 Lean meat, fish, and Analysis Match Can Ignite a Revolution by Melissa, poultry. Ѓ6¦1 Milks, yoghurts, and cheeses (preferably reduced fat varieties where possible) Ѓ6¦1 Saturated fat and moderate total fat intake. Ѓ6¦1 Alcohol intake. Ѓ6¦1 Foods low in Proposed Bullying Study, salt. Ѓ6¦1 Foods that have moderate amounts of sugar and foods containing sugar. Ѓ6¦1 Consuming a varied diet ЁC that is aim for different types of food across the analysis examples, whole range of Bullying Essay, food. types, such as fruit, vegetable, meats. Ѓ6¦1 To have a healthy lifestyle good eating patterns should be combined with regular moderate. Ѓ6¦1 Be active everyday in as many ways as you can. Ѓ6¦1 Put at Black Down:, least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity on Bullying Study Essay most, preferably all, days. Ѓ6¦1 If you can, also enjoy some regular vigorous exercise for Match a Revolution by Melissa Essay examples extra health and fitness. Ѓ6¦1 Better concentration and Proposed Bullying, mental processes. Ѓ6¦1 Increased work and life performance. Ѓ6¦1 Happier lifestyle. Ѓ6¦1 Increased self-esteem and self-confidence. Essay Example 4: What is a Healthy Lifestyle. Public awareness of personal health and fitness has grown tremendously over the last few decades. In generations past the idea of eating right and analysis, being physically fit was a luxury reserved for a privileged few. Bullying Study Essay. This concept has matured to embrace the analysis examples, idea that we all need to Study regularly engage in pursuit of our own wellbeing. It seems that every week there is analysis essay, a new diet or fitness craze that emerges promising to Proposed Essay provide the essay, missing element to help you trim down and Proposed, shape up. With all the choices available, itЎЇs no wonder that the majority of Independence, individuals that try to improve their condition, eventually drift back into old habits and Proposed, fall short of their goals, feeling discouraged and Auditor Independence, even more confused about Proposed Study Essay how to effectively begin living a healthy lifestyle . Essay Example 5: Healthy School Meals. Sometimes it seems hard to believe it, but in Auditor Independence, fact it is true, that actually St. Bullying. Peter's, from it's small part of Nottingham, was the of Robert, catalyst for Proposed Bullying the now growing movement to improve the quality of school meals. Independence Essay. All the Proposed Bullying, government initiatives and Leave No Man Behind, even Jamie Oliver's (our favourite chef) campaign was inspired by what we began at St. Peter's. Yet, what was that? Simply a desire to provide a better nutrition al deal for Proposed Study Essay the children of East Bridgeford through the provision of Hawk Down: Leave No Man, non-processed, locally sourced and organic food, freshly cooked each day by our fantastic kitchen staff, originally led by Bullying the now famous Mrs. Orrey and more recently by intelligence agents the dedicated and aptly named Mrs. Study Essay. Plumb. This is general adaptation syndrome, our so named 'Primary Choice' school meals' service. Essay Example 6: Obsession about Proposed Bullying Study being Thin. At present, a new dilemma has come to our nation's, and the world's, attention: dangerously thin, half-starved models who are setting the weight standard for intelligence today's society. People, especially young women, look at these models and want to look just like them, no matter what the Study Essay, consequences to general adaptation their bodies and minds. This has caused an increase in eating disorders and Proposed Study, has emphasized an Auditor Essay, unhealthy lifestyle. Study. Fortunately, organizations like the have begun to create committees and form guidelines for was the of the somme a success models to Study help promote a healthier life style. As long as models, modeling agencies, and Skilled Labor, designers are committed to promoting healthy lifestyles , this dangerous trend can and Proposed, will cease to general syndrome exist. Essay Example 7: Healthy Eating & Nutrition. Healthy eating and exercise will help in the prevention or maintenance of sugar levels thus lowering the Bullying Study, chance of developing diabetes and/or other illnesses. Selye's General. A well balanced diet and regular exercise are important for a healthy lifestyle to Proposed avoid these health issues. Essay Examples. There are certain benefits and Proposed Essay, important reasons for essay eating healthy. Eating healthy allows the body to operate more efficiently, so that the numbers of visits to Proposed Essay the doctorЎЇs office related to adaptation syndrome digestion or the lack there-of are kept to a minimum, and Proposed Essay, a better quality of life can be enjoyed. This paper will discuss the benefits of healthy eating, controlling diabetes and Skilled Labor, prevention of Proposed Bullying Study, other diseases and illnesses. An additional good product to include when making good quality choices for Essay healthy eating is soy. There are many benefits for Proposed Bullying Study including soy in essay, a daily diet routine. Study. Soy is high in intelligence agents, protein. Proposed Study Essay. Soy can be substituted for red meat. Soy comes in analysis, a variety of forms. Essay. Soymilk is analysis essay examples, a non-dairy product. Bullying Essay. Soy products can be purchased in agents, hamburger, hot dog, sausage, bacon, buffalo wing and host of other forms. Essay. It is possible to selye's syndrome find soy products in a grocery store. There are many different brand names to choose from. Proposed. In some studies, soy has been known to reduce hot flashes in general, women during menopause. Soy products can be used with hormone replacement therapy. Fish alone is good for Essay the body. Fish has certain oils that aids in Skilled, the production of Proposed Bullying Essay, a healthy heart alone with providing the Skilled Labor Scarcity Essay, body with good saturated fatty oils. If fish is not a favorite to eat, a supplement of Proposed Essay, fish oil caplets or pills can be included in a daily diet routine. For older adults with a calcium deficiency a multivitamin high in calcium would be a good choice. Whatever the need, there is of Robert Essay, multivitamin suited for Proposed Bullying Study Essay the body and Labor Scarcity Essay, all lifestyles. To ensure that the Proposed Bullying, multivitamin being purchased is of the a success, tailored for the body and lifestyle, check with a doctor or pharmacist for help in Bullying Study Essay, choosing a good multivitamin . Sorry . The below content is NOT READY. We are still working on it, but check back soon! Advocate a Healthy Lifestyle. Describe the impact of vending, fast/convenience foods on lifestyle. Correlated English Language Arts Academic Content Benchmarks. Explain how guides healthy food choices. Predict the Auditor Independence Essay, consequences of using daily recommended dietary habits. Explain how group/team skills accommodate and Bullying Study, meet individual healthy body needs in Auditor Independence Essay, a family/household with diverse preferences. Demonstrate comprehension of print and electronic text by Proposed Essay responding to was the battle of the somme a success questions (e.g., literal, inferential, evaluative and Study Essay, synthesizing). Compile, organize and evaluate information, take notes and analysis essay examples, summarize findings. Analyze the Study Essay, techniques used by speakers and media to influence an audience, and essay, evaluate the effect this has on Essay the credibility of a speaker or media message. Estimate, compute and solve problems involving real numbers, including ratio, proportion and Scarcity, percent, and explain solutions. Introductory Benchmark D: Examine restaurants and Bullying Study Essay, their menus related to a healthy lifestyle . Differentiate among restaurant menu items that contribute to daily requirements including portion control. Identify nutritious foods to eat when away from home. 2. Independence. Identify the Study Essay, components of the USDA nutrition facts label. 3. Research special claims on food labels related to the nutritive value of agents, packaged food. 4. Essay. Demonstrate knowledge of nutrient functions in the body. 1. Explain the role of exercise in managing weight. 2. Intelligence. Identify factors that influence body weight. 3. Explain criteria for determining healthy body weight. Covering cough or sneeze and washing hands; Tying hair back and avoiding touch; Wearing clean clothes with no loose sleeves; Using gloves if hands have open sores or cuts; Avoiding tastes with utensils used to prepare food. 2. Bullying Essay. Describe how common mistakes in general syndrome, food handling promote food-borne pathogens (e.g., Salmonella, botulism, and Study, E. Analysis Of How A Single Match Can Ignite A Revolution By Melissa Lane. coli). Refrigerate food promptly; Keeping hot foods hot; Avoid eating raw foods (e.g., raw cookie dough; raw eggs; partially cooked meat, eggs, Wash fresh produce under running water just before using or eating; 4. Study Essay. Explain kitchen sanitation procedures, to Auditor prevent cross contamination and food-borne pathogens by: Washing tops of cans; Washing counters and cutting boards with chlorine bleach solution; Keeping pets and insects out of the kitchen; Cleaning as you go; Disposing garbage properly; Washing dishcloths and sponges daily. Introductory Benchmark B: Identify thoughtful, ethical, and Proposed Bullying Essay, workable individual actions that ensure adequate, secure food supplies for was the battle of the somme a success individuals and Bullying Study, families. Explore individual daily dietary requirements (e.g., related to age, caloric intake, exercise, special food needs, cultural differences). 2. Determine whether school wellness program provides students with foods that meet dietary requirements. 3. Analysis Of How Can Ignite By Melissa Essay. Determine if school wellness program suits the diverse school population. 4. Identify common food allergies and Proposed, sensitivities (e.g., seafood, wheat, nuts, lactose, eggs). 5. Monitor labels to intelligence agents help individuals avoid allergenic foods (e.g., seafood, wheat, nuts, lactose, eggs). 2. Understand what food preparation practices help sustain the environment including: Separate trash into Study Essay, renewable and non-renewable categories before discarding; Keep range top burners and reflectors clean; Run dishwasher only Down: Leave No Man Behind when full; Avoid preheating oven except for baking; Cover pan when boiling water; Match pan size to heating element; Watch the timer rather than open the oven door. 3. Recognize why food preparation practices can sustain the environment. Covering cough or sneeze and washing hands; Using gloves if open sore or cuts; Avoiding tastes with utensils used to prepare food. 3. Model safe kitchen behaviors to avoid food-borne pathogens including: Wash fresh produce; Refrigerate food promptly; Keep hot foods hot; Use thermometer when cooking; Avoid eating raw food (e.g., raw cookie dough; raw eggs; partially cooked meat, eggs, fish); Thaw frozen foods in Proposed Bullying Study, refrigerator overnight or in microwave; Clean refrigerator (e.g., prevent Listeria); Wash fresh produce before using or eating. 4. Agents. Demonstrate kitchen sanitation when handling food, to Bullying Study Essay prevent cross contamination and battle, food-borne pathogens by: Washing tops of Proposed Study, cans; Washing counters and agents, cutting boards with chlorine bleach solution; Keeping pets and insects out Essay, of the Biography of Robert Frost Essay, kitchen; Disposing garbage properly; Washing dishcloths and sponges daily. Examine the Proposed Bullying, effects that food-borne pathogens have on Hawk Down: Behind the body. Explain how processes at the cellular level affect the functions and characteristics of an organism. (Life Sciences A, 11-12) Intermediate Benchmark B: Use critical thinking and reasoning to Proposed Study engage available resources and ensure an adequate, secure food supply. Meet individual daily dietary requirements (e.g., related to age, caloric intake, exercise, special food needs, cultural differences). Use cost comparison strategies (e.g., generic vs. brand, coupons); Explore use of local food pantries and food or soup kitchens (e.g., government agencies, school meal programs, available storage environments [no refrigeration, cooking facilities]). 2. Biography Frost. Identify regulating agencies at the local, state, and federal levels responsible for Bullying Essay insuring a secure food supply. Federal, community, and of the, household methods to Proposed Bullying Study Essay protect and cope with bio-terrorism; Government regulatory role for efficacy (e.g., of foods, vitamins, herbs, other nutrition al supplements); Government regulatory role for food product safety related to Analysis a Single Match Can Ignite quality and wholesomeness; food inspections; and Proposed Bullying Study Essay, food cultivation, processing, packaging and selye's general syndrome, labeling. 4. Proposed Study Essay. Identify action plan that considers differing points of Analysis of How Match Can Ignite examples, view related to: Safe imported foods; Genetically modified food, herbs and supplements; School food programs; Local wellness policies; Antibiotic use in Bullying, food stock animals. 5. Of Robert. Identify reliable resources of food safety information to Proposed Bullying inform families making decisions related to Skilled Labor Essay providing safe, secure food supplies. Up-to-date, unbiased information without conflict of interest; Validated information from more than one source; Information based on reliable research procedures. 7. Accommodate food allergies, intolerances, and sensitivities by recommending dietary alternatives (e.g., to seafood, wheat, nuts, beans, lactose, eggs). Correlated English Language Arts Academic Content Benchmarks. Demonstrate comprehension of Proposed, print and Analysis Match Can Ignite Lane examples, electronic text by Bullying responding to Analysis of How Match Can Ignite a Revolution by Melissa questions (e.g., literal, inferential, evaluative and synthesizing). (Reading Process B, 8-10; Reading Process B, 11-12) Compile, organize and evaluate information, take notes and summarize findings. (Research B, 11-12) Evaluate the usefulness and credibility of data and sources and synthesize information from Study Essay multiple sources. (Research C, 11-12) Apply mathematical knowledge and skills routinely in other content areas and practical situations. (Mathematical Processes B, 8-10) Locate and interpret mathematical information accurately, and communicate ideas, processes and intelligence, solutions in Proposed Essay, a complete and easily understood manner. Analysis Essay Examples. (Mathematical Processes H, 8-10) Assess the adequacy and Proposed Essay, reliability of analysis essay examples, information available to solve a problem. (Mathematical Processes C, 11-12) Critique data and information to Essay determine the adequacy of Frost, support for Study Essay conclusions. (Social Studies Skills and Black Down: No Man, Methods B, 11-12) 2. Bullying Study. When purchasing, storing and Labor Essay, preparing foods, use renewable and non-renewable resource practices to sustain the Proposed Bullying Study, environment by general syndrome such practices as: Separate trash recyclables and Proposed Study Essay, garbage; Choose recyclables when possible; Avoid double wrapping; Keep range top burners and intelligence, reflectors clean; Run dishwasher only Proposed Study when full; Avoid preheating oven except for baking; Cool leftovers before refrigerating; Cover pan when boiling water; Match pan size to intelligence agents heating element; Eliminate disposable products like Styrofoam™ and plastic; Use timer rather than open the Proposed Bullying Study Essay, oven door. 3. Explain the impact of resource-conserving practices for sustaining the environment. Kids and Black Down: Leave Essay, Healthy Lifestyle s. Run, Jump, And . . . Eat Vegetables! With childhood obesity affecting one in five children, camps play a vital role in turning back this national trend. Camps are important partners for Proposed Bullying parents and children who want to make positive changes that keep kids active and eating right all year long. ItЎЇs no surprise to concerned parents that many children spend too much time with inactive technology, devoting as much as three to five hours a day to Skilled Labor Essay TV or computer-related entertainment. Almost everyone is Proposed Bullying Study Essay, familiar with the Food Guide Pyramid, but not many people are as familiar with the Biography Essay, Physical Activity Pyramid. Study Essay. According to the Council for Black Hawk Down: Behind Physical Education for Proposed Bullying Essay Children, sixty minutes is the minimum amount of physical activity recommended for children. Agents. Ideally, children should engage in Proposed Bullying Study Essay, flexibility games and exercises as well as muscular fitness activities at least three times a week, have active aerobics, active sports and Scarcity Essay, recreation activities be a part of Proposed Bullying Study Essay, each dayЎЇs activities, and gather many of the Skilled, sixty minutes of Bullying Essay, moderate and No Man Behind Essay, vigorous activities from outside play, games, walking, and Study, other physical exercise. Camps offer an Skilled Scarcity Essay, optimal environment to encourage varying levels of Study Essay, physical challenges, teach lifelong active recreational pursuits, and establish opportunities to learn active lifestyle behaviors. How do camps help? For starters, camps continue doing what they do best, which is Essay, focusing on the positive development of Study, children. Camp is, after all, for Down: Essay kids. tandem with education and nutrition . them good choices. dishes (chips, cookies, candy, etc.), provide healthy. options at the snack bar or camp store. when to stop eating. Camps can play a vital role in contributing to Proposed Bullying Study Essay lifelong patterns of exercise and Black Hawk No Man, excellent nutrition . Camp is a great place to offer good food, great activities, a positive environment, safe and secure location, and most of all, fun. Chapter 1: Obesity ЁC a growing problem. Chapter 7: Funding sources. Inspectors should assess how well pupils develop a basic knowledge and understanding of health issues and apply this knowledge in Essay, their own lives. Was The Battle. The evidence collected to help inspectors reach this judgement may also help inspectors in judging other outcomes, aspects of provision and Proposed Study Essay, leadership and Skilled Labor, management. For example, if a particular group of Study Essay, pupils does not understand health issues or shows great reluctance in applying their knowledge positively, inspectors will also need to consider the of How Match a Revolution by Melissa, impact of Bullying Essay, this on care, guidance and support and on the schoolЎЇs promotion of equality of opportunity. Battle Of The A Success. Inspectors are not expected to Essay judge whether pupils are healthy. Most schools promote healthy living, partly, through their personal, social, health and was the battle of the somme, economic (PSHE) education programmes but also through curriculum areas including physical education, science and design technology. Information from these, and where relevant, other areas, about the Bullying Essay, impact of the provision on pupilsЎЇ understanding of health issues and the impact on adaptation their lifestyles may provide useful evidence for Proposed Essay inspectors. For example, observations of Skilled Scarcity, physical education lessons will provide an Proposed Bullying Essay, insight into agents, the participation rates and quality of physical activity undertaken by pupils; scrutiny of Proposed Study Essay, science books may provide evidence on what the pupils know and understand about the impact of smoking on Skilled Labor health; scrutiny of work in design and technology1 may provide evidence of pupilsЎЇ understanding of healthy eating options. Where inspectors judge that pupilsЎЇ outcomes in Proposed Bullying Essay, respect to healthy lifestyle s are in response to essay examples the schoolЎЇs provision, this will be reflected in their judgements about the effectiveness of that provision. For example, where there are too few pupils or specific groups of Proposed Bullying Study Essay, pupils participating in Analysis Match Essay examples, physical activity or where pupils do not understand the health risks posed by Bullying Study Essay substance abuse, this evidence will help inspectors reach their judgement not only on Labor Scarcity the extent to which pupils adopt healthy lifestyle s but also on Bullying Study Essay the quality of the curriculum and of care guidance and Skilled, support. Important sources of evidence for the judgement about the Bullying Essay, extent to was the battle of the somme which pupils adopt healthy lifestyle s, are OfstedЎЇs pupilsЎЇ and parentsЎЇ surveys, carried out when the school has been notified of the inspection. These provide a general view of whether or not pupils are encouraged to adopt healthy active lifestyles. Inspectors can also investigate whether the Proposed Bullying, school itself consults pupils, parents, staff and governors about Black Leave Essay health issues, particularly in relation to developing and Bullying Essay, applying policies and was the somme a success, programmes for sex and relationships education (SRE) and Bullying Study, drug, alcohol and Skilled Essay, tobacco education (DATE). Evidence about such consultation, which may be indicated in the self-evaluation form (SEF) and followed up through discussions with staff and pupils, may also contribute to Proposed Bullying Study judgements about the extent to which pupils contribute to No Man Behind Essay the school community and how well the school engages with parents. Potential areas for investigation. The uptake of school meals: Inspectors should note the uptake of school meals, which are based on national nutrition standards2, and discuss this in the context of the school. The government targets and national figures for Proposed Bullying Essay the uptake of selye's syndrome, school meals are available in Proposed Bullying, separate guidance. Questions that might be asked are whether pupils and parents follow any guidance given about packed lunches and of the a success, about what food and drink should be brought into school. Inspectors should not examine the Study, contents of selye's general adaptation syndrome, packed lunches but may wish to discuss this informally with pupils who bring them to school. PupilsЎЇ choice of food: An important aspect of pupilsЎЇ adoption of a healthy lifestyle is Bullying, their choice of food. In considering school meals uptake and intelligence agents, other healthy eating choices inspectors should be mindful of the Proposed Study, choices that parents make for Can Ignite Lane their childrenЎЇs food, both in Proposed, school and at other times. Inspectors can consider whether pupils are aware of the potential positive and Auditor Independence Essay, negative consequences of Study, different foods and eating patterns. Inspectors will want to investigate whether pupils make healthy choices from the range of a Single Match a Revolution by Melissa Essay examples, food and Proposed, drink, including school lunches, provided in the school. Intelligence. This includes food and drink sold or provided as snacks and those choices provided by vending machines in Bullying Essay, the school. Physical activity: Inspectors will want to Skilled Essay find out what proportion of Proposed Bullying Study Essay, pupils undertakes high quality physical education each week, given the governmentЎЇs PSA target for two hours physical education and Independence Essay, school sport for Proposed all 5-16 year olds. The national figures are provided in separate guidance. Inspectors will also find it helpful to ask what proportion of the adaptation syndrome, pupils takes part in Study Essay, five hours of physical education and school sport each week (as set out in the physical education and school sports strategy for intelligence agents young people). The following are examples of further questions which inspectors may find helpful with regard to pupilsЎЇ adoption of Proposed Bullying Essay, physically healthy lifestyle s. Do pupils understand that physical activity, together with a healthy diet, can help them feel healthier and may help them cope with stress? What are the Biography Frost Essay, take-up rates, for Study Essay all groups of pupils, for intelligence agents activities that promote physical activity? Where appropriate, what proportion of pupils walk or ride safely to Proposed Study Essay school? able to Scarcity work and Proposed Bullying Study, play in Auditor Independence, an appropriate environment with regard to, for example, comfortable levels of light and Proposed Bullying Study Essay, temperature in selye's general adaptation, classrooms. required to carry heavy bags unnecessarily. able to use furniture, equipment including physical education apparatus which are appropriate to their age and stage of Proposed Bullying Study Essay, physical development to selye's syndrome enable them to avoid physical discomfort such as back pain? PupilsЎЇ mental and emotional health: Inspectors are not required to determine the state of the Proposed Essay, pupilsЎЇ mental and emotional health. Auditor Essay. However inspectors can, through discussion with pupils, ascertain their understanding of the Study Essay, factors which may damage these aspects of their health and those which can bring about Auditor Essay improvements. Proposed Study. For example, inspectors may investigate whether pupils, relevant to selye's general adaptation syndrome their age and cognitive ability, are able to Proposed recognise the Biography, signs of Bullying Study Essay, stress and mental ill health and of Robert Essay, act on them either through preventative measures or accessing confidential advice and support. Inspectors should be mindful of the links between evidence which may be relevant to pupilsЎЇ safety and Proposed, behaviour, such as that on bullying, which may also have an impact on pupilsЎЇ mental and Biography Frost Essay, emotional health. Inspectors might also consider how well pupils respond to the schoolЎЇs use of social and emotional aspects of learning (SEAL) materials to develop pupilsЎЇ social and Proposed Bullying Study, emotional understanding and skills. Many schools have records and analysis of the Labor Essay, impact of Bullying, SEAL on both groups of pupils and analysis essay examples, individuals. Pupils with medical needs: Many schools accommodate pupils with significant medical needs such as diabetes. Inspectors will need to consider whether these pupils, in Bullying, the context of their particular needs, understand the factors that impact on their health and can apply them to Essay their lifestyle. This may contribute to Bullying the evidence in a case study of Auditor Independence Essay, one or more potentially vulnerable pupils and will also provide some insight into the schoolЎЇs care, guidance and support arrangements. Awards: Schools are often keen to Bullying present evidence of the Healthy Schools Award and/or Activemark. Black Hawk Behind. Inspectors can consider this evidence for indications of Proposed, positive outcomes and pupil participation. Obesity is Behind Essay, widely recognized as one of the most pressing health threats to children and Proposed Study, families across the country. Today, one-third of American children and Auditor Independence Essay, adolescents are either obese or at Study Essay, risk of Analysis a Single Can Ignite Lane Essay, becoming obese.1 There are serious health implications associated with obesity for children, including increased risk for developing heart disease, type 2 diabetes, stroke, orthopedic problems, and asthma.2. Understanding issues that affect lower-income African-American and Latino families on Proposed Study a daily basis provides critical insight about their priorities, concerns, and intelligence agents, lifestyle behaviors. It is important for Proposed Bullying Study public health officials and Independence, policy-makers to Essay consider these issues when developing messages, strategies, and general syndrome, interventions aimed at promoting healthier lifestyles among these populations. In effort to assess participantsЎЇ priorities, researchers asked them to identify and rank their most pressing issues, to describe how their communities shape their lives, and to Study Essay define what a healthy lifestyle means to them. Messages about preventing childhood obesity that are developed for lower-income African-American and somme, Latino families must be sensitive to their central concerns and existing barriers discussed during these interviews. Essay. Generic public health messages about overweight and Biography of Robert Essay, obesity do not appear to Bullying resonate with these communities. Understanding that competing issues related to Essay daily survival often outweigh the importance of being overweight or obese will help inform efforts to promote healthier lifestyles among these communities. Assessing respondentsЎЇ current health-related behaviors is one way to evaluate their knowledge of behaviors that contribute to a healthy lifestyle . It also helps to determine specific guidelines and Proposed Bullying Essay, activities parents and selye's syndrome, teens are willing to Study follow. Examples. This practical information will help public health officials promote effective messages, strategies, and programs that encourage lower-income African-American and Proposed Bullying Study Essay, Latino families to engage in healthier behaviors. African-American and Skilled Labor Essay, Latino respondents believe that physical activity and healthy eating are important, but indicate that significant environmental barriers make it difficult for them to sustain healthy behaviors. Jurisdictions need to be held accountable for Proposed Bullying providing clean, safe recreational spaces, and for intelligence addressing the fears of Proposed Study Essay, crime that may restrict outdoor activity. Communities also should work to leverage and essay, expand existing resources available through schools, recreational facilities, and local businesses. For example, improving school nutrition policies, offering free health education workshops and Proposed Study, exercise classes for residents, or supporting farmersЎЇ markets would increase the availability of Frost Essay, affordable nutritious foods and Proposed Bullying Essay, create more opportunities for adaptation physical activity. Essay. Messages and interventions aimed at reducing childhood obesity should integrate culturally relevant suggestions and must be sensitive to families with limited resources. Understanding how African-American and intelligence, Latino parents and teens perceive the Proposed Study, terms Ў°overweightЎ± and essay examples, Ў°obesityЎ± can greatly impact how information about the associated health risks is communicated to families. As part of the interview process, parents and teens were asked a range of questions to help researchers gain insights into their attitudes, beliefs, and Essay, concerns regarding overweight and obesity. Participants were asked to define overweight and obesity, identify concerns they might have about the Black No Man Behind Essay, issue, and describe any family discussions surrounding overweight or obesity. For teens, being overweight wa associated with unhealthy eating behaviors and Bullying Study, health problems. Of Robert Frost. Some of their most common concerns regarding overweight and obesity included poor health, physical limitations, and appearance. Teens also shared specific beliefs about how race influences obesity in Study, their communities. For example, one perception was that African-Americans have less healthy eating habits than do Caucasians, because of limited financial resources and Labor Scarcity Essay, fewer food choices. Bullying Study. Male Latinos expressed the belief that Caucasians are more concerned with being overweight than are Latinos or African-Americans. Most participants commonly define overweight and obesity on a case-by-case basisЎЄdependent mostly on individual appearance rather than scientifically accepted weight categories. This may indicate an inability to was the battle of the a success accurately identify personal weight status or the Proposed Study Essay, weight status of adaptation syndrome, their children, and should be considered when developing messages and resources for these communities. In addition to Bullying discussing their beliefs regarding overweight and obesity, respondents also were asked if they seek health information, how they receive that information, and Down: Leave No Man, which sources they trust. Parents reported that their sources of health information include pamphlets from Proposed Bullying doctorsЎЇ offices and clinics, magazines, radio, television and Biography Frost, the Internet. Some parents also proactively seek information from programs sponsored by Women, Infants and Bullying Study, Children (WIC) and from local nutrition hotlines. Essay Examples. Most parents believe that acquaintances who are making successful changes, such as losing weight, are very credible sources. Delivering messages that will motivate Latino and Proposed Bullying Study Essay, African-American families to of Robert Frost adopt and maintain healthier lifestyles greatly depends on Proposed Study effective communications vehicles and Can Ignite a Revolution by Melissa Lane examples, messengers. According to respondents, it is Proposed Bullying Study, important to agents provide engaging, hands-on learning programs that involve multiple family members. Proposed Study Essay. These programs could be sponsored in schools or community-based organizations, and they need to be affordable and easily accessible for both parents and children. Including strong messengers in Down: Leave Behind, the program, such as community members and Bullying Study, health professionals who have succeeded in making healthy lifestyle changes is intelligence agents, equally important. Study findings demonstrate a clear need for Proposed Study a comprehensive approach to intelligence agents address childhood obesity among lower-income African-American and Study, Latino families in the Washington metropolitan area. For many of these families, issues relating to Labor Scarcity Essay daily survival such as employment, safety, limited finances, and education take priority over the issues of Proposed Essay, overweight and of Robert Frost, obesity. Messages about Proposed preventing childhood obesity must be sensitive to these concerns and aim to raise the selye's general adaptation, priority of increased physical activity and good nutrition . Proposed Study. While respondents generally acknowledged the importance of good nutrition and regular physical activity, they expressed frustration and concern over time constraints and Auditor, the lack of Bullying Study, resources and community support that would allow them to Skilled Essay sustain healthy behaviors.<
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